关键词 > STAB22

STAB22: Statistics I


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STAB22: Statistics I, Fall 2021

Course Description:

Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting data. Statistical reasoning is an essential skill in a variety of fields including business and finance, economics, social sciences, natural sciences and more. In this course, we will learn about some of the most important techniques used in descriptive statistical analysis and other simple yet key statistical concepts.

The course will be useful to students who seek to gain an understanding of the use of statistics in their field. Our ultimate goal is to gain understanding from data, going from data collection to analysis to conclusions.

Content, emphasis, etc. of the course is defined utilizing the lecture material - not only the textbook. It is important to attend all lectures. Most of the lecture examples will be demonstrated in R statistical software with Rcmdr package. It is recommended to install these, but it is not mandatory. No mathematics prerequisites are assumed and required beyond the secondary school level to take this course.

Course Evaluation:

  A two-hour online exam covering topics completed
  by the first 6 weeks of the course.
  *For students currently living in a different time
  zone, an additional exam time slot will be
  available. Details will be TBA.
  A three-hour online exam covering the entire course.
Quizzes and Lab Report
  15% - Quizzes will be held during tutorials (6
  Quizzes). We will take the best 5 out of 6.
  12% - Submit the complete the lab reports
Quizzical – Authoring
and Practicing questions
  3% - Authoring ONE (the lecture material will be
  randomly assigned) question. Students will
  receive full marks if the question is well
  constructed (rubrics will be posted). Questions
  can be taken from any textbook.
  10% - Starting week 3, you will be required to
  complete at least 5 practice questions pertaining to
  the previous week’s material. Students will
  receive full marks if the scores are at least 60%
  with unlimited attempts.
2% (Bonus)
  Attendance will be checked at a random time
  during live lectures in Lec01. During Lec02, in-
  person students will have attendance checked at a
  random time during live lectures. For Lec61
  students, you must watch the WebOption video
  within 24 hours of the lecture video being posted
  (Instructors can tell who watched the video).


Instructors will be using R statistical software with the “Rcmdr” package (R commander) for simple statistical computing and data visualization. No previous computing experience is assumed. R is free and can be downloaded from http://probability.ca/cran. A step-by-step installation instruction to install “Rcmdr” package will be available in Quercus. It is recommended to install, but not mandatory.


Quizzical (https://quizzical.ca/) is an online tool for writing and testing multiple-choice questions which is created by UTSC Biology professor, Dan Riggs. You will be assigned to write your own multiple choice questions based on lecture material. The question will be evaluated by TAs and will be added to the quiz bank if it is deemed adequate. You can access this bank at any time to test yourself and prep for exams and quizzes. 10% of the exam questions will be selected from the quiz pool.

Course Policies:

● Guidelines for communicating with course instructor

○ Do not email the instructor with questions on lecture and/or tutorial materials. Post your questions on Quercus Piazza under the correct lecture week thread. The instructors and TAs will periodically answer postings. You can also ask questions during the scheduled instructor and TA’s weekly office hours.

○ Contact the instructor via email if you request additional assistance including but not limit to missed tests, missed quizzes, circumstance for late submission etc. When communicating with the course instructor and TA via email please include “STAB22” in the subject line and include your full name and student number somewhere in the email.

● There is NO make-up test or quizzes.

○ The best 5 quizzes out of 6 will be calculated. Once your tutorial is assigned (and after the deadline to switch the tutorial is over), the system will not allow you to take a quiz and submit the lab report in different tutorials.

○ If midterm test is missed for a valid reason, its weight will be shifted to the final exam.

● Late submission of any assessment will NOT be allowed.

● For all formal assessment, students will be asked to turn on “video” so that TAs can invigilate quizzes and tests.

● The weekly lectures will be recorded.