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FIT5137 Assignment3 Marking criteria


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FIT5137 Assignment3 Marking criteria


Marking Criteria





1. Pre-data Cleaning

Develop accurate Data Dictionaries for all tables.

Construct a precise Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) suitable for data recovery purposes with correct PK/FK/cadinality/relationship

Identify and document effective strategies for Data Cleaning and Data Importing.

Utilize appropriate design notations relevant to the given case study.






2. Data Cleaning

Determine the extent of errors present and provide a corresponding SQL script.

Generate comprehensive error logs for all tables.

Formulate suitable approaches for error resolution, accompanied by corresponding SQL queries/methods.





3. DDL Script and Data Insertion

Formulate a fitting Data Definition Language (DDL) script for table creation and data insertion.

Verify successful loading of relevant table data, ensuring readiness for collaborative analysis.

Please ensure that these tables have been successfully created with data, and that the table names in your database account are same with the EPIC case.





4. Descriptive Analysis

Formulate pertinent SQL queries to explore the dataset for descriptive analysis.

Demonstrate a sound comprehension of the dataset and highlight notable observations or patterns. Code runs without error/ relevant of data analysis,etc.




5. Additional Penalty Criteria in Case of Non-Compliance

Maintain clear and concise document readability.

Enhance SQL code readability through appropriate comments.

Adhere to timely submission of correct and pertinent files.