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DMS2030 - Operations Management, Fall 2023


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DMS2030 - Operations Management, Fall 2023


Name: Duo Shi

Email:[email protected]

Office: TA 411c

Office Hours: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Tuesday

Teaching Assistant

Name: Zheng Ren

Email:[email protected]

Office: TA 411

Office Hours: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Thursday


Name: Yaxuan Mao; Ke Xu

Email:[email protected]; [email protected]

Office: TA 411

Office Hours: 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, Thursday; 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, Monday

Operations  Management  (OM)  plans and coordinates all activities in  the process of producing and delivering products (goods and services). Effective operations management is a key ingredient of success in most industries. Achieving operations excellence is one of the most essential strategies to improve efficiency and to gain a competitive advantage. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts, problems, and strategies in the operations function of a firm. This course will cover a  mix  of  qualitative  and  quantitative  methods  that  provide  the necessary  tools to make intelligent

decisions in operations.

Recommended Textbook

We will distribute lecture notes, which are sufficient for succeeding in the course. Therefore, textbooks

are not mandatory. The majority of course content is covered by the textbook:

Jacobs and Chase. Operations and Supply Chain Management. 15th Edition. McGraw Hill.

Reference Textbook

For more textbook reading, following are the suggested choices:

Cachon and Terwiesch. Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management. 2nd

edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, NY.

Krajewski, Malhotra, and Ritzman. Operations Management - Processes and Supply Chain. 12th edition.

Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Anupindi, Chopra, Deshmukh, Van Mieghem, and Zemel. Managing Business Process Flows: Principles

of Operations Management. 4th edition. Prentice Hall.

Course Website

Lectures will be completely offline. Please regularly checkhttps://bb.cuhk.edu.cnfor announcements and

lecture notes.

Students’ grades will be determined by class participation, individual assignments, group case studies, one

midterm exam, and one final exam.

Class Participation (10%)

Class participation accounts for 10 points in total and will be implemented through online quizzes.

Starting from Week 3, every week, an online quiz will be posted on the Blackboard system. The quiz will be  open-book,  simple,  and  about  some  most  fundamental  knowledge  in  the  corresponding  week’s lectures. Anyone who has participated in the lectures should be able to pass the quiz. Therefore, passing the quiz indicates a student’s participation. The deadline for each quiz is 11:59 pm, on the Sunday of the

corresponding week.

Each student has a free quota to miss/fail at most one quiz without affecting the grade.

Individual Take-Home Assignments (15%)

There will be three take-home assignments and each of them accounts for 5% of the total grade. The assignments must be completed individually. The nature of the assignments will be analytical problems based on the knowledge learned in class. The majority of points on each problem will be awarded for

sufficient effort, even if the solution may be incorrect.

Group Case Study (5%)

There will be a group case study, which accounts for 5% of the total grade . Each group should consist of 4-6 students, and groups should be formed by the midterm exam. A case report should be submitted by the deadline. The report should be concise and focus on the preparation questions. State clearly your

assumptions, analysis, and recommendations.

Midterm Exam (35%)

There will be a midterm exam in the middle of the semester (specific time to be determined). Details of

the exam will be announced later. No individual make-up exam will be offered.

Final Exam (35%)

There will be a final exam at the end of the semester (specific time to be determined). Details of the exam

will be announced later. No individual make-up exam will be offered.

After completing this course, students should be able to:

1.  Understand the  roles  that Operations  Management  plays  in  businesses.  Integration  of Operations decisions with Marketing and Finance decisions is critical. You will understand how Operations contributes

to the success of a firm.

2. Understand the goals and objectives of Operations Management. We will discuss key decisions and

trade-offs involved in effectively managing manufacturing and service operations.

3. Speak the language of Operations Management. You will become familiar with many special terms and

concepts common to Operations Management.

4. Learn Operations Management techniques that are essential to products/services design, operations

process design, management and improvement.

Use of Electronic Devices during Class

A positive learning environment requires active attention, participation, and respect for fellow students and the teacher. As such, electronic devices, including mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, or laptops, should only be used for a class-related purpose during class. Violating this policy may result in a substantial penalty to your class participation grade.

Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the university. Attention is drawn to university policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and

procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations.

For more information, please refer tohttp://www.cuhk.edu.cn/departsite/ar/en/Academic.html.

The agenda may be adjusted according to the pace of the course.







Operations Strategy

Process Analysis


Project Management


Waiting Management


Assignment I Due

Capacity Management


Constraint Management


Midterm Review

Assignment II Due

Midterm Exam


Quality Management



Inventory Management



Revenue Management


Beer Game

Case Study Due

Supply Chain Strategy