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CSC242 Exam 1 Introduction to Artifi cial Intelligence - SPRING2022ASE


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Review Test Submission: CSC242 Exam 1


Introduction to ArtiÑcia l Intelligence - SPRING2022ASE


CSC242 Exam 1

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All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Feedback, Incorrectly Answered Questions

Question 1

Read the following Statement of Academic Honesty and then type your name to sign it:

I affirm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help on this exam, and that all work will be my own.

Selected Answer:         I aÔrm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help on this exam, and that all work will be my own.

Correct Answer:

Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity

Pattern Match .+

Question 2

The following table lists the states and their successors for a state-space search problem domain.

State Successors    State  Successors

A S, T, Z M        D, L

B F, G, P, U         N I

C D, P, R              O S, Z

D C, M P B, C, R

E H R C, P, S

F B, S S A, F, O, R

I          N, V V I, U

L M, T Z A, O

Successor states are generated in the order given in the table (alphabetical order).

On your paper, perform a breadth-first graph search using a FIFO queue for the frontier for the problem of getting from C to B. Use only the generic “graphSearch” procedure seen in class and described in the textbook. Do not test whether a state is a goal before adding a node for it to the frontier.

Then answer the following questions by writing only one state name or the requested number in each text field.

(a) What is the state for the first node explored by the search? (FYI: A node is “explored” when it is removed from the frontier.) Your answer: [A]

(b) What is the state for the second-to-last node explored by the search?

Your answer: [B]

(c) What is the state for the last node explored by the search?

Your answer: [C]

(d) How many nodes are added to the frontier by the search?

Your answer: [D]

(e) How many nodes are still on the frontier when the search is done?

Your answer: [E]

SpeciÑed Answer for: A C

SpeciÑed Answer for: B M

SpeciÑed Answer for: C B

SpeciÑed Answer for: D 11

SpeciÑed Answer for: E 5

Correct Answers for: A

Evaluation Method Correct Answer Case Sensitivity

Exact Match


Correct Answers for: B

Evaluation Method

Correct Answer

Case Sensitivity

Exact Match


Correct Answers for: C

Evaluation Method

Correct Answer

Case Sensitivity

Exact Match


Correct Answers for: D

Evaluation Method

Correct Answer

Case Sensitivity

Exact Match 8

Correct Answers for: E

Evaluation Method

Exact Match

Correct Answer


Case Sensitivity

Response Feedback:

FYI: (1) We are not building a tree and searching it. We are doing state-space search. (2) The “graphSearch” procedure will not add a state to the frontier if it is already in the explored set.

Question 3

3 out of 5 points

The following table lists the states and their successors for a state-space search problem domain.






S, T, Z


D, L


F, G, P, U




D, P, R


S, Z