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PG 8024 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods


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PG 8024 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods


Assessment Objective: This project aims to prepare students before embarking on the actual thesis/dissertation research.

Coursework Instructions: This project is compulsory. Students are required to produce a Mini Project in Qualitative Research Method with a word count of 5,000 (plus minus 10%), excluding abstract, tables, figures, references, and appendices. Guidelines are presented in Table A.

Mini Project Writing (80%)

Step 1: Choose a current issue.  

Step 2: Begin a literature review from relevant and reliable sources. Students may find them in the library/blackboard.

Step 3: Students should start to develop content as presented in Table A.

Table A



*Suggested Word Count

Chapter 1


1. Background of the study

2. Problem statement

3. Research questions

4. Research objectives

5. Scope of the study

6. Significance of the study

7. Limitations of the study

800- 1,000

Chapter 2

Literature Review






1. Preamble

2. Theory/theories or/and model/models related to the study

3. Relevant past to current studies (definition, conceptualization, past studies, and overview) –should be referred to the past studies using qualitative research method-

4. Research Framework-(optional)

5. Chapter summary

800- 1,000

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

1. Preamble

2. Research paradigm

3. Research design

4. Participant and setting – 3 participants (3 interviews/ 3 annual reports / 3 observations etc)

5. Data collection

6. Data analysis (including data organization, analyzing the data, coding process, theme constructing, and translation of data)

7. Chapter summary

800- 1,000

Chapter 4

Findings and Discussion

1. Preamble

2. Findings – Participants’ details, emerging themes, and codes

3. Discussion - referring to back to literature

4. Chapter summary

800- 1,000

Chapter 5

Conclusion, Implication and Recommendation

1. Preamble

2. Conclusion

3. Implications to knowledge and industry

4. Recommendations- future research

5. Chapter summary

800- 1,000

Step 4: Students are suggested to follow the format as shown below.



Front Page

Project title:

Student Name:

Identity Card Number/Passport Number:

Student Number:

Course Name & Code:

Name of Lecturer: Dr Kyra Law

Table of Content

Show Chapters and headings (including References and Appendices)

List of Tables

For your ease, automatically link the list to the actual tables and figures. The same goes for the Table of Content

List of Figures


Summarize the research. Max 200 words

Chapter 1-5

Refer Table A


APA referencing


Insert the Coursework Marking Sheet (Appendix 1), image, data or other relevant information in your study

Step 5 (final step): Students may submit this mini-project to Blackboard once completed. Please ensure the Turnitin similarity index less than or equal to 15%.

Mini Project Presentation (20%)

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, the expected number of presentation slides is approximately TWELVE (12). The components for the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation slides are as follows:


Number of Slides

Front Page

-Student Name, MyKad/Passport Number, Student Number, Course Name & Code

1 Slide

Chapter 1

Maximum 3 Slides

Chapter 2

Maximum 2 Slides

Chapter 3

Maximum 2 Slides

Chapter 4

Maximum 2 Slides

Chapter 5

Maximum 2 Slides


The module leader or lecturer reserves the right to add or amend any content deemed appropriate at any time in anywhere, for the benefit of the students, with or without notification.  

Total marks: Refer to Marking Scheme



An ABSTRACT MUST be provided (before the Contents page). It provides a reader with a summary of why the report (coursework/assignment) was prepared, what it covers, and a summation of the conclusions, and/or recommendations. It should be about 10% of the assignment length, single line spacing, and is excluded from formal word counts. It is not an introduction but should function as a totally self-contained removable document for readers who will read no more of the report. It should contain all pertinent information including conclusions and recommendations in a concise summary but should not contain any theory.  

Table of Contents and Numbering

A comprehensive table of contents is required, with section numbers, section headings, and page numbers. It should include the List of Tables, a List of Figures, a List of References, and a List of Appendices; all with page numbers indicated. All sections and pages should be fully numbered.


Follow APA Citation format. Insert the sources alphabetically. Referencing is NOT just inserting a list of publications at the end of the report (coursework/assignment) as this is not acceptable.

At the postgraduate level, you are expected to cite at least 20 sources of reference material and make multiple references to such material. References MUST be cited using the APA system. Please do not use footnotes, etc. Read your communication skills handbook for information on how to cite reference materials. References must be listed alphabetically by author in a single List of References at the end of each coursework/assignment. Do not put multiple lists of references at the end of each section or part. You are highly encouraged to use EndNote or Mendeley so your references will be automatically generated. Otherwise, refer sample: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/elements-list-entry 

Figures and Tables

Students are required to label them as Figure/Table X.1, X.2 etc., where ‘X’ represents the Chapter number. For example, Table 3.1, Table 3.2, Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 indicate that these tables and figures are in Chapter 3.  Start tables on a new page. If they are multi-page tables, consider placing them in Appendix. Use font size ten (10 point) and single line spacing. Refer to samples.

Table: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/tables 

Figure: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/figures 


Larger amounts of relevant material (such as sample documents or supporting material) should be put at the end of the assignment in an Appendix after the List of References. Smaller charts or summaries could be located in the text, but anything over a page becomes a distraction. Appendices should be numbered sequentially (Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc). Unnecessary and irrelevant information should not be attached. The size of assignments has no bearing on marks achieved.

Turnitin Report

The similarity index should be less than or equal to 20%. Coursework/assignments with a similarity index that exceeds 20% or without the Turnitin report will not be graded. You need to submit your coursework/assignment on the blackboard website from SEGi University which is provided to every student (https://segi2u.blackboard.com/webapps/login/).

Word Count

Expected word count:  This is the suggested word allowance for each task, overall this coursework or assignment length is 5,000 words, not including executive summary, tables, figures, references, and appendices.

The word count is indicative. Try to stay with the allocated word count as far as possible. Marks are gained for facts and conciseness, and marks are lost for unnecessary material.

As a postgraduate student, there is no excuse for poor spelling, bad grammar, or lack of formatting. Use 1.5 lines-spacing with a 12-point font size, and pages must be numbered. Use Times New Roman font ONLY.

Individual Coursework (Mini Project) Submission Expectation

* DUE DATE: Lecture 12. Refer to the lesson plan for the date of lecture 12 - coursework/assignment must be submitted on Blackboard before 11.59 p.m., Malaysia time. (https://segi2u.blackboard.com/webapps/login/)

In addition, you are advised to ensure your student identification number have access to this course on the blackboard page once the semester commences or the lecture 1 class start. Thus, late submissions due to being unable to access to this course on the Blackboard after the due date will not be accepted.

Individual Coursework Late Submission Penalty

I do not accept the late submission of coursework. The penalty for late submission of coursework is as follows:

Number of Days Late Submission


Between 1 and 5 days

1 mark deducted per day up to a maximum of 5 marks

Between 6 and 10 days

2 marks deducted per day from day 6 to 10, plus the 5 marks deducted from day 1 to 5 up to a maximum of 15 marks

Between 11 and 15 days

Will only be able to secure a passing grade of 50% provided the work is secured more than 50%. For coursework that has secured less than 50%, the marks will be maintained.

Late submission of more than 15 days

Coursework will not be accepted.

Individual Coursework Presentation Expectation

This coursework presentation will be limited to 10 minutes for each student. A student that exceeds the time limit (10 minutes) will be bound to a 1 mark deduction per each exceeding minute up to a maximum of 5 marks. Student must end his or her coursework presentation within the exceeding 5 minutes. Appropriate wearing is a must during coursework presentations. Video recording may be used to tape the footage of the coursework presentation as required by the Graduate School of Business (GSB).

Additional Information

1. You ONLY NEED to submit your coursework/assignment online via the blackboard website from SEGi University (https://segi2u.blackboard.com/webapps/login/) that is provided to every SEGi University student.

2. Please be sure to make a backup of your coursework/assignment. On a rare occasion, if your coursework/assignment is lost in the blackboard from SEGi University that is provided to every SEGi University student, you should be able to provide another copy to online submit via the blackboard website from SEGi University.

3. You should use the United Kingdom (UK) English language to complete your coursework/assignment.

4. Do not FORGET to include the mentioned details on the coursework/assignment cover sheet. A student who omitted to filled-in student details in this cover sheet results in a 10% deduction of total coursework/assignments marks. Students who filled in inaccurate or misleading information in student details in this cover sheet, should accept the responsibility or risk of affecting your final marks or grade.

5. Coursework Marking Sheet (Appendix 1) should be included in your online assignment submission.