关键词 > FinancialModeling

Financial Modeling One: Fall 2023


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit

Financial Modeling One:  Fall 2023

Class Times:

Monday 9 am to 12 noon

Tuesday 9 am to 12 noon and 1: pm to 4:00 pm

Thursday 9 am to 12 noon

Class Location:

The course will be conducted entirely online via Zoom meetings

Instructor Information

● Instructor Name:  Mike Inglis      

● Email Address:  [email protected]

Email Policy

Consultation Hours:  I will only open e-mails that come from a Ryerson Account. Your e-mail must include in the subject line of your e-mail message the following:

    Financial Modeling, I, Fall 2023, Section 011, (subject)

For instance, the subject line of your e-mail may read:

    Financial Modeling, I, Fall 2023, Section 011, missed assignment

I will try to respond to student’s e-mails within 2 business days. I will not be responding to student’s e-mails in the evenings or on the weekends. If you have not received a response within 2 business days please send me a follow-up e-mail.

Course Description

This course will provide students with an introduction to effectively using Excel to solve many common problems that arise in finance. The course will provide students with an overview of what is involved in creating an effective financial model. Students will then apply these financial modeling guidelines to a variety of financial problems. The student will gain an insight into how to more effectively use Excel to analyze some common financial problems. In addition, the student will learn how through effective financial modeling solutions to financial problems, can be tested to see how sensitive the solution is to the assumptions made in the model. As well, the student will learn how to present clearly and effectively the results of their financial modeling analysis.

Course Details

Prerequisites: Introduction to Finance (AFF210 or FIN300)

Posting of Grades and Feedback on Work:  Grades on assignments and tests will be posted on the D2L site for the course or distributed to the students. Students who do not want their course grades posted must inform the instructor in writing before the second session.  Students will receive the results of their first term work before the final deadline for dropping courses without academic penalty. All assignments submitted for grading will be handed back within three weeks.

Teaching Methods

Classes will be conducted synchronously via Zoom.  All communication about the course or material related to the course will be posted on the D2L course site or on my Google drive. Students are expected to check the site regularly for updates.

We will use a combination of short lectures videos and in class financial model building. Regarding the videos:  I will expect that you have viewed and followed along with the videos that I have posted on D2L before coming to class.  Class time will be devoted to review and clarification of assignments.  You will have a large portion of the class time available to start and possibly complete the assignment for the week.   I record and post all lectures where I’m presenting material.

Course Materials:

1. Videos that are accessible via D2L and my Google drive

2. https://www.youtube.com/user/ExcelIsFun 

3. Any intro finance text 

You will also need a computer setup with Excel and Zoom.  Either PC’s or Mac’s are fine.  Note however that one of the assignments (involving the data model and power pivot) will not be possible to complete using Mac Excel.  You will need to have access to a PC with a newish version of Excel or you can go through the process of portioning your hard drive installing Windows and Excel on your Mac.

Course Learning Outcomes

This course will provide an opportunity to build and examine many financial models. Solutions to financial problems facing businesses and individuals will be examined and solved by developing financial models that utilize many of Excel’s built in functions. The student will be expected to solve many financial modeling problems during the term.

Virtual Proctoring Information

Not required for this course

Topics and Course Schedule (suggested template)


Topic and Class Preparation 

Class #1

Sept. 5 to  Sept. 11

Introduction to Financial Modelling I


The Fundamentals of Effective Financial Modeling.


Excel:   Review of Excel Basics:

             Creating lists, Excel shortcuts, Relative vs. absolute references, R1C1 style

             references, Named References, Review of Excel’s TVM functions


Watch week #1 Videos

Complete week #1 Quiz

Class #2

Sept. 12  Sept. 18

Boolean comparisons, If statements, Vlookup, Data Validation, Conditional Formatting

Profit loss model, Data Tables and Excel’s Scenario Manager, using Vlookup and Match to create our own scenario manager

Watch week #2 Videos

Complete week #2 Quiz

ASSGINMENT #1 Due on Tuesday, September 19th at 11:30 pm.


Class #3

Sept. 19 Sept. 25

INDEX and MATCH, Operators, Dates and Custom Number Formatting


Historical Financial Statement Analysis, common size financial statements and ratios and Cash Flow


Watch week #3 Videos

Complete week #3 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #2 Due on Tuesday, September 26th at 11:30 pm.


Class #4

Sept. 26 to Oct. 2

Array Formulas and OFFSET, Text functions, Circular references


Simple forecasting model, Percentage of Sales Method and Different ways of Balancing the Balance sheet. Required External Financing.  Integrated 3-Stateement Financial model


Watch week #4 Videos

Complete week #4 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #3 Due on Tuesday, October 3rd at 11:30 pm.

Class #5

Oct. 3 to Oct. 5 and Oct. 16

Data Filtering and SUMPRODUCT, Sorting and Filtering, Pivot Tables and Charts


Watch week #5 Videos

Complete week #5 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #4 Due on Tuesday, October 17th at 11:30 pm.

Oct. 9 Oct. 13

Reading Week – No Class


Class #6

Oct. 17 Oct. 23

Data Model, Power Pivot, Get and Transform.  Introduction to VBA and recording a macro.


Watch week #6 Videos

Complete week #6 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #5 Due on Tuesday, October 24th at 11:30 pm.


Class #7

Oct. 24 Oct. 30


Linear Regression, Sales Estimation, Curve Fitting and Estimating the Term Structure of Interest Rates.  VBA continued, properties and methods, variables, first program.


Watch week #7 Videos

Complete week #7 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #6 Due on Tuesday, OCT. 31st at 11:30 pm.

Class #8

Oct. 31 Nov. 6

Matrix Operations in Excel, Portfolio Theory, Estimating the Variance / Covariance Matrix, Estimating the Efficient Frontier

VBA continued, using VBA to repeatedly call Solver


Watch week #8 Videos

Complete week #8 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #7 Due on Tuesday, November 7th at 11:30 pm.



Class #9

Nov. 7 Nov. 13


Estimating Beta, Dividend Discount Model

VBA – control structures (If Statements and For Loops)


Watch week #9 Videos

Complete week #9 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #8 Due on Tuesday, November 14th at 11:30 pm

Class #10

Nov. 14 Nov. 20

Valuation using a Discounted Cash Flow approach

Free Cash Flow to the Firm, Weighted Average Cost of Capital


Data tables, using offset and index to create scenarios.


VBA:  Implementing Scenario analysis using VBA


Watch week #10 Videos

Complete week #10 Quiz


ASSGINMENT #9 Due on Tuesday, November 21st at 11:30 pm.


Class #11

Nov. 21 Nov. 27


Reserved for the surprise topic of the course. (i.e. I change this almost every year, depending on student interest).



ASSGINMENT #10 Due on Tuesday, November 28th at 11:30 pm.


Class #12

Nov. 28 to Dec. 4






Please note that I may insert/ delete or change the order of topics depending on how fast we can cover the material.  


The grade for this course is composed of the mark received for each of the following components:



Graded Assignments




Final Exam




Assignments (48%) You will be assigned a series of 10 individual homework assignments. Each assignment will be graded out of 10.  Some of the assignments will be graded; they will be marked in detail (i.e. tested for functionality, formatting and documentation etc.).  Some assignments will be ungraded; will only be checked for a decent attempt.  The graded assignments will count for 80% of the total assignment mark and the ungraded assignments for 20%.  If you do not hand in an assignment you will receive a grade of zero for that assignment.  So, make sure you hand in all assignments.  You of course will not know which assignments are graded and which are ungraded.  Students turning in identical or nearly identical work will receive grades of zero, regardless of whether the student originated the work or copied it.

Students who do not complete a course requirement will receive a grade of zero for that course requirement unless they produce a doctor's certificate within three days attesting to their inability to attend the course requirement. For absence on medical grounds, an official student medical certificate must be completed by your physician.  This form may be downloaded from the Ryerson website at http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/forms/medical.pdf under the link “Medical Appeal Form”.   The form should be submitted to the Accounting and Finance office.

Note:  We do accept late assignments with penalty:  

1.  Less than 2 hours late – no worries, everyone has last minute technical issues

2.  Less than 1 day late:   2-mark penalty

3. After that we do not accept late assignments without appropriate paperwork.

Quizzes (15%) 

There will be 10 weekly quizzes.  These will be easy short multiple-choice quizzes designed to see if you have watched the appropriate videos before class.  You will have to submit the quiz before the coming week’s assignment.  No late penalty regarding late quizzes themselves, however you won’t have access to the assignment (hence you will not be able to submit the assignment) until you complete the appropriate quiz.  Also, note that you can’t access the quiz until you watch the appropriate videos.

Final Exam (37%)

The exam will be comprehensive and will focus on the how well the student has learned and is able to apply the tools and techniques involved in effective financial modeling.  The format of the final exam will be posted at least two weeks before the date of the exam, but generally will consist of some combination of multiple choice and quantitative problems that will require building a model to answer.  

Regulations concerning conduct during tests and exams are contained in the Code of Student Conduct and the Ryerson Calendar.