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ISYS1101/1102 Database Applications Semester 2 2023 Assignment 2: MongoDB


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Database Applications

ISYS1101/1102 | Semester 2 2023

Assignment 2: MongoDB

Assessment Type

MongoDB Database Design, Implementation, Queries, and


Individual Assessment

Due Date

23:59 Sunday 15 October 2023


Week starting Monday 16 October 2023

Silence Period

Starts at 5:00PM Friday 13 October 2023


25% (plus 5% if you complete the bonus task)


Online, via Canvas. Submission instructions are provided on Canvas.

1 Overview

1.1 Assessment Criteria

This assessment will determine your ability to:

1.    analyse the requirements outlined in the problem description;

2.    write MongoDB queries required for CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations on the AirBnB database available on MongoDB Atlas;

3.    expand the AirBnB database with additional document collections to accommodate bookings; 4.    write MongoDB queries to manage bookings;

5.    be able to demonstrate the functionality of your database and answer questions posed by the marker

1.2 Learning Outcomes

This assessment will assess how you attained the following course learning outcomes:

CLO 1: apply advanced data analysis and modeling concepts, physical design, integrity, security and transaction management.

CLO 4: build an efficient database application with an emphasis on storage management, indexing, and query optimization;

CLO 5: use MongoDB for store and retrieve non-relational data;

2 Assessment Details

2.1 Preparation Work

1. You are required to have the Mongo Compass client application installed on your laptop, having it properly configured to access your MongoDB database running on MongoDB Atlas (see below);

2. You must have deployed your MongoDB database on MongoDB Atlas, the cloud-based MongoDB database platform (cloud.mongodb.com). You must have populated your database with the sample database called “sample_airbnb” with “listingsAndReviews” documents collection.

Week 8 labsheet walks you through, in step-by-step detail, on how to set up MongoDB Atlas and

MongoCompass. If you haven’t completed Week 8 lab, you must complete it before attempting the

assignment tasks outlined below. Apart from Week 8 Lab, no further instructional support provided for  setting up your database environment at this stage, however, you can use regular consultation sessions to get any teething issues resolved.

You must be very familiar with the document structure of the listingsAndReviews document collection,    able to write simple queries on this document collection and be able to build aggregation pipelines on it. You can acquire these skills by completing Labsheets 8 – 11.

2.2 Assignment Task Description

Milestone 1: Written Submission

Task 1: CRUD tasks on listingsAndReviews Document Collection

In this task, you are required to provide statements written in MongoDB Query Language. Some of the statements can be written as a simple query, while some of them require a multi-stage aggregation

pipeline. Importantly, you must provide your answers in two formats: (1) in Mongo Shell format; and (2) as inputs into Mongo Compass. Do not submit any screenshots of Mongo Compass, only statements in    plain text are to be submitted.

Sample Question: Display listings with a daily rent (price) of $50.00

You will try it out on both interactive Compass window and Mongo Shell

Sample Answer:

Mongo Shell: db.listingsAndReviews.find ( {price : 50} )

Mongo Compass: On Filter field: {price : 50}

a.    Display 3-bedroom apartments in Barcelona.

b.    Display listings in Barcelona that has both Wifi and Cable TV.

c.    Compute and display the average daily rate for Barcelona properties. d.    Display the average price for 3-bedroom apartments in Barcelona.

e.    Display the median price for 3-bedroom apartments in Barcelona.

f.     Display 10 “least-expensive” cities for travelers. The “least expensive” is determined by averaging the prices of all properties in each city.

2.    The owner of the listing named “ Be Happy in Porto” wishes to add “Netflix” as a new amenity. Write a MongoDB statement to add this new amenity into the amenities list of the existing listing.

3.    A recent guest to the listing named “ Be Happy in Porto” wishes to add the following comment as a guest review:

“ This holiday accommodation did not meet my expectation. Being in Portugal, I wanted to watch bull-fighting from the balcony. But, neither balcony nor bull-fighting nearby are there.

Write a MongoDB statement to add this comment into the reviews array of the existing listing of this property. Your new review must be of the same structure as any existing review.

4.    The current daily rate for the listing named “ Be Happy in Porto” is $30.00. Fabio, the owner,    after comparing his daily rate with the daily rate of comparable listings in the area, decides to raise the daily rate to $40.00.

Write a MongoDB statement to change the daily rate of the existing listing.

5.    Fabio, the owner of the above-mentioned listing, didn’t like the recent review given by one of the guests (see above question 3). He wants to delete this feedback.

Write a MongoDB statement to delete the feedback currently stored in the reviews array.

Task 2: Extend the AirBnB database

The current sample database consists of only one document collection, which comprises of information

on listings and reviews. It is built on “embedded” data model, where each document outlines

information on listings and for each listing, additional information such as user reviews  and hosts’ details are embedded”.

In this task, you are required to extend the database to allow taking bookings of listings. The specifications for the extended system is outlined below.

For simplicity, assume that listings can only be booked for whole days, and no hourly bookings are accepted. At the moment, listings can be booked into the future, as far as 31 December 2024.

Bookings are made by the clients of the AirBnB system. Bookings are for individual listings, i.e. you

cannot book multiple listings in a single booking. Each booking is for a specific period, defined by the arrival date and departure date.

Each listing in the database will have a pre-defined check-in and check-out time.

In addition to the listing name, arrival and departure dates, each booking will capture the identification details of the client, such as name, email address, daytime phone number, mobile number, postal

address and home address. The other information included in a booking are:, the deposit paid at the  booking, the balance due, the due date for the balance payment, and number of guests, and for each guest the names and their ages.

Your tasks:

1.    Design a data model suitable for your extended database. You must identify in your model, the additional collections or fields required and state whether your new information are

“embedded” within the current collection (listingsAndReviews) or build as separate collections using “reference” approach.

2.   Justify your choice of the data model, listing the advantages of your chosen model in this application and also listing the disadvantages of the model you are not using.

3.    Provide statements, written in MongoDB Query Language, to carry out the tasks listed below.  Some of the statements can be written as a simple query, while some of them require a multi- stage aggregation pipeline. Importantly, you must provide your answers in two formats: (1) in  Mongo Shell format; and (2) as inputs into Mongo Compass. Do not submit any screenshots of Mongo Compass, only statements in plain text are to be submitted.

a.    Assuming a listing is available for the intended period of the booking, make a new

booking for a chosen property. The input to this statement must include the information described in the specifications above.

b.    Cancel a booking, identified by the listing name and arrival date.

Bonus Question:

In the bonus activity, you are required to add a validation stage to the booking system.

When a client attempts to make a new booking, the system will check if the listing is vacant for the dates that new booking is requested.

You may need to add some form of booking calendar for each listing, denote the dates that are vacant and occupied. When a new booking is made, the corresponding dates must be blocked (or denoted as  occupied). This will ensure any double bookings are avoided.

When you specify the arrival date of the booking, that night is included in the booking. On the other

hand, when you state the departure date, that night is not included. For example, when you make a

booking from 28/09/2023 to 30/09/2023, that booking is for 2 nights – the night of 28/09 and the night of 29/09 – expecting the client to vacate the property by the check out time on 30/09. So, the night of   30/09 is not included in the booking.

With this validation stage in place, re-write the above Mongo statement in 3 (a). The new statement will check first the availability of the dates before the new booking is entered into the system.

Write another Mongo statement to Update the diary of a listing when a new booking is made. (These

two statements must be executed in a single transaction in the real system, however, for simplicity, you are not required to add that functionality.)

The answers to the questions in Task 1 and Task 2 must be compiled into a single pdf document. You may use a plain text file or a word document to compile the answers, however, the final submission  must be in pdf format. Only one file must be submitted.

Milestone 2: Demonstrate your work.

You are required to do a demo of your complete application hosted on MongoDB Atlas. These demos will be conducted during the week of 16th October (Week 13). You should have some booking data    stored in the application and the tutor will test out the functionality by using a test bed of data.

Tutors will use a standard testing plan for all submissions and you will only receive your Task 1 and Task 2 marks if you can demonstrate the functionality of your application in the Task 3.

You are not required to submit anything for this task.

3 Submission

Follow the instructions on Canvas to complete your submission.

3.1 Milestone 1: Submission

You will need to submit:

•    One pdf file;

•    The answers to the questions in Task 1 and Task 2 must be compiled into a single pdf document. You may use a plain text file or a word document to compile the answers, however, the final

submission must be in pdf format;

•     Do not submit data or screenshots;

•     If you use any references to other resources (such as MongoDB website, StackOverflow,

ChatGPT etc) they must be clearly identified so and follow the referencing guidelines stated here: https://www.lib.rmit.edu.au/easy-cite

3.2 Milestone 2: Demonstrating your work

No additional submissions required for this task.

3.3 Assessment Declaration

When you submit work electronically, you agree to the RMIT assessment declaration.

3.4 Late Submissions & Extensions

A penalty of 10% per day is applied to late submissions up to 5 business days, after which you will receive zero marks.

Short extensions may be granted by the course coordinator up to 1 business day before the due date in accordance with RMIT Assessment Adjustment process. However, extensions are not guaranteed and    require suitable documentation. The course coordinator may refer requests to Special Considerations.

Special Consideration may result in an equivalent assessment, which may take the form of a timed

assessment assessing the same knowledge and skills of the assignment and are generally granted on an individual basis. For more information refer to the RMIT Special Consideration process.

3.5 Supported software for assessment and grading

You must host your database on MongoDB Atlas, populated with the sample database (named

sample_airbnb). Your laptop should have Mongo Compass, with the connection string for your database stored for quick access to your database on Atlas.

During the marking process, the marker will ask you to show your database (via Compass on your

computer) and will ask you to run the statement you submitted. The marker will also ask you some

additional questions to ensure the integrity of your work. The marking will take about 10 – 15 minutes. The marker will cross-check what’s submitted and the queries you run at the demonstration. If they

differ, you won’t get any marks.

4 Marking Guidelines

4.1 Task 1

.     15 marks for the statements required for tasks 1 – 6.

4.2 Task 2

The marks are divided into the following categories:

.    4 marks for the database design, choice of the data model and justifications;

.    6 marks for the statements required for task 3.

No extra marks allocated for doing the demo. The above marks for Task 1 and 2 are awarded after the demos are completed.

The detailed breakdown is provided on the marking Rubric available on Canvas.

5 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism (Standard Warning)

Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care   that you have:

•    Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your

assessment through the appropriate referencing methods

•     Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if

necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites. If you do not acknowledge the

sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the  work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own.

RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct.  Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including:

•     Failure to properly document a source

•    Copyright material from the internet or databases

•    Collusion between students

For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the RMIT Academic Integrity Website.

The penalty for plagiarised assignments includes zero marks for that assignment, or failure for this course. Please keep in mind that RMIT University uses plagiarism detection software.