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RSM391H CDL Introduction Fall, 2023


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Course Syllabus

Course Outline

Course Code


Course Name

CDL Introduction

Term, Year

Fall, 2023

Instructor Details



Office Hours

Instructor Homepage



[email protected]

(mailto:[email protected])

By appointment



Teaching Assistants



Office Hours

Roni Zveiris

Eugenia Vovk

[email protected]

(mailto:[email protected])

[email protected]

(mailto:[email protected])

Program Coordinator






Table of Contents

Course Description

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Grade Components

Readings and Materials (https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/308431/files/26264167?wrap=1)


Ouriginal (https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/308431/assignments/syllabus#_Toc530568736)


Grading and Assessment

Academic Integrity

Standard Policies

Course Scope, Mission and Learning Outcomes

This course is suitable for students pursuing careers in strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship,

entrepreneurial finance, new product development, and economic development policy. The course will introduce students to a framework for developing an entrepreneurial strategy. This involves the key

choices of customer, competition, technology and identity as well as whether ventures pursue a control versus execution focus.

As part of the preparation for the CDL Advanced course, this course will also give you the opportunity to  learn about the specific managerial problems faced by entrepreneurs operating in one of two key focus   areas of the CDL. The first is artificial intelligence. As most ventures in the Toronto CDL have AI cores,    this course track will be essential preparation for that as well as an introduction to AI in the real business world. The second is life sciences. Many Toronto CDL ventures focus on commercialization of medical    technologies, and this course track will illustrate the key challenges faced by entrepreneurs in this area.

This course is a prerequisite for students wanting to apply for the Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) Advanced Course RSM 2013Y where students will have the opportunity to work directly with a CDL venture. Interested students should familiarize themselves with the Creative Destruction Lab and its various activities prior to registering for this course. You can find more information from our website at www.creativedestructionlab.com (http://www.creativedestructionlab.com) . The University of Toronto is committed to equity, human rights and respect for diversity.

Students will learn how to formulate and evaluate the strategy of entrepreneurial ventures, apply

frameworks to CDL ventures and advise them on strategic decision-making, and understand why

strategy formulation for entrepreneurial ventures is distinct to that for other firms. Students will develop an optimal strategy for a new company. Students will learn about the economics of artificial intelligence and learn how to use artificial intelligence in business operations.

Readings and Materials

Additional materials will be posted on Quercus.




Entrepreneurship: A Strategic Approach by Joshua Gans, Erin Scott and Scott Stern


To be posted on Quercus

Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of

Artificial Intelligence by AjayAgrawal, Joshua Gans and Avi Goldfarb

Yes, if you choose to pursue the AI


The University of Toronto Bookstore or online


Evaluation and Grades

The final course grade reflects your level of demonstrated achievement of the Course Learning

Outcomes listed above. Deliverables provide feedback on your progress towards the course grade.


Percentage of grade

Due Date

Assignment #1

Entrepreneurial Strategy


Part 1 - Sunday, October 15, 2023, by 11:59 PM ET

Part 2 - Monday, October 27, 2023, by 11:59 PM ET

Assignment #2

AI Canvas Assignment

OR Health Assignment


Friday, December 1st, 2023, by 11:59 PM ET

All students, in all sections and streams, will submit their assignments on the same day. Students are   encouraged to refer to the recommended material (readings, videos, and articles) to help complete the assignments.

Please cite all referenced materials. All assignments must be submitted in PDF format online. Due to the interactive nature of assignments in this course, late submissions will not be accepted. A grade of zero    will be assigned to late assignments.

Students may use artificial intelligence tools, including generative AI, in this course as learning aids or to help produce assignments. However, students are ultimately accountable for the work they submit.

Course Format and Expectations


Normally, students will be required to submit their course essays to the University’s plagiarism detection tool for a review of textual similarity and detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow  their essays to be included as source documents in the tool’s reference database, where they will be

used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University’s use of this tool are described on the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation website (https://uoft.me/pdt-faq (https://uoft.me/pdt-faq) ).

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is a fundamental value essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarship at the

University of Toronto. Participating honestly, respectfully responsibly and fairly in this academic

community ensures that the U of T degree that you earn will continue to be valued and respected as a   true signifier of a student's individual work and academic achievement. As a result, the University treats cases of academic misconduct very seriously.

The University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters

(http://www.governingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies/behaveac.htm) outlines the behaviours that constitute academic misconduct, the process for addressing academic offences and the penalties that may be

imposed. You are expected to be familiar with the contents of this document. Potential offences include, but are not limited to:

In papers and assignments:

Using someone else's ideas or words without appropriate acknowledgement.

Submitting your own work in more than one course without the permission of the instructor. Making up sources or facts.

Obtaining or providing unauthorized assistance on any assignment (this includes collaborating with

others on assignments that are supposed to be completed individually).

On tests and exams:

Using or possessing any unauthorized aid, including a cellphone.

Looking at someone else's answers.

Misrepresenting your identity.

Submitting an altered test for re-grading.


Falsifying institutional documents or grades.

Falsifying or altering any documentation required by the University, including (but not limited to) medical notes.

All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated by the procedures outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. If you have any question about what is or is not permitted in the

course, please do not hesitate to contact the course instructor. If you have any questions about

appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information from the instructor or other U of T or RC resources such as the RC Centre for Professional Skills, the College

Writing Centres or the Academic Success Centre.


Please use the email for all communications with the Teaching Assistants and Course Coordinator. Refer to the top of the syllabus for the Teaching Assistant you are assigned to answer follow-up questions.

Please include the Course Code in the subject line.


At times, the course instructor may decide to communicate important course information by email. As such, all U of T students are required to have a valid UTmail+ email address. You are responsible for ensuring that your UTmail+ email address is set up and properly entered on ACORN. For more

information visit http://help.ic.utoronto.ca/category/3/utmail.html


Forwarding your utoronto.ca email to a Gmail or other type of email account is not advisable. In some cases, messages from utoronto.ca addresses sent to Gmail accounts are filtered as junk mail, which  means that important messages from your course instructor may end up in your spam or junk mail


Grading and Assessment

Final grades in the course are given as letter grades. They reflect your overall performance in achieving the stated Course Learning Outcomes. Assessment on interim deliverables can take many forms, and    they are intended to give you an indication of where you stand relative to others. This will allow you to    make adjustments to your approach, your expectations, and your performance. Please contact the Course Coordinator if you would like more guidance on your individual course performance. More information can be found in the Student Handbook.

Late Assignments

Late submissions will not be accepted. An automatic 10% will be deducted for late submissions within   24 hours after the submission deadline. There will be an additional 5% deduction per day after that for up to 1 week from the due date. Any submissions after that will receive a 0.

Students who, for reasons beyond their control (eg. illness), are unable to submit an assignment by its   deadline and must obtain approval from the instructor and Course Coordinator for an extension within 2 business days of the originally scheduled course deliverable. Supporting documentation will be required as per the policy on missed tests and assignments. Documentation submitted in support of petitions for missing tests and assignments must be original; no faxed or scanned copies will be

accepted. Note that the physician’s report must establish that the patient was examined and diagnosed at the time of illness, not after the fact. Students who do not provide appropriate or sufficient supporting documentation will be given a grade of 0 (zero) for the missed course deliverable.

Standard Policies

The following are policies students should assume are in force with all Rotman courses.  Full details for

each of these policies can be found on the Registrar’s Office website


1. Academic Accommodations (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/academic-policies-program- progression/academic-accommodations/)

2. Academic Integrity (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/academic-policies-program- progression/student-conduct/academic-integrity/)

3. Accessibility Services (http://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/as/academic-accommodations)

4. Assignment Cover Sheet (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/academic-policies-program- progression/course-work-submission/)

5. Class Attendance (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/academic-policies-program- progression/academic-accommodations/)

6. Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters


7. p(C)ro(o)g(u)r(r)e(s)s(e)sion/(Dro)c(p)ou(D)ersaed-d(li)rop(ne)-Pde(o)a(li)d(c)li(y)e(h)s(t)/(t)r(//)iM(n)B(si)A(de)el(.r)e(o)cti(tm)v(a)e(n)s(.u)date(toro)s(nt)c(o)h(.c)e(a)ck(/re)r(g)el(is)e(t)va(rar)nt(/a)ccourse(ademic)- schedul(policies-)e(p)s(ro)gram-


8. Grading Policies (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/academic-policies-program- progression/grading-policies/)

9. Group Work and Behaviour (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/academic-policies-program- progression/group-work-and-behaviour/)

10. Scent-Free Environment (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/scent-free-policy/)

11. Use of Technology (https://inside.rotman.utoronto.ca/registrar/resources/rotman-administrative- services/technology/)


RC Centre for Professional Skills Writing and Presentation Support:

Please note that clear, concise and correct writing and/or speaking will be considered in the

evaluation of Assignments 1 and 2. How well you communicate your ideas, in writing or orally, will be     considered in the evaluation of the assignment. In your written assignments, you should aim for clarity,  strong organization, concision, professionalism, and correct grammar. Your presentations should reflect strong planning and organization, clarity of speech, and an engaging demeanour. Sources, whether in   written or presentation assignments, should always be correctly attributed.

Support is available through the RC Centre for Professional Skills (CPS) for students who would like

help or feedback on their writing or speaking (presentations). CPS offers both individual and group

appointments with trained writing instructors and presentation coaches who are familiar with the RC

program and common types of business assignments. You also can access your college Writing Centres for help with written assignments.

To book with a writing or presentation coach, visit uoft.me/writingcentres

(http://uoft.me/writingcentres) , and for more information about writing centres, student supports, and

study resources, see the Writing and Presentation Coaching academic support page

(https://rotmancommerce.utoronto.ca/current-students/academic-support/writing-and-presentation- coaching/) .

Missed Tests and Assignments (including mid-term and final-term assessments)

Students who miss a test or assignment for reasons entirely beyond their control (e.g. illness) may

request special consideration.

In such cases, students must:

1. Notify the instructor AND the Rotman Commerce Program Office on the date of the missed course deliverable, e.g. missed test, final assessments, assignment or class (in the case of participation     marks).

2. Complete a Request for Special Consideration Form (https://rotmancommerce.utoronto.ca/current- students/forms-requests-and-appeals/forms/) and submit it along with your Absence Declaration on ACORN (http://www.acorn.utoronto.ca/)(please read the instructions on how to use the Absence

Declaration in ACORN) within 2 business days of the originally scheduled course deliverable.

Students who do not provide this information will be given a grade of 0 (zero) for the missed course deliverable. Please refer to the grading information above.

Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The University of Toronto is committed to equity, human rights and respect for diversity. All members of the learning environment in this course should strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect where  all members of our community can express themselves, engage with each other, and respect one

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