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A Digital Solution for Gymnastic House


DUE DATE: 15 Sep 2023 at 23:00


Summary Task:

The assignment asks you to create a collection of UML diagrams (eight diagrams) that visually represent a business application for the Gymnastic House.

Introduction of Case Scenario:

The Gymnastic House is a club in Sydney to teach gymnastics. In a term, different workshops are  offered  every  week  for  different  types,  including  artistic,  rhythmic,  trampoline,  and aerobic gymnastics. A workshop is a two-and-half-day or three-day course focused on a particular type.

Over time, more and more children want to attend the workshops. The club’s director, Sam Morgan, manages all matters related to the club with the Excel spreadsheet and pen and pencil. Doing it this way is very time-consuming, bears the potential for mistakes and errors, and limits the possibility for others to get involved.

Hence, Sam would like to have a digital solution to help with the management of the club. After  consulting  with Queensland Associated Gymnastics clubs Inc.  that  represents  all Queensland-based gymnastics clubs,  Sam decided to hire the IT consulting company Biz Core to create a digital solution.

Mani Jones, the owner of Biz Core, is tasked with the design of the system. You must work with Mani to design the system.

Assignment requirements for students:

1)  You must use the software Enterprise Architect from the company Sparx Systems to create the UML diagrams.

2)  You must  in  total  create  eight  UML  diagrams  –  five  diagrams  that  follow  the  case description and three diagrams that present a feature, or innovation that is not described in the Gymnastic House case description (we refer to them as “innovation diagrams”). For more details, see section ‘Task Description’ .

3)  Assignments with watermarks are not allowed because when there is a watermark in the diagram the marker cannot read your solutions –for further details inquire with a tutor.

4)  You must use UML 2.5 – This means the assignment must comply with the tutorial materials and by extension the OMG UML specification version 2.5 or Sparx Systems’ UML recommendations.

5)  Your final submission is a Word document where the UML diagrams are copied in.

6)  You must also submit a SINGLE Enterprise Architect file that includes the eight UML 2.5 diagrams which the marker uses if the copied UML diagrams are not readable, or the marker wants to verify something. Do not submit diagrams another student created because this is considered ‘student misconduct’ and will be dealt with according to UQ policies.

Students per Assignment:

The assignment can be submitted as an individual assignment OR done by two students as a group assignment. When doing it as a group assignment it is a UQ requirement to do a peer evaluation. For more details refer to the course’s Blackboard site.

How do I submit the assignment?

The assignment submission must be done via the Blackboard site following the steps below:

1)  Goto Assessment” “Assessment: Project analysis and design assessment portfolio”

2)  Find two links one is a Turnitin submission link, the other is a Blackboard submission link.

3)  Through the first Turnitin submission link, submit a project report (.doc or .docx).

4)  Through  the  second  Blackboard  submission  link,  submit  an  Enterprise  Architect  file (.eapx). If the assignment is done in a group,  a Peer Assessment Form (.pdf) must be submitted via this link as well.

IMPORTANT: If the assignment is done in a group, only ONE student in the group needs to submit the project report (.doc or .docx) through the Turnitin submission link. The name and student ID of both students in a group must be clearly stated on the cover page of the project report. However, both students must submit the Enterprise Architect file (.eapx) and Peer Assessment Form (.pdf) through the Blackboard submission link.

How do I know that my assignment submission was successful?

When the assignment is submitted, the student must download one digital receipt from the Turnitin  Assignment  Inbox   (for  the   Turnitin   submission)   AND   should  receive one confirmation email in their student email (for the Blackboard assignment submission). Both the Turnitin receipt and the confirmation email contain a unique submission ID.

Important submission information:

1)  To avoid any potential technical problems with computers or the internet, students are advised to commence assignment submission at least 3 hours before they are due.

2)  Students must click on the Submit button to submit their assignments. Do not save the assignment as a draft, you must submit the assignment by clicking the Submit button. When

the assignment is only saved then the submission has not been finalised. 3)  For the Turnitin submission:

•   Once  the  student  submits  the  Turnitin  assignment,  they  should  see Submission Complete! screen. If not, the student should regard the submission as unsuccessful.

•   After the submission, the student must download a copy of the digital receipt from the Assignment  inbox page   (via   Turnitin)  to  confirm  successful  submission.  More information on the digital receipt can be found via this link: Turnitin Assignment Submission Guide.

4)  For the Blackboard submission:

•   Once the student submits the EA project file and Peer Assessment Form through the Blackboard submission link, they should receive a confirmation email in their UQ student email with the submission ID.

•   If the student does not receive the confirmation email, then they must assume that the Blackboard submission of the EA file and Peer Assessment Form was unsuccessful.

•   If the student does not receive the confirmation email within 60 minutes, they are advised to resubmit the EA file and Peer Assessment Form. More information on the confirmation email can be found via this link: BB Assignment Submission Guide.

5)  The Turnitin digital receipt and the Blackboard submission confirmation email with the submission IDs are the only proof that the entire UML assignment has been successfully submitted. Do not delete these proofs.

6)  It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any UQ assignment is submitted successfully. Any unsuccessful submission may result in late penalty.


It is understandable that students talk with each other regularly and discuss problems and potential solutions. However, it is expected that the submitted assignment is a unique work – all parts of the assignment are to be completed solely by the student(s) indicated on the first page of the assignment. The best practice to avoid misconduct is not to look at another student’s file(s) and not to show your solution to other students. In case where an assignment is perceived to not be a unique work, a loss of marks and other implications can result.

For further information about academic integrity, plagiarism and consequences, please visit

http://ppl.app.uq.edu.au/content/3.60.04- student-integrity-and-misconduct\

DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT GYMNASTICS HOUSE In the following, you find details that allow you to create a truthful representation of the business case. You must capture the operation of the gymnastic club as it is described here. You cannot fill in unnecessary gaps or leave information out. If you do so, marks will be deducted.

Registration Process for a Workshop:

Currently, a client (a student interested in taking a gymnastic workshop) either calls Sam or sends  an  email  inquiring  about  attending  a  workshop,  which  is  inefficient  and  makes  it difficult for Sam to keep a record of the persons’ information as well as restricting the number of students for each workshop.

Hence, he wants to have an automated process registration to eliminate any manual work, support registration for the workshops in an easy way, and provide her with the ability to better manage capacities for each workshop.

The registration process will be overseen by Thomas the headteacher, a gymnastic instructor in the club. While the director takes charge of the club enrolment and term payments, the headteacher is responsible for maintaining workshop registration, records attendance, weekly workshop schedules, and other activities necessary to keep the club running smoothly.

The Scope of the Project - Systems Behaviors and Possible Use Cases

The following text provides the details to create the use case diagram. The use caseshall present the workshop registration subsystem.

The  goal  of the  digital  solution  is  to  automate  the  process  of booking  of the  gymnastic workshops. With the digital solution, the headteacher can open new workshops, along with editing information relevant to the workshops. The headteacher can also restrict the capacity of students for each workshop. If a workshop does not have at least seven students registered one day before the start date of the workshop, the headteacher has the option to cancel the workshop.

For the online booking, there is also a set capacity of 18 students per workshop. However, the headteacher  or  Sam  can  change  the  number  up  to  20  places,  which  equals  to  the  clubs  capacity. It would be good if the system sends a notification to the headteacher and Sam once  18 students have booked to allow for manually increasing the number for the ‘in-demand’ workshops. This means the headteacher and Sam both need access to the system to change  the workshop capacity.

Thomas cannot believe it when  Sam tells him that some students do not show up to the workshop  despite having booked  and  paid  in  advance.  Hence,  Sam  is  confident  that  he normally can accommodate all students wanting to learn gymnastics.

Sam also wants to set up a registration portal on the club’s webpage through which students can register for the workshops beforehand. Through the registration portal, students can log in, view all available workshops, and sign up for their preferred workshops. If they want to keep information about the booked workshop, they have the option to download an iCalendar file, which can be added to their Outlook/Google calendar. At times, students would like to cancel certain bookings due to unexpected events, such as sickness (e.g., bronchitis). Then they can use the ‘Cancel’ option.

Students are required to sign up in advance through the ‘Register Now’ feature, but sometimes students do not register and simply ‘walk-in’ on the day of the workshop. Hence, in most weeks there are less than 18 students booked in. This means that the walk-ins are allowed to attend the workshop. In fact,  Sam or the headteacher always try to make room for a few more students if their club capacity of 20 is not reached.

When the students come into the club, there is a sign-up sheet (paper) on the table asking them to sign in. They need to provide their name, the membership number, their contact details, and emergency contact details. Sam would like to remove the paper sheet and put a tablet at the  entrance  table.  When  students  enter  the  workshop,  they  can  then  enter  their  details directly into the digital solution.

After each workshop, the headteacher generates a report to get the list of attendees. Sam needs to get the report because she needs to compare the workshop attendees with the term enrolments. He can also get a printout version if needed.

The workshop fee is AUD 380. At the moment, many students pay by bank transfer. Sam would like the students to pay via the registration website at the time of the booking. However, Sam does not want to force payment at the time of the online booking because he is afraid it may negatively impact the numbers. Hence, the system should give the option of online payment or via bank transfer.

When attending a workshop, the students need to make sure they are enrolled in Gymnastic House to have insurance when  attending.  The yearly  fee  is  either  AUD 28 or AUD  82 depending on membership status.

Registration Process for a Workshop

The following text provides the details to create the activity diagram and the sequence diagram. Both diagrams present the booking process for a gymnastics workshop, however, the activity diagram needs to capture the process, whereas the sequence diagram captures the interactions between the actors [students & headteacher] and the system (each).

The process of booking a workshop at Gymnastic House starts when the students go to the club’s website and there click on “Register Now”.

First, the system requires verification of the users’ identity by asking them to sign into a valid account. If the student is not a registered user, s/he will need to sign up for a new account. To do so, the student enters personal information, including age, emergency contact, email address, and his/her contact number. After submitting the sign-up form, the student receives a validation email to complete the sign-up process for the new account. The link contained in the email will expire three days from the date sent. When the student has an account, s/he simply logs into the system by entering his/her login details, i.e., email address and password.

Once the student is logged in, s/he can book any upcoming workshops. Initially, Sam sets the capacity for each workshop to 18 students. Once 18 bookings are made, any new bookings will be rejected, but the person is added to awaiting list. The headteacher and Sam will receive a notification (via email and text message) and can increase the number of sign-ups for the workshop manually, either immediately or at a later stage. The increase is only possible to a maximum of 20 places to comply with the club’s health and safety regulations. Subsequently, more places open up for booking and the students on the waitlist will be notified. Once they have confirmed their interest in a particular workshop, they are automatically signed up for it.

The payment for the workshop works as follows: There are two options for students to pay for the workshop – immediately online or later via bank transfer. If sign-up is online, the students have an option to make the payment via credit card at the end of the booking process or later as a bank transfer but not later than two days before the workshop.

Once the payment is made via the online system, the system sends a receipt and, meanwhile, records the details of attendees. If the student does not pay online, s/he will only receive a confirmation email with the club’s bank account details and a unique transaction reference code. For these students who choose to pay the workshop fee via bank transfer, they instruct their bank to transfer the fee to the club’s bank account. The payment is confirmed and recorded in the system at the time of the fee is received.

Once a student has booked a workshop, s/he is free to check out the detailed workshop plan and instrument information on the webpage. In most cases, students would like to get a reminder of the workshop. They can simply do so by clicking on the ‘Save to Calendar’ button on their booking page. In case a  student wants to  sign up  for more than  one  gymnastic workshop, s/he can repeat the same process to book available workshops.

Data Requirements of the Digital Solution

The following text provides you with the details you need to create the domain class diagram. The diagram shall present the data structure of the entire gymnastic club management system (beyond the workshop booking subsystem).

In the meetings with Sam, Mani learns about various types of information that the system needs to keep track of, and that are important to different users of the system. Sam provides him  with  a  list  of  the  essential  information  the  system  needs  to  capture.  You  find  the information in the Excel spreadsheet (see in Blackboard).

To help Mani better understand the information in the spreadsheet, Sam also provides him with some additional information as below:

Sam needs to maintain information about each member that is an account holder. In fact, the person who attends each of the workshops is not always the account holder but can be the student’s parent or caregiver. For each student, Gymnastic House only allows for a single sign-up for an account.

Gymnastic House offers two types  of memberships, namely,  Gold  Star  Membership  and Standard Membership. The Gold  Star membership  also provides access to various  online workshops offered by the club, and the monthly gymnastics magazine. For students that hold the Gold Star Membership, Sam wants to keep a record of who they are and what benefits (type of the benefit, description of the benefit) are available to them. For those who hold the Standard Membership, he occasionally provides them with special discounts for workshops. In such cases, it requires the system to generate discount codes.

Sam needs to hire a venue for the club workshops. Usually, she contacts the owner of the club venue in November to renew the lease for the following year. Now and then, their workshop  clubs  are  not  available  on  specific  dates  of  the  year,  for  example  during competition times. If this occurs, she will need to look for other venues for temporary use on those days and weeks.

Sam would like to offer multiple advanced exercises in each workshop, but also to have standard gymnastic moves. He believes that dance and pivots are a great way for students to learn rhythmic routines. Indeed, creating an acrobatic routine requires flips and twists skills and every student can do it, but also requires students to learn dynamic strength elements.

Sam usually opens the registration for the workshops for an entire year in January. This allows the booking for more than one workshop. Therefore, Sam relies on the system to keep track of information about bookings, especially details that otherwise cannot be captured in the records of the members and scheduled workshops.

Sam also wants to restrict the number of registrations for each workshop. If a workshop reaches its predetermined maximum attendance numbers, a waiting list will be open for this specific workshop. Otherwise, the system only generates a list of registrations. Sam worries that if someone accidentally deletes the registration list, the registration will no longer exist. Therefore, he wishes to setup two-factor authentication on the access of the list.

Workshop attendees can make payments online when they book one or more workshops with vacancies. Alternatively, they are welcome to pay the workshop fees via bank transfer. For online payments, Sam would like to capture the type of credit card and the billing address of the payee. For fees that are paid via bank transfer, he wants to capture the account details (daily cash account or again via credit card) and the transaction reference code.

The registration process is handled by the headteacher.

Sam needs to maintain records of all gymnastic instructors’ personal information (ID, title,  first name, and last name) and their administrative services. Additional information is also  important for  Sam to know.  Therefore, he wants to record the details of the  instructors’ contracts, such as contract ID, the start date and end date of their appointment. Since these are additional information, they are not captured as part of their personal information nor the  administrative services they are assigned to.

For the headteacher, Sam is interested in knowing more in-depth information, including the educational background, experiences in coaching for competitions, and actual working hours per month.

The Lifecycle of a Workshop

The following text provides the details for creating the state machine diagram. The diagram shall represent the different states of a workshop and the transitions between the states.

At Gymnastic House, each workshop goes through a multiple-phase process to ensure the students enjoy the activities but also improve their skills in a certain gymnastics exercises. The lifecycle of a workshop includes several major phases – a planning phase, an online booking  phase,  a  preparation  phase  for  the  exercise,  a  workshop  running  phase,  and  a performance and presentation phase. A headteacher oversees the entire process.

The process starts when Sam shares via email the evaluative feedback from the previous workshop with the headteacher. The headteacher then reaches out to two other gymnastic instructors to work with him on the next workshop. These three people form a creative tribe for the week.

In the Planning phase, the headteacher first carefully reviews the feedback while researching about different gymnastic exercises, such as strength, flexibility, agility, rhythms, and the selected apparatus. Then, the headteacher drafts a workshop plan laying out the following details: what time to dedicate to each exercise, what resources are required, what is important feedback from the last workshop, and which could be used in the week under planning.

Once the workshop plan is drafted, it is shared among the team. They review and discuss the proposal, and eventually decide on whether to approve it or not. If the workshop is not approved, it is marked as Rejected and the initial planning process  starts  again.  If the workshop is approved, it is marked as Approved and the headteacher is notified through email.

Once a workshop is approved, the headteacher goes ahead and opens the online booking for   the workshop. The workshop is then flagged as open in the system and spots are available to   be filled. Every time the system recognizes that 18 students have signed up for a workshop, it notifies the headteacher and Sam who then may release more spots for waitlisted students.

From time to time, some students may decide to cancel a workshop. As a result, those spots    open and become available for the students on the waitlist. Note that bookings close one day   prior to each workshop. At that point, if there are less than  seven students registered, the workshop will be cancelled and removed from the list.

The headteacher and the other instructors start preparing for the workshops three days before, such as selecting the apparatus, checking equipments and matts.

On the day of the workshop, the headteacher and the other instructors run the workshop together. They open the club for the students to come in, setup the healthy corner with water and fruits. They also explain the club’s housekeeping rules.

A smooth-running workshop is only possible through the efforts of the headteacher and the other instructors. Each workshop is generally a combination of warm-up stretches, specific gymnastic moves exercises, particular apparatus exercises, which provide opportunities to improve the skills.

Sam has made it  a habit  to  collect feedback about each workshop  from the  students by emailing them a short questionnaire. It generally takes him two days to receive feedback back from the students. The feedback is later entered into the system. After 24 hours of entering the feedback, Sam carefully reads through the feedback and adds some personal notes that mark the end of one workshop.

Task Description

After familiarising himself with the business requirements for the software application for Gymnastic House, Mani and you are now required to do THREE tasks:

1) Task 1: Find a name for the digital solution. You must also give the solution a name. Put the name on the cover page of the word file.

2) Task 2: Create five UML models (one for each type) based on the description of business requirements  for Gymnastic House.  Document  any  assumptions  you  made  (if  any) underneath each diagram.

3) Task 3: Create three additional UML models (we refer to them as “innovation diagrams) that have not been detailed in the description of the Gymnastic House. Here we ask you to be creative and use your own imagination to come up with something new. You can consider this task as a suggestion of an additional feature, an innovation, the club owner did not think of. The three UML models you are asked to create must be an activity diagram, a sequence diagram, and a state machine diagram.

To propose something truly new – you must keep the following in mind:

1.   Activity diagram cannot be the ‘Registration Process’. We recommend going back to the use case diagram and thinking about a different business process.

2.   Activity diagram and sequence diagram must depict the same business process. 3.   State machine diagram cannot be again the object ‘ Gymnastic Workshop’ .

UML 2.5 Portfolio

All UML models MUST be created with Enterprise Architect (EA) and each diagram must be exported as an image and pasted into a Word document that MUST be submitted as well.

The word document needs to include an overview page that must contain a table of contents with meaningful headings. For example, “Activity Diagram” followed by the name of the system. In addition, each diagram may have assumptions underneath only if needed. It is recommendable approximately 200 words (for the whole document) but can be less or more. Also, it is desirable the use of bullet points. Furthermore, the word document must have the pages numbered and the diagrams must have a readable font size.

All models MUST be done in UML 2.5. This means it must comply with the tutorial material, and  by   extension  the   OMG  UML   specification  version  2.5  or  Sparx  Systems’  UML recommendations.

Please make sure that you comply with the modelling guidelines as follows:

1)  The models must be created with Enterprise Architect from the company Sparx.

2)  The first five models must be a truthful representation of the business case. This means you need to create the five diagrams using the information provided in the assignment.

3)  You must only model the automated part of the digital solutions. This means any manual activities that are not carried out by the system are going to be represented in the UML models.

4)  You must follow appropriate modelling conventions (the rules) that are specified in the weekly tutorial files.

5)  You must clearly capture the relationships between different types of UML models. This means:

•   The activity diagram must model the business process that is captured in one or more use cases of the use case diagram.

•   Activity diagram and sequence diagram must depict the same business process.

•   The information contained in the sequence diagram should match the information captured in the class diagram.

•    State machine diagram must depict the states of a single object (over its lifespan); this object is captured as a class in the class diagram.

For Task 2 - the first five UML diagrams (seep. 8), you must have the following details in each diagram:


Diagram Type

Detailed Requirements


Use Case


3 different actors

8 or more top level use cases

3 or more include relationships

4 or more extend relationships




3 partitions

25 - 30 activities

4 forks

4 joins

4 decision activities




1 domain object that interacts with 2 actors in a complex sequence of  interactions, including 12 input messages, 13 return values, and 5 self- messages and 5 self-message returns. Parameters/input data must be included along with each input message.

You should also include combined fragments, specifically, 1 loop fragment, 2 opt fragments, and 2 alt fragments.