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MAE208 T2 2023 Questions for BOOT CAMP


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MAE208 T2 2023

Questions for BOOT CAMP

NoteThese questions are not the only questions you should be concentrating for the end of unit assessment or the final exam preparation. You should also practice all seminar questions we have discussed over the trimester (including seminar questions from weeks 10 and 11 which will be covered in next two weeks).

Q1. Use the flower mapping tool from the FLOWER video below:


Now say a country’s government is setting up wind power turbines in a number of locations across the country. Use the flower diagram from above and explain the impact of such a project by appropriately shedding applicable areas of the petals. Attach the fully complete diagram in your answer.

Q2. Why is it important to learn about income and asset inequality? In this context, how would the gini coefficient help? Explain based on the relevant learning materials including readings. Provide country-specific examples to justify your answer.

Q3. How would climate change events impact civil conflict? Explain the specific mechanisms identified from the learning materials including relevant readings. Provide country or region-specific examples to support your answer.

Q4. What are the main intuitions of the endogenous growth model? How is it different from the Harrod-Domar growth model? Explain with appropriate examples.

Q5. Use the following dataset to draw Lorenz curves and calculate gini coefficients for a hypothetical country. Report your drawing and calculation in a excel spreadsheet. What  would you conclude about income inequality after comparing these two scenarios?

Q6. Take a look at the following statement.

“ There is enough evidence that horizontal inequality matters in instigating civil conflict.

Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position based on the learning materials provided and illustrate your position with country-specific examples.

Q7. Use the Harrod-Domar growth model framework and answer the following questions

(a) Suppose a country has a gross savings rate of 20%, a depreciation rate of 3%, and an  lCOR of 2.5. Using the Harrod-Domar growth model, find the implied rate of growth of total GDP in the country.

(b) How much would the rate of savings have to increase to raise the growth rate of total GDP to 5%?

Q8. Imagine yourself as a policy maker and you have a brief to suggest policies to mitigate civil conflict in developing countries. Present a plan about how you would go about it with clear explanations and examples.