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CSSE 304 Exam #2 2020


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CSSE 304 Exam #2  Part 2 Jan 8, 2020

C1. (6 points) (prefix-sums lon) takes list of numbers lon as its argument.  It returns a list of the sums of the non-empty prefixes of lon.   Example: for the list (1 3 5 2) the prefix sums list  is (1 1+3 1+3+5 1+3+5+2) which is (1 4 9 11).  For full credit, your code must run in O(N) time.

> (prefix-sums '(1 2 3 4 5 6))

(1 3 6 10 15 21)

> (prefix-sums '(1 3 5 2))

(1 4 9 11)

> (prefix-sums '(4))


> (prefix-sums '(3 2 0 -5 6))

(3 5 5 0 6)

C2. (6 points) (suffix-sums lon) is similar to the above procedure, but it returns a list of the sums of the suffixes.

For full credit, your code must run in O(N) time.

> (suffix-sums '(1 2 3 4 5 6))

(21 20 18 15 11 6)

> (suffix-sums '(1 3 5 2))

(11 10 7 2)

> (suffix-sums '(4))


> (suffix-sums '(3 2 0 -5 6))

(6 3 1 1 6) (3 4 5 6)

C3.  (10 points) (evens-odds ls) takes a list ls as its argument.  It returns a list of two lists: the elements in even positions within ls and the elements in odd positions in ls.  Both of the returned lists should be in the same order as those elements occur within ls.  For full credit, your code must run in O(N) time, and it must only traverse the original list ls once.

> (evens-odds '())

(() ())

> (evens-odds '(b))

((b) ())

> (evens-odds '(c d))

((c) (d))

> (evens-odds '(a b c d e f g))

((a c e g) (b d f))

> (evens-odds '(b c d e f g))

((b d f) (c e g))

C4. (10 points) (notate-depth-and-flatten slist) takes an s-list slist as its arguments.  It returns a flat version of slist, with each symbol annotated to indicate its depth within the original s-list.  You may use notate-depth as a helper procedure.

> (notate-depth-and-flatten '())


> (notate-depth-and-flatten '(a ((b))))

((a 1) (b 3))

> (notate-depth-and-flatten '((a () (b c (() d))) e))

((a 2) (b 3) (c 3) (d 4) (e 1))

C5. (10 points) (free-occurrence-count exp) takes an LCexp  exp as its argument.  It returns the number of free occurrences of all variables in exp.  Use the original definition of LCexp, not the one that you enhanced for the later problems in A10.  You can find the grammar and the definition of occurs-free on pages 6 and 7 of the Session 11 slides.

> (free-occurrence-count '(x (x y)))


> (free-occurrence-count

    '(lambda (x) (lambda (x) (x y))))


> (free-occurrence-count

    '(lambda (x) (lambda (y) (x (x (y y))))))


> (free-occurrence-count

    '(lambda (x) (lambda (w) (x ((x z) (y ((x y) (y w))))))))


> (free-occurrence-count

    '((lambda (x) (y (lambda (y) (x y))))

      (lambda (y) ((x x) (lambda (x) ((z z) (y (x x))))))))


C6. (10 points) (curry n f) takes as its arguments a positive integer n and a procedure f that can take n arguments. It returns a procedure that is a completely curried version of f.  This is a generalization of the curry2 procedure that you wrote in the homework.  In fact, if f is a procedure that can take two arguments, (curry 2 f) does the same thing as (curry2 f).   It is possible to pass these test cases by writing special cases for n = 1,2, 3, 7, and 12.  You will earn  no points if you do that.  For full credit, your code should work for any positive n.

> (let ([+-c (curry 3 +)])

    (((+-c 2) 4) 7))


> (let ([cons-c (curry 2 cons)])

    ((cons-c 4) '(5 6)))

(4 5 6)

> (let ([car-c (curry 1 car)])

    (car-c '(1 2 3)))


> (let ([+-c (curry 7 +)])

    (((((((+-c 2) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 14))


> (let ([+-c (curry 12 +)])

    ((((((((((((+-c 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12))