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ECON1200 Money and Mind 2023


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Take home assignment 1, 2023

ECON1200 Money and Mind

u Rigorous marking standards apply. Marks will be lost for lack of definitions or

explanations, for incomplete or unclear explanations, for missing calculation steps, for poor writing or poor presentation.

u Collaboration among students and help from a third party is strictly forbidden.

u Except for the research question, it is forbidden to google questions as the Internet is

likely to give you an answer that is not compatible with the contents of the course. It would also be considered as cheating.

u Markers will look for answers reflecting exclusively what has been covered in the course. Do not rely on prior knowledge, content of other courses or the Internet.

Topics to revise

Topic 1 Why financial literacy matters

Topic 2 Money and personal basic accounting concepts

Topic 3 Income I Work regulation and taxation

Topic 4 Income II Centrelink youth allowance

Topic 5 Expense I Tracking spending and planning a budget

Topic 6 Expense II Car insurance, Medicare and private health insurance

Resources to study

All resources available on the course Bb platform in the learning resources folder for each topic (slides, compulsory reading, training handouts and revision quizzes) and in the assessment folder (first and second online test official attempt and unlimited access versions). It is not to study external resources that have not been validated by the course coordinator as they may be conflicting with the approach we take in the course.

Exam Conditions

•    It is your responsibility to regularly check that your answers so far have been saved and the  right pdf files have been attached for the questions requiring an upload. Word document or pictures will incur penalties [see below].

    Some answers will be typed directly in a box below the question. Others will require hand-written answers. It is your responsibility to provide neatly written answers and take good pictures so that the answers are easy to read.

   It is an open book unsupervised assignment. Collaboration is NOT permitted and misconduct procedures will take place if you are caught collaborating with others, regardless whether you are the student helping someone else or the student receiving help. It is a breach of academic integrity to use companies that sell answers or even to provide them the exam question. Be aware that I have an account in all cheating companies and can check at anytime if the question has been uploaded. I can also see the answers that the platform has provided and these answers are given to the markers. It is also inacceptable to google the questions; your answers are expected to reflect the contents of the course not the contents resulting from a google search. This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Structure of the assignment

The assignment is marked out of 40 marks.

Part A 15 marks: Answer 15 Multiple Choice/Answer or true false Questions. (1 mark each)

Same nature and level of difficulty as in revision quizzes and online tests

Only one answer is correct. Choose the answer that is correct in most cases. Disregard

answers that would be true only under very specific circumstances that were not specified in the question.

Be aware of the occasional presence of NOT correct in the question! If you find more than one correct answer, check if you have not omitted a NOT correct.

Part B 18 marks: Solve 3 problems B1, B2 and B3.

Each problem is worth 4 or 8 marks. Questions have mostly two subquestions and occasionally four sub-questions.

Same nature and level of difficulty as problems seen in tutorials.

The questions are different from the ones in the tutorials. Personal abbreviations that were not used in the learning resources are not accepted.

When prompted, you must explain your answers and show the details of your

calculations. This is part of good writing standards and evidence of a deep level of

understanding as opposed to mechanical study. Make sure that the explanations are not simply a repetition of the answers. You need to provide evidence of understanding.

Some questions may require to upload a pdf of your hand-written answers and others to answer in an answer box located below the question. Follow the instructions on how to   answer.

It is easier to secure marks in Part A and B than in Part C.

Part C 7 marks. Answer 2 essay questions C1 and C2.

C1 (3 marks) asks you to write a short essay; (a maximum number of words will be stipulated).

C2 (4 marks) is an Internet research question on an aspect related to the course topics

but not covered during lecture or tutorial. (a maximum number of words will be stipulated).

For this question you are expected to search official and trustworthy websites to find information not covered by the slides. At the end of your answer of Copy/paste the precise link(s) where you found your information. Primary sources are essential. Do not copy paste the information you find; you need to rewrite the information in your own words (except technical terms of course) and only use the information that is relevant for the question asked.

Type your answer in the answer box directly in the test. You can see the number of words you type in the bottom right corner.

In Part C A strong emphasis is put on the depth of understanding and the quality of writing.

Be precise and selective in your explanations. If you make statements that are too vague, you will not get full marks for the arguments you make. If you make a statement containing a mistake that contradicts a good explanation given somewhere else in your answer, or showing a serious misunderstanding of the concepts involved in the question, you will not get marks. Therefore, only write information that you are convinced is correct. You should not use google or other search engine as it is likely that the information you will find will not be precise enough for the course and possibly will contradict the course contents. Using internet contents without mentioning the source is a breach of academic integrity rules. Using the wording of an Internet resource without quotes is plagiarism. Only using quotes is a lack of processing of information.