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HW 01 Engineering properties of food materials


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HW 01 Engineering properties of food materials

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Due   Friday by 11:59pm         Points Available   after Sep 15 at 12am



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HW 1. Engineering properties of food materials

NOTE: Solutions for Problems 2&4 (data & plots) should be submitted as an Excel workbook, and problems 1 &3 (word, jpeg, pdf)

1. (15 pts) Convert to SI units (show your conversions)

2500 lbm×ft /s2 to N

52 Btu/lbmoF to J/kgoC

10 kcal/min ft oF to W/mK

2. (35 pts) In the paper, (see below) conductivity of the various food materials has been measured at different temperatures. Using experimental data from Table 3 for Celery, Chicken, and Chowmen   sauce, do the following:

Plot conductivity data as a function of the temperature, including STD (standard deviation)

Using a linear trend line in Excel determine the empirical formula for the temperature dependence of the conductivity and R   (a goodness-of-fit measure). Is this a good fit?

Priyank Tulsiyan, Sanjay Sarang & Sudhir K. Sastry (2008) Electrical Conductivity of Multicomponent

Systems During Ohmic Heating, International Journal of Food Properties, 11:1, 233-241, DOI:

3. (25 pts) Read the article “Effect of Temperature and Composition on Thermal Conductivity of “Mlinci” Dough by B. ŠERUGA, et all. (paper is placed in the Files folder)

Provide a brief explanation of the data depicted in Fig.1: Why does dough thermal conductivity increase and then decrease with the temperature rise?

4. (25 pts) Using given empirical formulas for thermal conductivity (see lecture slides),calculate and plot estimated values for foods with water content in the range of 5...95%  as a function of temperature.