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This document describes the dataset cps09mar


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This document describes the dataset cps09mar

The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey of about 57,000 U.S. households conducted by the Bureau of the Census of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPS is the primary source of information on the labor force characteristics of the U.S. population. The survey covers employment, earnings, educational attainment, income, poverty, health insurance coverage, job experience, voting and registration, computer usage, veteran status, and other variables. Details can be found at www.census.gov/cps and dataferrett.census.gov.

From the March 2009 survey we extracted the individuals with non-allocated variables who were full-time employed (defined as those who had worked at least 36 hours per week for at least 48 weeks the past year), and excluded those in the military. This sample has 50,742 individuals. We extracted 12 variables from the CPS on these individuals.

The data are presented in Excel, Stata, and text file formats.

The variables are:

1. age: years, capped at 85

2. female: 1 if female, 0 otherwise

3. hisp: 1 if Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino, 0 otherwise

4. education

0 Less than 1st grade

4 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grade

6 5th or 6th grade

8 7th or 8th grade

9 9th grade

10 10th grade

11 11th grade or 12th grade with no high school diploma

12 High school graduate, high school diploma or equivalent

13 Some college but no degree

14 Associate degree in college, including occupation/vocation programs

16 Bachelor's degree or equivalent (BA, AB, BS)

18 Master’s degree (MA, MS, MENG, MED, MSW, MBA)

20 Professional degree or Doctorate degree (MD, DDS, DVM, LLB, JD, PHD, EDD)

5. earnings: total annual wage and salary earnings

6. hours: number of hours worked per week

7. week: number of weeks worked per year

8. union: 1 for member of a labor union, 0 otherwise

9. uncov: 1 if covered by a union or employee association contract, 0 otherwise

10. region

1 Northeast

2 Midwest

3 South

4 West

11. Race

1 White only

2 Black only

3 American Indian, Alaskan Native (AI) only

4 Asian only

5 Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (HP) only

6 White-Black

7 White-AI

8 White-Asian

9 White-HP

10 Black-AI

11 Black-Asian

12 Black-HP

13 AI-Asian

14 Asian-HP

15 White-Black-AI

16 White-Black-Asian

17 White-AI-Asian

18 White-Asian-HP

19 White-Black-AI-Asian

20 2 or 3 races

21 4 or 5 races

12. marital

1 Married - civilian spouse present

2 Married - Armed Forces spouse present

3 Married - spouse absent (except separated)

4 Widowed

5 Divorced

6 Separated

7 Never married