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ACCT7107 Case Assignment Semester 1, 2023


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Case Assignment

Semester 1, 2023

Case Assignment: Dakota Office Products

Assessment Requirements

•    In  this  assessment, you  are  required to apply your course knowledge to analyse the business case Dakota Office Products (DOP).

•    You are required to respond to all case assignment questions.

•    There  is no penalty for exceeding the word limit, however, the part of a response that exceeds the word limited will not be marked.

•    Be aware of the information in the marking rubric. The rubric may be used as a guideline in developing your responses.

•    Record your responses in a Word document and submit your work as a pdf via Turnitin.

•    Clearly number your responses.

•    Do not copy and paste the assignment questions into your response sheet. submit your responses only.

•    Refer to section 5  in the  ECP for the submission deadline and the information on late submission penalties.

•    The  maximum extension of the submission deadline for this assessment is 7 calendar days.

•    This assessment is worth 25% of the total course marks and will be graded out of 100 total marks.