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CSSE 304 Exam #1 Part 1 2019


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CSSE 304 Exam #1  Part 1 Sep 24, 2019 (day 12)

1. (6 points) Show the output from each of these scheme inputs

> (let ([mystery?

         (lambda (ls)

           (andmap eq? ls (reverse ls)))])

     (list (mystery? '(a b c)) (mystery? '(a b a))))    ______________
> (apply apply (list list (list 3 4 5)))                ______________

> (procedure? and)                                    ______________

2. (2 points)  Suppose that the code at the right has been executed. Write a Scheme expression
 involving the symbol wonder and the numbers 3 and 5 (and nothing else except parentheses)
such that the value of the expression is 2.

3.  (4 points)  Show the output, and draw the box-and-pointer diagram when the following Scheme code is executed:
> (cons (cons '() 4) (cons '() '()))

Output : ___________________   


Problems 4-8 have short answers. The total code in my solutions (including the lambda lines) is 13 lines.
You can use procedures from the homework exercises by name without defining them again here.

4. (4 points)  In Assignment 1, you defined a  dot-product procedure for vectors in three dimensions.  It can be defined for any number of  dimensions, as the sum of the products of the corresponding vector components.


(dot-product  '(2) '(3)) è 6

(dot-product  '(2 4 1 3) '(3 0 7 2)) è 19

Write  dot-product in a very simple way by using map and apply.

(define dot-product  ; assume that v1 and v2 ate lists of numbers that have the same length.

5. (6 points)  From Assignment 3: A relation  is defined in mathematics to be a set of ordered pairs.  The set of all items that appear as the first member of one of the ordered pairs is called the domain of the relation.  The set of all items that appear as the second member of one of the ordered pairs is called the range of the relation. In Scheme, we can represent a relation as a list of 2-lists (a 2-list is a list of length 2).    For example ((2 3) (3 4) (-1 3)) represents a relation with domain (2 3 –1) and range (3 4).    
A relation is a function if and only if  there are no duplicates in the first elements of the 2-lists.  See the examples below.

You are to write the Scheme procedure function?. You may assume that the argument really is a relation; your code does not have to check for that.

(function? '()) è #t

(function? '((4 5) (4 6))) è #f

(function? '((3 5) (6 2) (4 7) (5 2))) è #t

(function? '((1 2) (4 5) (4 6))) è #f

(function? '((3 4) (4 5) (5 6) (6 3))) è #t

(function? '((3 2) (2 3) (3 4))) è #f

(define function?

6. (5 points)  Write a procedure count-my-args that counts the number of arguments that it is given.

> (count-my-args 3 2 7 8)


> (count-my-args)


(define count-my-args

7.  (6 points)  Write the function compose which takes any number of procedures of one argument and returns a procedure that is the composition (in the order given) of those procedures.   This is the procedure that was presented in class and used in HW7.  We discussed an efficient version and a less-efficient version.  You do not have to be concerned about efficiency here.

> ((compose add1 - sub1) 6)


> ((compose cadr cadr) '(3 (4 5 6) (7 8)))


> ((compose zero?) 7)


> ((compose) 5)


(define compose

8 . (7 points)  list? does not have to be a built-in procedure in Scheme.  We could write it ourselves. You will write a procedure that does the same thing that list? does (returns #t if and only if its argument is a proper list, #f otherwise). Using pair? as one of the helper procedures, write my-list?.  You may not use the built-in list? procedure in your code.  This is not a trick question.  The solution is straightforward and short.

> (my-list? 3)


> (my-list? '())


> (my-list? '#(4 5))


> (my-list? '(3 (4 . 5) 6))


> (my-list? (cons 'a 'b))


> (my-list? "(1 2 3)")


(define my-list?