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Computer Science 320SC – (2023) Programming Assignment 4


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Computer Science 320sc (2023)

Programming Assignment 4

Due: oct 01 2023 (11:59pm)

Academic Integrity

Before attempting to solve the assignment, please read the message below very carefully.

As described on https://academicintegrity.cs.auckland.ac.nz/, you must NOT

. use all or part of another student,s solution to the assignment.  changing variable names or substituting words in a sentence does not make it your solution.

. Allow someone else to complete all or part of the assignment for you.

. solicit answers for the assignment on contract-cheating websites such  as  chegg.com  and Bartleby.com.

. use code from Internet sources such as stackOverlow or generative-AI tools such as chat- GpT. You are encouraged to learn from Internet sources and tools, but you need to come up with your own implementation of the code to show your learning.

. Allow another student to copy all or part of your solution to the assignment. .  Do all or part of an assignment for someone else.

. share code that can lead to the solution of an assignment.

. post the assignment anywhere online or share it with anyone else. The assignment material is copyrighted and sharing or posting them online violates our copyright.

. post your solution online on public websites.   Your  online  solutions will encourage other students to copy your solution. private GitHub repositories and other private online stor- age drives are acceptable, and you can also share your solution privately with prospective employers.

. Reuse your own work unless discussed otherwise with the lecturer.

.  Leave your computers, devices, and belongings unattended you must secure these at all times to prevent anyone having access to your assessments or solutions.

Last year, out of 218 students, there were 20 misconducted cases found on Task 1 and 18 misconducted cases found on Task 2.   we kept the submissions from the last few years to run MOss at https: //theory.stanford.edu/~aiken/moss/.

I hope that there will be no cases this year!


This 4th assignment lets you get familiar with divide-and-conquer design and development. It is worth 5% of your total course marks.  we would like you to implement efficient divide-and-conquer algorithms for two tasks: Task 1: closest pair in plane and Task 2: counting Intervals. o(nlog n) solutions are preferred since we have set the running time limit on the automated marker.

An excessive number of submissions (over 1o) for a particular problem will accrue a 2o% penalty per that problem if you eventually solve it.  Therefore, please write a bruteforce algorithm and test your divide-and-conquer version with your own generated inputs at scale before submitting to the automated marker.

1 Task 1: closest pair in plain

1.1    problem description

This is the closest pair problem in the lecture. Your input will be a sequence of 2D points, each given on its own line, coordinates are separated by one space.  The coordinates are integers (ranging from -231 to 231 ). You should output the minimum squared Euclidean distance so that the automated marker would not trouble with the double-precision.

1.2    Test case description

There are 3 test cases for the closest pair.

1.  A trial test case of 1o points has no mark.

2.  A test case of 1ook points has 1 mark.

3.  A test case of 1oook points has 2 marks.

sample Input 1:

3  2

0  0

5  7

0  2

sample output 1:


sample Input 2:

-3  2

-10  -100

-5  -7

0  2

sample output 2:


2 Task 2: counting intervals

2.1 problem description

In this task, your input includes a list of n intervals [x, g) where x is the starting point and g is the ending point. Given a list of n query points, for each query q, you need to report the number of intervals containing q.  In other words, you will return the number of intervals  [x, g) such that x 三 q < g. To simplify the task, there are no duplicates of starting and ending points among all n intervals. The values x , g , q are loats with maximum 4 decimal places.

your input will start with the value of n, continuing with n intervals, and n queries.  For each interval, loat coordinates x and g are separated by one space.

For each query q, you should output an integer  (from o to n) that counts the number of intervals containing q. Given an array counteT for n queries, a python script to output should be:

for x  in  counter:


2.2 Test case description

There are 2 test cases for the counting intervals task.

1.  A trial test case of n = 1o has no mark.

2.  A test case of n = 1o, ooo has 2 marks. we expect the algorithm runsin O(nlog n) time, especially each query uses O(log n) operations.

sample Input 1:


1  3

2  5

7  8

9  10





sample output 1:





Note that sample Input 1 is an example for getting the output.  your test cases are like the sample Input 2.

sample Input 2:


1.2345 1.1234 2.4567 1.0001 2.1234 3.1234 4.1234






sample output 2:





submission procedure

submit your program solutions to https://www.automarker.cs.auckland.ac.nz.