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CSSE 304 Exam #1 Part Fall 2021-2022


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CSSE 304 Exam #1  Part Fall 2021-2022

1. (8 points) Consider the execution of the code below.  Draw the box-and-pointer diagrams that represent the results of the defines.  Then show what Scheme would output from the execution of each of the last three expressions.
Be careful!  “Almost correct” answers will usually receive no partial credit. Note that the last part can be done even if you cannot draw the two diagrams correctly.

1a (2 points).

  (define a '(()()))

a  □

1b (4 points).

  (define b1 '(1 2))

  (define b2 (cons b1 (cons 3 b1)))

b1  □

b2  □

1c (2 points).  Given the defines above, what would be the output of (display b2).  If it would produce some kind of error, write ERROR.

2. (6 points)  So although scheme does not have static typing, it does have predicates like number? and symbol? which allow you to check the types of things.  list? allows you to check that something is a list, but if you want to have a list of numbers it’s a little tricky to do that check.  Let’s write a procedure that allows us to build new type checking procedures.  It’ll be called list-of and it will be used like this:

(define list-of-numbers? (list-of number?))

(define list-of-symbols? (list-of symbol?))

(list-of-numbers? '(1 2 a)) ;; yields #f

((list-of string?) '("hello" "world")) ;; yields #t

(define list-of

3. (6 points) Imagine I keep of scheme list representing the age of leftovers in my fridge as a list of numbers.  I want to write a function age-leftovers that I run when a day passes.  However, when leftovers become more than 6 days old, I throw them out (and therefore they ought to be removed from the result list).

(age-leftovers '(1 2 6 4 6)) ;; yields (2 3 5)

Write an implementation of age-leftovers using map and filter.  Do not use any looping or recursion constructs.  If you are unable to do that, you can get 3/5 credit for a version that only uses map and replaces too old leftovers with the symbol 'yuck rather than removing them from the list.

(define age-leftovers

4. (4 points) Here some code that uses let and lambda in an interesting way.  What does this code print out when run?

(define make-thingy

  (let ((a 'apple))

    (lambda ()

      (let ((b 'banana))

        (lambda (a2 b2 c2)

          (let ((c 'cherry))

            (display (list a b c))


            (set! a a2)

            (set! b b2)

            (set! c c2)))))))


(let ([thingy1 (make-thingy)] [thingy2 (make-thingy)])

  (thingy1 'atlanta 'boston 'chicago)

  (thingy2 'ant 'bear 'cat)

  (thingy1 'aaa 'bbb 'ccc))


<LcExpr> ::=

 <identifier> |

 (lambda (<identifier>) <LcExpr>) |

 ( <LcExpr> <LcExpr> )

5. (6 points) Our original grammar for lambda-calculus expressions:

     Consider the expression  ((lambda (y) (lambda (x) y)) x)

(a) (2 points ) In that expression, which variables occur bound? _____________      occur free? ____________

(b) (4 points) Draw  the derivation tree for that expression.  To make it easier to draw this (as I did on the whiteboard in the Day 11 class), you are allowed to write L in place of <LcExpr>, λ in place of lambda, and id in place of <identifier>.