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CSSE 304 Exam 1 Part 2 2018


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CSSE 304 Exam 1 Part 2 Dec 18, 2018

C1. (8 points) (symmetric? matrix) A symmetric matrix is a square matrix M such that for every row i and column j,

M[i,j]=M[j,i].  The format for a matrix is the same as described in problem 1 of HW 4.  You may assume that each matrix given as an argument to symmetric? is a square matrix (you do not have to test for this).

> (symmetric? '((1 2) (2 3)))


> (symmetric? '((1 2) (3 3)))


> (symmetric? '((1)))


> (symmetric? '((1 2 3) (2 3 4) (3 4 7)))


> (symmetric? '((1 2 3) (2 3 4) (3 2 7)))


C2.  (8 points) (sum-of-depths slist).  The depth of a symbol is defined as in notate-depth from the day 8 live coding. sum-of-depths finds the sum of the depths of all of the symbols in slist.  For full credit, your code must traverse slist only once.  You may assume that slist is a valid s-list.

> (sum-of-depths '())


> (sum-of-depths ' (()))


> (sum-of-depths '(a))


> (sum-of-depths '((a)))


> (sum-of-depths '(a b))


> (sum-of-depths '((a () b)))


> (sum-of-depths '(a () ((b c))))


> (sum-of-depths '((() (a (b)) c ((d) () e ((f))))))


C3.  (8 points) (un-notate ls). ls a list that is returned by calling notate-depth on an s-list. un-notate returns the original s-list.

> (un-notate '())


> (un-notate '(()))


> (un-notate '((a 1)))


> (un-notate '(((a 2))))


> (un-notate '((a 1) (b 1)))

(a b)

> (un-notate '(((a 2) () (b 2))))

((a () b))

> (un-notate '((a 1) () (((b 3) (c 3)))))

(a () ((b c)))

> (un-notate '((() ((a 3) ((b 4))) (c 2) (((d 4)) () (e 3) (((f 5)))))))

((() (a (b)) c ((d) () e ((f)))))

C4.  (8 points) In the homework, you were asked to write path-to.  To refresh your memory, I have provided the path-to

problem description and a solution in the boxes below.  The solution is also in the Exam 1 starting code that I will give you. You are to write a procedure  (find-by-path path-list slist) that that finds the symbol obtained by following the path through

slist that is prescribed by path-list.  You may assume that there is a symbol in that location; your code does not have to test for this. To make the test-cases simpler for me to create and easier for you to check, I build each path-list by calling path-to.


> (let ([slist '(a b)]

[sym 'a])

(find-by-path (path-to slist sym) slist))


> (let ([slist '(c a b)]

[sym 'a])

(find-by-path (path-to slist sym) slist))


> (let ([slist '(c a b)]

[sym 'b])

(find-by-path (path-to slist sym) slist))


> (let ([slist '(c () ((a b)))]

[sym 'a])

(find-by-path (path-to slist sym) slist))


> (let ([slist '((d (f ((b a)) g)))]

[sym 'a])

(find-by-path (path-to slist sym) slist))


> (let ([slist '((d (f ((b a)) g)))]

[sym 'g])

(find-by-path (path-to slist sym) slist))


Starting code for problem 4.  You should not change it.

(define path-to

(lambda (slist sym)

(let pathto ([slist slist] [path-so-far '()])

(cond [(null? slist) #f]

[(eq? (car slist) sym)

(reverse (cons 'car path-so-far))]

[(symbol? (car slist))

(pathto (cdr slist) (cons 'cdr path-so-far))]


(or (pathto (car slist)

(cons 'car path-so-far))

(pathto (cdr slist)

(cons 'cdr path-so-far)))]))))

(path-to slist sym) Produces a list of

cars and cdrs that (when read left-to-right) take us to the position of the leftmost occurrence of sym in the s-list slist.  Notice that the returned list

contains the symbols 'car and 'cdr, not the car and cdr procedures. Return #f if sym is not in

slist.   Only traverse as much of slist as is necessary to find sym if it is there.

> (path-to '(a b) 'a)


> (path-to '(c a b) 'a)

(cdr car)

> (path-to '(c () ((a b))) 'a)

(cdr cdr car car car)

> (path-to '((d (f ((b a)) g))) 'a) (car cdr car cdr car car cdr car)

> (path-to '((d (f ((b a)) g))) 'c) #f

C5.  (8 points) (make-vect-iterator v) takes a vector v and returns an iterator for that vector.  If vi is a vector iterator returned by this function, then the iterator's initial position is 0.  The four methods of the iterator object are:

.      (vi 'val) returns the vector element that is in the current position.

.      (vi 'set-val! obj) replaces the vector element that is in the current position by obj.

.      (vi 'next) adds one to the current position and does not return anything.  It is illegal to call this when the current position  is the last index of the vector.  Your code does not have to test for illegal calls.

.      (vi 'prev) subtracts one from the current position and does not return anything.  It is illegal to call this if the current position is the first index of the vector.  Your code does not have to test for illegal calls.

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (vi 'val)]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'val))])

(list y x))

(b a)

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (vi 'val)]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'prev)

(vi 'val))])

(list y x))

(a a)

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (vi 'val)]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'next)

(vi 'set-val! 'd)

(vi 'val))])

(list y x))

(d a)

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'set-val! 'd)

(vi 'val))])

(list x y))

(b d)

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'set-val! 'd)

(vi 'prev)

(vi 'set-val! 'e)

(vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]

[z (begin (vi 'prev)

(vi 'val))])

(list x y z))

(b d e)

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'set-val! 'd)

(vi 'prev)

(vi 'set-val! 'e)

(vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]

[v2 (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x2 (begin (v2 'next)

(v2 'val))]

[y2 (begin (v2 'set-val! (vi 'val))

(v2 'val))])

(list x y x2 y2))

(b d e d)

> (let* ([v '#(a b c)]

[vi (make-vec-iterator v)]

[x (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]

[y (begin (vi 'next)

(vi 'set-val! 'd)

(vi 'prev)

(vi 'set-val! 'e)

(vi 'next)

(vi 'val))]
