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CIVL4450 Traffic Flow Theory and Emerging Technologies Tutorial Week 6


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Tutorial Week 6

CIVL4450 Traffic Flow Theory and Emerging Technologies

The aim of this exercise is to develop a cell transmission model for the below highway

stretch of 4 km. Figure 1 presents the study area, which consists of 8 cells of 500m each, one on-ramp and one off-ramp.


For all the cells of the highway, you can use a triangular fundamental diagram with the following parameters;

•   Jam density: 120 veh/km/lane

•   Critical density: 20% of the jam density

•    Maximum flow: 2000 veh/h/lane

The demand profiles overtime for the mainline entrance and the on-ramp are given in

Figure 2. Initially, the highway does not have any vehicles (i.e., the initial density values are zero; pi (k) = 0,  ∀i). The split ratio for vehicles exiting the highway at the off-ramp is 40%. Assume time step is 20 sec.


Please download the Python script which is provided in Blackboard-> Learning Resources-> Week 6.

Please complete the lines in the Python script where it is noted ‘### PLEASE COMPLETE ###’ . Note that the variable that you are to define and the unit that you need to use (if  needed) are given in the script.