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Assessment 3: Twine project


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Assessment 3: Twine project

Purpose: To communicate your understanding of the unit themes and demonstrate a basic understanding of interactive media.

Due: 22 September

Value: 30%

Word count: see below


Create a Twine project and accompanying exegesis with one of the following titles:

Billionaire Brawler

COVID-19 Simulator

Titanic Tourist

Your Twine project should engage creatively with the title but also be informed by unit content and relevant further thinking and research. It will be evaluated primarily according to these considerations rather than its technical accomplishment; the only minimum technical requirement is that it must contain no more than fifteen passages in total, and at least seven passages that require player choice (that is, can generate at least two possible outcomes). The player must be required to make meaningful decisions about how the experience unfolds rather than just clicking to go to the next page in a linear fashion or selecting from options that have little effect on the overall experience.

You must also submit a 500-word exegesis that explains how your Twine project addresses both the title and relevant debates and scholarship regarding video games. You may also want to explain creative decisions you have made concerning how to best communicate your ideas through the medium of Twine. Unlike the Twine project itself, this exegesis should be written in academic style and include references.

In addition to learning how to use Twine, you should look at some existing Twine projects to get a sense of how it works and what you can do - there are many available.

You'll need to take a look at Twine's documentation, but this introduction is likely to be helpful too. Just remember, you're not expected to impress with your technical skills - what we're looking for is some creative thinking about how to introduce a degree of interactivity into your response to the prompt.

A note about submitting your work.

To submit your work, you will need to select 'Publish your work' from the arrow menu in Twine. This will export the project as an .html file, which you can then upload using the submission link below.