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EEEN2020 Project Design Log of Hydro-Generator


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EEEN2020 Project

Design Log of Hydro-Generator

Objectives and Learning Outcomes

The main objectives of this project are to train students for basic mechanical design, fabrication skills (e.g. 3D

printing/Laser-cutting/light-machining) and how to analyze and evaluate the performance of prototypes with an electronic test system.

•    Mechanical Design of a hydro-generator using software Autodesk Fusion360.

•    Trying various common fabrications technologies such as 3D printing and Laser-cutting.

•    Promoting self-learning via recommended list of tutorials for students to learn online.

•    Sharing with others during the combined demonstration and presentation session.

In this project students should record all the logs (like writing an Engineering Logbook), including, but not limited to:

•    Problems descriptions, Design ideas,

•    Hypothesis, prototype draft,

•    Mechanical design, test runs for evaluation and results,

•    Tasks allocations among group members, etc.

Students will do the demonstration and presentation showing to others in the final weeks.

Ask our Technicians:

If you have any problems regarding the labs/projects please do not hesitate to ask our technician, Mr Martin Leung ([email protected]) or John Chan ([email protected])


Imagine that you are one of the design team members in a Green Energy Product Company. Now you are required to  design a miniature of a hydro-generator that will generate electricity to power a small road light (or anything you find more reasonable) near a river (or anywhere with hydro energy source).

Imagine that you are now in the Engineering Scheme-A period you will need to record all the logs to prove that you are experienced and skillful. All the logs (not restricted to any formats,e.g. pictures, screenshots of mechanical designs, or hand-writing ideas, etc.) should be recorded, you may find it useful when you prepare for the presentation in the last    week of the semesters.

In our lab (SHB503) we will setup a large water tank with a water pump to emulate the hydro energy source (P.S. low- speed but high volumetric water flow). Students can reserve timeslots to use that setup for prototype tests and evaluations starting from September.

Most of the time you may have more than one design revisions, after building the 1st  prototype you may use the provided electronic test system to read from water flowrate sensor and a spinning sensor to help analyze the

performance of your prototype, hence sort out the problems and improve for a better design.

You will need to be grouped into 4-5 students for this group project. You will discuss the project, come up with the solution, design and fabricate the system, do the presentation, and submit the report together.

The water in the pool will be diluted with 1:99 bleach, therefore all users should wear protective goggles and gloves before testing at the water pool.

Project Description

What you will need to accomplish are:

•    Literature review on hydro-generator products in this small scale.

o If there is any, you need to do comparisons with these designs in your literature review, try to find a “better way” (other advantages?) to improve the existing designs.

o If there is none, you need to find other water turbines which is closest to your target design.

•    Mechanical design of Hydro-Generator:

o 1st : Do a preliminary design, e.g.

. What type(s) of turbine you are going to design?

. What scale (How big) is your turbine? E.g. water inlet diameter matching the water flowrate, etc.

. What are the essential parts you will need?

. Other considerations? E.g. Low-cost? Friendly to fishes? Etc.

o Then, pick one (or more) design and start your mechanical design work

. Your model maybe used for 3d printing / laser-cut files.

. While you are designing, keep in mind about the cost control. (a turbine with the best energy output and awhopping price is not going to be chosen!)

o Keep records onevery version of your design, you may need to present the improvement of various prototypes.

•    Electronic test circuit to evaluate performance of your design: [an Electronic Test System is provided for you]

o Objectives:

. To verify how effective your design will be.

. To verify whether your design is going to perform as your desired output.

. To improve your design with justifications and direct you to a better solution.

o Follow the tutorials to connect the Arduino and sensors on breadboard or soldering on mounting boards.

o Follow the tutorials to write some test programs.

o Example of measurements:

. Speed of rotation of the generator: by encoders.

. Water flow rate: by water flow sensor.

. Power Generation: by power meter (measure voltage/current output).

o Keep records on the test results of every version of your design, you may need to present the improvement of various prototypes.

Combined Demonstration and Presentation:

o Objectives: Sharing with others about your design.

o Literature review comparisons to show that your chosen design is the best solution for your target product.

o Brief description and explanation of your design (mechanical).

o Different versions (if any) of your designs, test results, point out the improvements you (or your team) has made with proof on test results.

About Grading

Details about grading will be announced later. But a general guideline is suggested here:

1.    Problem Identification:  Select realistic and necessary problems where there are hydro-energy resources and    needs for powering devices, e.g. a road lamp powered by your hydro-generator in remote area near a river, or anything you can research for.

2.   Think scientifically: Use rational and scientific analysis on all encountered problems and discussions. 3.    Good planning in both time schedules and tasks management.

Access to Tools/Materials in Lab

If you want to access the lab to use the tools and materials. You will need to reserve time by filling the online form ONE WEEK BEFORE the actual working week,e.g. you can reserve next week project sessions during this Monday to this

Friday (before 12:00 noon), and a confirmed timeslot will be uploaded to the course website before this Friday 17:00.

Budget Reimbursement

For each group there is a total of $400 HKD for buying materials (except 3D printing and laser cutting by sending files to technician), such as water tube connectors, tubes, etc.

You will need to keep all the receipts and purchase records (e.g. buying from HK stores, online shops, etc.) and compile a reimbursement form by the end of this term.

Schedule and Planning

Since this project requires you to learn software to design and program, it is strongly recommended to start from the 1st  few weeks of the course as you usually have more “free” time (less homework/report/etc.) to install the software, apply for the software accounts and start with small pieces of tutorials for Fusion360.

Tentative Lab & Project Schedule:



Labor Project related

Recommended Milestones for Project


Sep. 4-8

- Announcement of Group Project


Sep. 11-15

- Finish grouping for lab and project.

- Try software tutorials.


Sep. 18-22

- Site visit to SHB503 [Try lab setup] - Distribute materials for projects

(milestone [2%])

- Try software tutorials.

- Literature Review.


Sep. 25-29

- Lab: Solar Energy

- Start project!


Oct. 2-6

*Project Helping Session

- Simple proposal of your design (milestone [3%])


Oct. 9-13

- Lab: Wind Energy

- Designing 1st prototype.


Oct. 16-20

*Project Helping Session

- Confirm 3d-print/lasercut files for 1st prototype (milestone [2%])


Oct. 23-27

*Project Helping Session


Oct 30 -

Nov. 3

*Project Helping Session

- Assemble and evaluate 1st prototype (milestone [3%]) - Propose solution to improve performance of 1st



Nov. 6-10

*Project Helping Session


Nov. 13-17

*Project Helping Session


Nov. 20-24




Nov 27 -

Dec. 1



*Project Helping Session: we will open the lab (SHB503) into different sessions for project groups to come to work. Reservations (for the upcoming week) have to be made by registering on the online form by each Friday.

Each of the milestones will be rewarded if you can finish the scheduled work on time. Total (10%) of project (100%).