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CS 61C Fall 2023 Project 2


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Project 2 | CS 61C Fall 2023

Project 2: CS61Classify

Part A Deadline: Tuesday, September 19, 11:59:59 PM PT

Part B Deadline: Tuesday, October 3, 11:59:59 PM PT

In this project, you will write RISC-V assembly code to classify handwritten digits with a simple machine learning algorithm.

The goal of this project is to familiarize you with RISC-V, specifically calling convention, calling functions, using the heap, interacting with files, and writing some tests.

Lectures 7-10, Discussions 4-5, Labs 3-4, and Homework 4 are required for this

project, and we highly recommend finishing those assignments first. Also, make sure you've finished the setup in Lab 0.

Office Hour Policy

Before coming to office hours, please make sure you have done the following:

1. Add descriptions for each register in your functions to indicate their purpose ("this

holds i" is too vague, please be as specific as possible so it is easier for us to read and comprehend your code.)

2. Read the calling convention guide.

3. Use calling convention checker and resolve all calling convention errors caught by the checker (unless your question is specifically about how to fix these errors).

4. Use memcheck and resolve all memory access errors (unless your question is specifically about how to fix these errors).

5. Watch the debugging videos (linked below).

Make sure to fill out the template on the OH Queue with as much description as possible. Questions that do not use the template or have very low-effort descriptions (such as "it    doesn't work") will be skipped/deleted.

Debugging Videos

Check out this playlist     for videos demonstrating how to debug memory and calling

convention issues! Please make sure you've watched these videos before coming to office hours or posting a question on Ed.

Setup: Git

This assignment can be done alone or with a partner.

Warning: Once you create a Github repo, you will not be able to change (add,

remove, or swap) partners for this project (both 2A and 2B), so please be sure of your partner before starting the project. You must add your partner on both galloc and to  every Gradescope submission.

If there are extenuating circumstances that require a partner switch (e.g. your partner drops the class, your partner is unresponsive), please reach out to us privately.

1. Visit Galloc    . Login and start the Project 2 assignment. This will create a GitHub repository for your work.

2. Clone the repository on your local machine (you don't need the hive machine at all for this project). Windows users should clone in Git Bash.

$ git clone [email protected]:61c-student/fa23-proj2-USERNAME.git 61c-proj2

(replace username with your GitHub username)

3. Navigate to your repository:

$ cd 61c-proj2

4. Add the starter repository as a remote:

$ git remote add starter https://github.com/61c-teach/fa23-proj2-starter.git

5. Pull from the starter repo:

$ git pull starter main

If you run into gitissues, please check out the common errors page.

Setup: Java and Python

Make sure that you followed the local computer setup directions in Exercise 2 of Lab 0.

Setup: Venus

We will use the Venus web interface for debugging. The procedure is very similar to the Venus setup in Lab 3.

1. In the 61c-proj2 directory, run bash test.sh download_tools to download Venus for this project. (You only need to run this once.)

2. On your local computer (not the hive), navigate to your 61c-proj2 directory and run this command. Windows users should run outside WSL (Git Bash is recommended).

$ java -jar tools/venus.jar . -dm

3. In your web browser, open https://venus.cs61c.org     (Chrome or Firefox is

recommended). In the Venus web terminal, run mount local vmfs. In your browser, you may see a prompt saying Key has been shown in the Venus mount server! Please copy and paste it into here. You should be able to see a key (string of letters and    numbers) in the most recent line of your local terminal output; copy and paste the key into the dialog.

4. Now the project files from your local computer are loaded into the Venus web

interface. In Venus, you can open the Files tab or run ls vmfs in the Venus terminal to see all your files in your browser.

If you can see your files in Venus, you can skip the rest of this section. If the above steps didn't work, you can follow the guide below to manually upload files.

 Manually Uploading Files

Restoring Starter Files

To restore starter files, please check out the common errors page.