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Lab Assignment 2 Linux System Lab


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Lab Assignment 2

Linux System Lab

1. Lab Overview

All of the labs this semester will require each student to have their own Linux VM servers in Jetstream so that they can modify/break without affecting other students. The objective of this lab is to setup multiple server services to use throughout the semester. All of the work of this lab will be performed  through  the  command  line.    You  may  either  SSH  into  your  machine  or  use Jetstream’s web desktop. All the assignments below should be done in both VMs (i520-client and i520-server). I highly recommend to use the SSH access for this lab and the future labs as well.

Do not change anything on your Jetstream host machine.

2. Network configuration

2.1 Play with network configuration

Add a name server “” to /etc/resolv.conf. If you manually update /etc/resolv.conf, your change would not stay permanently. Determine how Ubuntu updates /etc/resolv.conf and make your changes persistent.

2.2 Becoming Familiar with the Aptitude Package Manager

Software packages can be installed/updated from the Ubuntu repositories via the Aptitude package manager. In order to complete the various objectives in this lab, you will need to install some software packages using this tool. There is an introduction and links to more resources here:


To verify that the software list cache on your server is up-to-date, run sudo apt update.

This will have the server download the latest information about packages available. This command also needs to be run whenever repositories are added or removed from the system.

Now, to update all of the software on the system and install any necessary dependencies, run sudo apt dist-upgrade .

To install a new package, run sudo apt install <package name>. For example, run sudo apt install fping . Once the installation is complete, you should be able to run fping example.org and it should return “ example.org is alive”.

3. Lab Tasks

3.1 Install Apache2

Use the aptitude package manager to install the apache2 web server. Installation instructions and basic configuration tasks can be found here:


For now, you will not need to change any of the default installation configurations.

If the installation was successful, you should be able to type your server’s IP address into a web browser and get a webpage back that says It Works!”

3.2 Install MySQL Server

Install the “mysql-server” package. During the installation you will be prompted for a password for the MySQL root user. Set the password to s3cur3n3tworks#!@hac This is the account used to manage the databases and users. Installation and basic configuration instructions can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/mysql.html

To test the installation, you should be able to run “mysql -u root –p” and then enter the root password when prompted. If the installation was successful, you should get a prompt that says ‘mysql>’. Type ‘quit’ to exit.

3.3 Install PHP and the PHP Apache modules

Install the php, php-cli, php-mysql, and libapache2-mod-php packages. You will not need to make any configuration changes, but you will need to restart apache2 for the new module to take effect. Restart apache2 with the following command: sudo service apache2 restart

To test it, we need to put a page in the web server document root that uses PHP. Apache’s default document root is ‘/var/www/html ’.

So run sudonano /var/www/html/group.php and enter the following into the file:


echo Hello from class: i520/B544”;


Then press CTRL-X to save and exit the editor. If the installation worked, you should be able to visit http://<your server’sIP address>/group.php and see the text “Hello from class: i520/B544 ” without the quotes.

3.5 Add a Partially Privileged User (sudoers)

Any of the commands that made changes to the system required sudo to be prepended to them. This  command  allows  a  user  to  execute  a  program  as  another  user  (by  default  root).  The administrative account being used is granted access to do this by being a member of the admin group which has an entry in the sudoers file. The sudoers file can be used to allow users to only run certain programs with root privileges. Using the man pages for sudoers and other online materials, complete the following tasks on both servers:

● Use “adduser” to create a new user with the username serveroperator and the password 1powerS3rv3rs

● Use the “visudo” command to add an entry to the sudoers file that permits the serveroperator user to run the following commands: service, and reboot .

You can test this by logging in as the serveroperator user and running sudo reboot , which should reboot your server; and, sudo service apache2 restart , which should restart apache2. The user should not be able to run any other commands with sudo. (e.g sudo ls should generate an error).


Completion of the lab will be evaluated by the AIs, by logging in to your VMs and checking the following

1.   Add anew DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf permanently.

2.   Proper setup of MySQL server

3.   Proper setup of PHP

4.   Setup partially privileged user at /etc/sudoers