关键词 > FINS3648

FINS3648 Banking, Finance and Technology - 2023


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FINS3648 Banking, Finance and Technology - 2023

Course Code :  FINS3648

Year :  2023

Term :  Term 3

Teaching Period :  T3

Delivery Mode :  Multimodal

Delivery Format :  Standard

Delivery Location :  Kensington

General Course Information

Course Code :  FINS3648

Year :  2023

Term :  Term 3

Teaching Period :  T3

Is a multi-term course? :  No

Faculty :  UNSW Business School

Academic Unit :  School of Banking and Finance

Delivery Mode :  Multimodal

Delivery Format :  Standard

Delivery Location :  Kensington

Campus :  Sydney

Study Level :  Undergraduate

Units of Credit :  6

Useful Links

Handbook ClassTimetable

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

This course deals with implications of technological advances on current and future state of fnancial industry. The intention is to trigger a disruptive and innovative thinking process and to   enforce the notion that recent structural changes across the fnancial industry provide spectrum of valuable internal and external opportunities. It introduces computational fnance and banking technology using the open source programming language of python in the context offnance theory and applications. Case studies to be explored include digital currency (Bitcoin), settlements (Blockchain), hedging, trading and fnancial advisory.

Course Aims

Technology is a disruptive factor that is transforming the banking and fnance industry, it is

important that fnance graduates are informed of this development and have a basic

understanding of the underlying technology so they could contemplate, adapt, innovate and

shape an increasingly technology-driven world. This course builds on basic fnance theory and capital market courses and complements other fnance courses with a unique technology and innovation perspective.

Relationship to Other Courses

Technology is a disruptive factor that is transforming the banking and fnance industry, It is

important that fnance graduates are informed of these development and have a basic

understanding of the underlying technology so they could contemplate, adapt, innovate and     shape an increasingly technology driven world. This course builds on basic fnance theory and capital market courses and complement other fnance courses with a unique technology and   innovation perspective.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Program learning


CLO1 : Examine the complexities of the global FinTech landscape and its effect on the process of innovation.

PLO1 : Business


PLO6 : Global and

Cultural Competence

CLO2 : Critique the banking and fnance ecosystem and the role of consumers in shaping the current environment by linking

behavioural fnance theories to technological advances in banking.

PLO1 : Business


PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

CLO3 : Construct technological solutions to real world case studies through the application of disruption methodologies.

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem


PLO7 : Leadership Development

CLO4 : Communicate a FinTech solution from ideation to implementation to a professional standard

PLO1 : Business


PLO3 : Business


CLO5 : Execute intermediate level Python programming skills in the context of FinTech.

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem


CLO6 : Collaborate in teams to co-create solutions to real-time problems in the FinTech sector.

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem


PLO4 : Teamwork

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Examine the complexities of the global FinTech landscape and its effect on the process of innovation.

FinTech Project and Evaluation

Discussion and Refection

CLO2 : Critique the banking and fnance ecosystem and the role of

consumers in shaping the current environment by linking behavioural fnance theories to technological advances in banking.

FinTech Project and Evaluation

Discussion and Refection

CLO3 : Construct technological solutions to real world case studies through the application of disruption methodologies.


FinTech Project and Evaluation

CLO4 : Communicate a FinTech solution from ideation to

implementation to a professional standard

FinTech Project and Evaluation

CLO5 : Execute intermediate level Python programming skills in the context of FinTech.


CLO6 : Collaborate in teams to co-create solutions to real-time problems in the FinTech sector.

Discussion and Refection

FinTech Project and Evaluation

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | EdStem | Blackboard Collaborate

Learning and Teaching in this course

This is a practical and hands on course. Teamwork is essential. Students undertake a group  presentation simulating pitch proposal to open audience. The project requires all stages and steps of the proposal to be fully contemplated, from idea generation to implementation. Each   student is expected to take on a role in the team and deliver as a team as well as an individual. The course will draw on concepts, problems and practical implications from textbooks,

academic papers, fnancial press articles as well as relevant fnancial regulators and government agencies.

The aims of this course are:

Develop disruptive and innovative thinking process to enforce the notion that technological advances across the industry create spectrum of valuable opportunities

Develop skills in collaboration and teamwork to be able to adapt and innovate in an increasingly technology driven world

This course is thus designed and developed for students aiming to understand the connections between banking,fnance and technology.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Program learning outcomes

FinTech Project and





Start DateSee Detailed

assessment description

Due DateSee Detailed

assessment description

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem Solving PLO3 : Business


PLO4 : Teamwork

PLO5 : Responsible

Business Practice

PLO7 : Leadership


Discussion and





Start DateSee Detailed

assessment description

Due DateSee Detailed

assessment description

PLO1 : Business


PLO3 : Business


PLO5 : Responsible

Business Practice

PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence





Start DateSee Detailed

assessment description

Due DateSee Detailed

assessment description

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem Solving

Assessment Details

FinTech Project and Evaluation

Assessment Overview

The group project simulates FinTech project proposal for external stakeholders. 30% of the grade is group and 10% is an individual evaluation.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, PLO5, PLO7

BCom students: myBCom course points for PLO7

Detailed Assessment Description

Weight  Assessment Name    Assessment Due Date

30%       Group Project

10%       Peer Evaluation

Week 10

Week 10

Teamwork is essential component of current workplace. As a team of fnTech specialists you propose solution for one of your companies, prepare pitch presentation for Accelerator/

Incubator or internal Change Management Program. Small groups (5 students) will be formed around Week 2. By default groups are formed following the alphabetical order. Each student is expected to take on a role in the team and deliver as a team as well as an individual. Group

presentation is assessed on group component (30%). The team members are responsible to

decide on team's governance structure and member's role allocation. Further details on group    formation and tips on how to make a good sales pitch presentation will be posted on Moodle.    Upon conclusion of this task each team member will complete a peer evaluation exercise worth 10% of the fnal course mark. You will provide a mark out of 10 for each team member. The

combined score will be averaged and moderated by the LiC.

(BCom students: myBCom course points for PLO7)

Assessment Length

No more than 25 pages

Submission notes

See Detailed assessment description

Assignment submission Turnitin type

Not Applicable

Discussion and Refection

Assessment Overview

This task aims to develop the student’s ability to understand multiple perspectives and learn from the insights and experiences of peers in order to transform their thinking of the fnance sector.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO3, PLO5, PLO6

BCom students: myBCom course points for PLO3

Detailed Assessment Description

Weight  Assessment Name    Assessment Due Date

30%       Refection                  Week 7

This task aims to develop your ability to understand multiple perspectives and learn from the

insights and experiences of your peers in order to transform your thinking of the fnance sector. We will measure this by examining how well you can articulate the extent to which your views

about FinTech have developed and changed across the frst half of the course. The development of this skill will enable you to see the FinTech landscape in a critically focussed way which will    help y