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BUS 442 Information Systems Development C# Project 1 – Fall 2023


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BUS 442 Information Systems Development

C# Project 1 - Fall 2023

Ice Cream Truck Point-of-Sale System


In this project, you are required to build a Windows Forms application in C# that simulates the point-of-sale system for an icecream truck. The application should offer three types of ice creams: Cones, Ice Cream Sandwiches, and Soft Serves.


1. Familiarize yourself with the basics of Windows Forms applications in C#.

2. Develop understanding in handling user inputs and performing calculations based on those inputs.

3. Provide hands-on experience in UI/UX design for a simple application.


1. Fictitious Truck Name: Use a label at the top of the application to display a fictitious name for the icecream truck.

2. User Inputs:

Three text boxes should be used for user input:

•    Number of Cones

•    Number of Ice Cream Sandwiches

•    Number of Soft Serves

3. Price Labels: Use labels next to each text box to display the price for each type of icecream.

- Cone: $3.00

- Ice Cream Sandwich: $4.00

- Soft Serve: $2.50

4. Check Out Button: Include a "Check Out" button that, when clicked, calculates the total amount based on the user input and unit price for each item.

5. Total Amount: Use a label below the "Check Out" button to display the total amount calculated.

Evaluation Criteria

Functionality: Does the application perform the task as specified?

Code Quality: Is the code well-organized, readable, and well-commented?

What to turn in

Zip the entire solution directory and upload it to Moodle.


Submit project 1 by September 15.