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22321 Cost Management Systems


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22321 Cost Management Systems

Course area

UTS: Business


Spring 2023; standard mode; City

Credit points



22207 Accounting for Business Decisions B OR 22208 Accounting, Business and Society These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.

There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.

Result type

Grade and marks

Subject coordinator

Dr. Hannah Pham

Accounting Discipline Group

Location: CB08.07.103

Email: [email protected].au

Office Phone: (02) 9514 7862

Teaching staff

Mr. Christopher Armstrong

Email: Christopher Armstr[email protected]

Subject description

This subject examines the role of management accounting and business strategy in general, and cost management and analysis in particular to support the achievement of organisational strategies and goals. Students learn a broad range of cost accounting

concepts and techniques to support cost accounting analysis and decision making. Additionally, students learn how Information and Communications Technology can be used as a tool to solve practical costing problems, and to enhance the efficiency and

effectiveness of organisational communications, systems and processes. Students acquire a set of concepts, skills and techniques that are necessary for potential managers, with particular appreciation of the various issues and challenges faced by managers in contemporary organisations.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. explain the role of management accounting and strategy in contemporary organisations to support the achievement of organisational strategies and goals

2. apply a range of appropriate quantitative techniques and use costing information for business planning, performance evaluation and control

3. critically evaluate data and cost information to solve practical costing problems and support tactical and strategic decision making

4. explain how Information and Communications Technology is used to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of organisational communication, systems and processes, and how it supports data analysis and decision making

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

This subject contributes to the Accounting Major by introducing fundamental management accounting concepts and techniques     necessary to produce and apply accounting information in contemporary organisations. The subject relates more broadly to the     Bachelor of Business through an appreciation of how accounting information is implicated in wider organisational decision-making processes. Specifically, this subject contributes to the development of Graduate Attribute by introducing students to the cost

accounting principles and technical skills necessary for a professional accountant, and demonstrating how these concepts can be used to help solve practical business problems.

The subject also contributes to the Graduate Attribute through an appreciation of conventional and contemporary methods of cost   accounting, which are necessary for preparing accounting reports such as budgets. The subject also exposes students to how cost information is being used to manage multiplestakeholder concerns through internal and external reporting.

This subject contributes to the development of the following graduate attributes:

Social responsibility and cultural awareness

Professional and technical competence

This subject also contributes specifically to develop the following Program Learning Objectives:

Apply evidence, creativity and critical reasoning to solve business problems (1.1)

Teaching and learning strategies

Cost Management Systems is taught using a mix of face-to-face teaching, online resources and self-directed study.

Lectures: Lectures provide the structure of a topic area, discussion of theory and practical examples. Lecture recordings are available through the Canvas site.

Tutorials: Students are expected to attend the lecture and review notes, undertake relevant readings and attempt all homework tasks before attending the tutorial. Tutorials provide an opportunity to discuss concepts and ideas, receive feedback on attempted homework tasks, and be involved in group-based problem-solving exercises and case studies.

Discussion Board: Extensive use is made of the Canvas Discussion Board to answer student enquiries.

Self-directed study: Students will be required to undertake self-directed study in order to successfully engage in discussions,

in-class exercises and computer-based tasks. Animated videos and textbook resources are made available online to help students with their study.

Content (topics)

Cost behaviour and cost estimation

Product costing systems

Approaches to allocating overheads

Budgeting and variance analysis

Business processes and strategies

Data analysis and reporting

Database management systems

Datasets, database design and systems documentation


Week/Session     Dates       Description

Week 1                  11-Aug

Topic 1: Introduction to Cost Management Systems

Subject Overview

The role of management accounting and management accountants

Use of spreadsheets to support cost accounting analysis and decision making Basic cost classifications and cost flows in the general ledger


Tutorial activities: Revision Tutorial (22207 OR 22208)

Basic cost classifications and cost calculations

Basic Excel exercises

Week 2                 18-Aug Topic 2: Cost Behaviour, Cost Drivers and Cost Estimation

Basic cost behaviour patterns

Qualitative and quantitative cost estimation techniques

High-low and regression analysis for cost estimation


Tutorial activities:

Tutorial Topic 1: Introduction to Cost Management Systems

In-class Practice Quiz: How to do quizzes on Canvas (15 mniutes)

Group Assignment: Group formation (MS Teams) (15 minutes)

Week 3                 25-Aug Topic 3: Basic Costing Framework and Value Chain Analysis

Basic costing framework

Value chain analysis

Measures of cost


Tutorial activties:

Tutorial Topic 2: Cost Behaviour, Cost Drivers and Cost Estimation

In-class Quiz 1: covering Topic 2 (30 minutes)

Week 4                 1-Sep Topic 4: Overhead Allocation _Traditional

Introduction to overhead allocation

Overhead allocation: Plantwide method

Overhead allocation: Departmental method


Tutorial activities:

Tutorial Topic 3: Basic Costing Framework and Value Chain Analysis

Group Assignment Q&A: Group Assignment Overview(30 minutes)

Group Assignment: Interim Submission

What: Team Registration form

Where: your Private Teams channel

When: by 5pm, Sunday, 3 September

Week 5 8-Sep

Topic 5: Overhead Allocation _Activity-Based Costing

Problems with conventional overhead costing

Activity analysis and Activity-based costing (ABC)