关键词 > EPPD2033



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Individual Assignment


Submission Dateline: 20 September 2023

Length: 10 Pages

Font Type: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

Spacing: Single

Submit to ukmfolio

You can choose any topic below:

1. **Islamic Business Ethics and Principles**: Delve into the foundational teachings of Islam that guide business practices, such as the prohibition of Riba (interest), Gharar (excessive uncertainty), and the emphasis on mutual consent in trade.

2. **Zakat and Economic Justice**: Explore the role of Zakat (obligatory almsgiving) in wealth distribution and how it seeks to establish socio-economic justice in a Muslim society.

3. **Islamic Finance and Banking**: Investigate the principles of Islamic banking, including profit-sharing (Mudarabah), leasing (Ijarah), and joint venture (Musharakah) systems. Compare and contrast these with conventional banking methods.

4. **Case Study on Halal Industries**: Analyze the global Halal food and lifestyle industry. Explore the standards and processes behind Halal certification and its implications for international trade.

5. **Role of Waqf in Islamic Business**: Understand the concept of Waqf (endowment) and its significance in the socio-economic framework of an Islamic society. Examine how modern businesses can integrate Waqf for community development.

6. **Islamic Marketing Principles**: Explore the ethical considerations in marketing from an Islamic perspective, such as truthful representation, the prohibition of selling forbidden products, and the emphasis on public welfare.

7. **Sukuk vs. Bonds**: Delve into the world of Sukuk (Islamic bonds) and explore how they differ from conventional bonds. Highlight the structure, principles, and advantages of Sukuk.

8. **Environmental Stewardship in Islamic Business**: Discuss the teachings of Islam on environmental protection and how businesses can adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices grounded in Islamic principles.

9. **Role of Women in Islamic Business**: Investigate the contributions and roles of Muslim women in business historically and in modern times. Explore the challenges and opportunities faced by Muslim women entrepreneurs.

10. **Consumer Rights in Islamic Business**: Study the rights of consumers from an Islamic perspective. Understand the emphasis on fair pricing, product quality, and the prohibition of deceit in trade.

11. **Islamic Business in the Digital Age**: Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by e-commerce and digital business platforms. Discuss the implications of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and other innovations within the boundaries of Islamic business ethics.

12. **Globalization and Islamic Business**: Discuss the implications of globalization for Muslim-majority countries. Explore how Islamic businesses can thrive in an interconnected world while adhering to their religious principles.