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COMP5328 - Advanced Machine Learning Assignment 1


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COMP5328 - Advanced Machine Learning

Assignment 1

Due: 08/10/2023, 11:59PM

This assignment is to be completed in groups of 2 to 3 students. It is worth 25% of your total mark.

1 Objective

The objective of this assignment is to implement Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) algorithms and analyze the robustness of NMF algorithms when the dataset is contaminated by large magnitude noise or corruption. More specifically, you should implement at least two NMF algorithms and compare their robustness.

2 Instructions

2.1 Dataset description

In this assignment, you need to apply NMF algorithms on two real-world face image datasets: (1) ORL dataset1 ; (2) Extended YaleB dataset2.

. ORL dataset: it contains 400 images of 40 distinct subjects (i.e., 10 images per subject). For some subjects, the images were taken at different times, varying the lighting, facial expressions, and facial details (glasses / no glasses). All the images were taken against a dark homogeneous background with the  subjects  in an upright, frontal position. All images are cropped and resized to 92×112 pixels.

. Extended YaleB dataset: it contains 2414 images of 38 subjects under 9 poses and 64 illumination conditions. All images are manually aligned, cropped, and then resized to 168×192 pixels.

Figure 1: An example face image and its occluded versions by b × b-blocks with b = 10, 12, and 14 pixels.

Note: we provide a tutorial for this assignment, which contains example code for loading a dataset to numpy array. Please find more details in assignment1.ipynb.

2.2 Assignment tasks

1.  You need to implement at least two Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) algorithms:

.  You should implement at least two NMF algorithms with at least one not taught in this course (e.g., L1-Norm Based NMF, Hypersurface Cost Based NMF, L1-Norm Regularized Robust NMF, and L2, 1-Norm Based NMF).

.  For each algorithm, you need to describe the definition of cost function as well as the optimization methods used in your implementation.

2.  You need to analyze the robustness of each algorithm on two datasets:

.  You  are  allowed  to  design  your  own  data  pre-processing  method  (if necessary).

.  You need to use a block-occlusion noise similar to those shown in Figure 1. The noise is generated by setting the pixel values to be 255 in the block. You should design your own value for b (not necessary to be 10, 12 or 14). You are also encouraged to design your own noise other than the block-occlusion noise.

.  You need to demonstrate each type of noise used in your experiment (show the original image as well as the image contaminated by noise).

.  You should carefully choose the NMF algorithms and design experiment settings to clearly show the different robustness of the algorithms you have implemented.

3.  You are only allowed to use the python standard library, numpy and scipy (if necessary) to implement NMF algorithms.

2.3 Programming and External Libraries

This assignment is required to be finished by Python3. When you implement NMF algorithms,  you  are not allowed to  use  external  libraries  which  contains  NMF implementations, such as scikit-learn, and Nimfa (i.e., you have to implement theNMF algorithms by yourself). You are allowed to use scikit-learn for evaluation only (please find more details in assignment1.ipynb). If you have any ambiguity whether you can use a particular library or a function, please post on canvas under the Assignment  1 thread.

2.4 Evaluate metrics

To compare the performance and robustness of different NMF algorithms, we provide three evaluation metrics: (1) Root Means Square Errors; (2) Average Accuracy; (3) Normalized Mutual Information. For all experiments, you need to use at least two metrics, i.e., Root Means Square Errors and Average Accuracy.

Root Means Square Errors (RMSE): let X denote the contaminated dataset (by adding noise), and ? denote the clean dataset with N is number of rows × number of columns. Let ? and ? denote the factorization results on ? , the Root Means Square Errors then can be defined as follows:

. Average Accuracy: You need to perform some clustering algorithms (i.e., K- means) with num clusters equal to num classes. Each example is assigned with the cluster label (please find more details in assignment1.ipynb). Lastly, you can evaluate the accuracy of predictions Ypred as follows:

. Normalized Mutual Information (NMI):

Note: we expect you to have a rigorous performance evaluation. To provide an estimate of the performance of the algorithms in the report, you can repeat multiple times (e.g.,

5 times) for each experiment by randomly sampling 90% data from the whole dataset and average the metrics on different subset. You are also required to report the standard deviations.

3 Report

The report should be organized like research papers, and should contain the following sections:

.  In abstract, you should briefly introduce the topic of this assignment and describe the organization of your report.

.  In introduction, you should first introduce the main idea of NMF as well as its applications. You should then give an overview of the methods you want to use.

.  In related work, you are expected to review the main idea of related NMF algorithms (including their advantages and disadvantages).

.  In methods,  you  should  describe  the  details  of your  method  (including  the definition  of cost  functions  as  well  as  optimization  steps).  You  should  also describe your choices of noise and you are encouraged to explain the robustness of each algorithm from theoretical view.

.  In experiment, firstly, you should introduce the experimental setup (e.g., datasets, algorithms, and noise used in your experiment for comparison).

Second, you should show the experimental results and give some comments.

.  In conclusion, you should summarize your results and discuss your insights for future work.

.  In reference, you should list all references cited in your report and formatted all references in a consistent way.

The layout of the report:

.  Font: Times New Roman; Title: font size 14; Body: font size 12

.  Length: Ideally 10 to 15 pages - maximum 20 pages

Note: You are encouraged to use LaTeX. Optionally, a MS-Word template is provided.

4 Submissions

This assignment is a group task, which means it's necessary to of>icially enroll your

group on the  Canvas platform prior to submitting the assignment.  Please go to

Canvas->People->Assignment 1-Groupto register your group.

The submission contains two parts: source code and report. Detailed instructions are as follows:

1.  Go to Canvas and upload the following files.

1. report (a pdf file): the report should include each member’s details (student id and name).

2. code (a folder) as zip file

i.   algorithm  (a  sub-folder):  your  code  could  be  multiple  files  inside algorithm sub-folder.

ii.  data (an empty sub-folder): although two datasets should be inside the data folder, please do not include them in the zip file. We will copy two datasets to the data folder when we test the code.

2.  Only one student needs to submit the report as pdf file and code as zip file which must be named  as  student  ID  numbers  of all  group  members  separated  by underscores.

E.g., “xxxxx_xxxxx_xxxxx_code.zip and xxxxx_xxxxx_xxxxx_report.pdf”.

3.  Your submission should include the report and the code. A plagiarism checker will be used.

4.  You need to clearly provide instructions on how to run your code in the appendix of the report.

5.  Indicate the contribution of each group member.

6.  A penalty of minus 5 (5%) marks per each day after due (email late submissions to TA and confirm late submission dates with TA). Maximum delay is 5 days, Assignments more than 5 days late will get 0.

5 Plagiarism

.    Please   read    the    University    Policy   on   Academic    Honesty    carefully:


.    All cases of academic dishonesty and plagiarism will be investigated.

.    There is a new process and a centralised University system and database.

.    Three types of offences:

1.  Plagiarism – When you  copy  from  another  student, website,  or  other

source. This includes copying the whole assignment or only a part of it.

2. Academic Dishonesty – When you make your work available to another student to copy (the whole assignment or a part of it). There are other examples of academic dishonesty.

3.  Misconduct  -  When  you  engage  another  person  to  complete  your assignment (or a part of it), for payment or not. This is a very serious matter,  and  the  Policy  requires  that  your  case  is   forwarded  to  the University Registrar for investigation.

.    The penalties are severe and include:

1. A permanent record of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and misconduct in the University database and on your student file.

2.  Mark deduction, ranging from 0 for the assignment to Fail for the course. 3.  Expulsion from the University and cancelling of your student visa.

.    When there is copying between students, note that both students are penalised the student who copies and the student who makes his/her work available for copying.

.    It  is  noted  that  only  30%  (including  references)  is  acceptable.  The  high plagiarism will be reported to the school.

6 Marking scheme





Report [80]

Abstract [3]

•Problem, methods, organization.

Introduction [5]

•What is the problem you intend to solve? •Why is this problem important?

Previous work [6]

•Previous relevant methods used in literature?

Methods [25]

•Pre-processing (if any) •NMF

Algorithm’s formulation.

•Noise choice and description.

Experiments and Discussions [25]

•Experiments, comparisons, and evaluation Extensive analysis and discussion of results •Relevant personal reflection

Conclusions and Future work [3] •Meaningful conclusions based on results •Meaningful future work suggested

Presentation [5]

•Grammatical sentences, no spelling mistakes

•Good structure and layout, consistent formatting

•Appropriate citation and referencing

•Use graphs and tables to summarize data

Other [8]

•At the discretion of the marker: for impressing the    marker,     excelling expectation, etc. Examples include clear presentation, well- designed experiment, fast code, etc.

Code [20]

•Code runs within a feasible time

•Well organized, commented and documented

Penalties [−]

•Copy outsourced reports, articles, book,

journals, research papers or online resources without appropriate reference and citation [- 10]

•Copy source code from the Internet without modification [- 10]

•Badly written code: [−20]

•Not including instructions on how to run your code: [−20]

Note: Marks for each category is indicated in square brackets. The minimum mark for the assignment will be 0 (zero).