关键词 > Excel

Assignment 1 Sep 2023


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Assignment #1

Complete all Problems and upload to Moodle


1.  In Peter’s class, he gives five homework assignments, each worth 25 points, and three exams, each worth 100 points.  I currently computer a student’s final grade by giving 75 percent of the weight to exams and 25 percent to homework.  Set up a spreadsheet to calculate the final grade for a student that allows you to change the weight given to exams.  Upload saved solution as Q1.

2.  A person’s body mass index (BMI) is computer as BMI=703*Weight/Height2.  Set up a spreadsheet to computer a person’s BMI.  Upload saved solution as Q2.

3.  Use the file Citydata.xlsx which contains the latitude and longitude of selected U.S. cities.  The distance between any two U.S. cities (excluding cities in Alaska and Hawaii) can be approximated by the following formula:

Create a table that gives the distance between any two of the listed cities.  Upload saved solution as Q3.

4.  Use the file names Pinevalley.xlsx.  In this workbook the first worksheet contains the salaries of several employees at Pine Valley University, the second worksheet contains the age of the employees, and the third worksheet contains the years of experience.  Create a fourth worksheet within this workbook, name the sheet tab HR table and create a table that includes the salary, age, and experience for each employee.  Do not cut/paste rather use EXCEL to link data sheets into fourth sheet.  This way a change in a cell in sheet 1 will update in sheet four.  Upload saved solution as Q4.

5.  Use the file Grades.xlsx.  It contains student’s grades on an exam.  Suppose the curve is as follows:



Below 60








90 and above


Use EXCEL to return each student’s letter grade on this exam.  Upload saved solution as Q5.