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ISYS1085-1087 Software Testing Tutorial W6 Activities


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ISYS1085-1087 Software Testing

Tutorial W6 Activities

Complete the activities listed below:

1.    Group Discussion: Key terms

2.    Perform a manual static analysis on Pacman Game code

3.    Prac Activity: Junit Part 3 – Automated Unit Testing with Spira Plan

4.    Prac Activity: Junit Part 4  Binary Tree Unit Testing example

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

●   CLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of software testing

●   CLO  2:  Use  fundamental  techniques  to  implement  techniques  to  extrapolate fundamental techniques in the framework of real-world scenarios

●   CLO 5: Communicate clearly and effectively using the technical language of the field correctly.

1. Group Discussion: Key terms

Form a discussion group and take turns quizzing each other on these questions:

●   What is the difference between static and dynamic testing?

●   What kind of work products can be evaluated using static testing?

2. Perform a manual static analysis on Pacman Game code

•    Download the Pacman Game code from here Once downloaded, review the code in groups according to the java_checklist file located on the Canvas page.

•    When using IntelliJ IDEA, there are code inspections available to identify and fix any abnormal code in your project before compiling it. The IDE can detect and highlight a range of issues, such as dead code, probable bugs, spelling errors, and can even enhance the structure of your code. For more information about Code Inspection, you can check this link.Additionally, you can check the list of Java Inspections on IntelliJ here.

3. Prac Activity: Junit Part 3 – Automated Unit Testing with Spira Plan

•    Read the Spira Plan Automated Unit Testing Guide (posted on Canvas) from Pages 8 to 19.

•    Please follow  the  guideline step by step, config your Spira  Project and tests, and customise you JUnit code based on one of your previous projects, Simple Calculator, or Scale to Grade.

•    Download the Spira Extension Packages from the Canvas page.

•    By the end of the guide, you must be able to run the test from your IDE and see the result through the Spira Plan.

4. Prac Activity: Junit Part 4 – Binary Tree Unit Testing example

•    Download the Binary Tree project from the Canvas page and create at least 2 unit tests for this project.

•    Create relevant test cases in Spira Plan and run the tests from your IDE and see the result through the Spira Plan.