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ACCTG331 Revenue and Cost Management SECOND SEMESTER, 2022


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Revenue and Cost Management

Time allowed: ONE hour with 5 minutes reading time and 10 minutes technical submission considerations


Thursday 22 September 2022

TOTAL MARKS: 60 marks

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Background for all questions

Alex Matteo is a former partner of a professional accounting firm who has recently established a not- for-profit organisation Leadership in Business. The organisation has the social mission to fill the gap  in professional education of young people caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic, particularly young

people who come from lower social-economic groups. Leadership in Business recently ran its first

major event – Launchpad – a conference primarily for high school students to connect with university students who are studying business and with the professional world.

Section 1: Pricing basis

Alex and the management team of Leadership in Business have decided to run a series of small

monthly workshops covering current topics in business. Workshops will be run by an industry expert, coaching high school and university students to work together on practical business problems.  The

first three workshops will cover the issues of business recovery post-pandemic, cryptocurrencies, and the use of artificial intelligence in business.

The management team is considering how best to market these workshops to high school and

university students. Their current thinking is to offer different prices to high school and university

students for the monthly workshops. They also want to encourage students from target schools to

attend workshops by offering these schools lower prices. This aims to ensure a good diversity mix and meet the organisation’s social mission.


1)    Berry and Yadav (1996) have suggested pricing strategies can be used to minimise the risks associated with the provision of services.

Pick two customer groups from high school students, targeted schools, and university students. Propose a pricing strategy for each group using one of Berry & Yadav’s (1996) strategies.

.     For each strategy provide a practical explanation of how it will work.

.     Explain how the strategy will benefit the customer group and how Leadership in Business will benefit.

.     You must propose a different type of pricing strategy for each customer group. (8 marks)

2)   Leadership in Business has started taking bookings for the coming year’s workshops.

Management have discovered that the workshops covering technology topics are much more popular than general business topics. Alex has suggested introducing an extra charge for

technology workshops.

Referring to Prospect Theory concepts, discuss whether customers are likely to view this pricing strategy as fair. Suggest an alternative approach, based on the concepts of Prospect Theory, that  might be more acceptable. (8 marks)

(Total for Question: 16 marks)

Section 2: Inventory allocation

Alex has started planning for the next Launchpad conference for later in the year. This will be a one-  day event. Tickets will be available for high school students, university students, corporate guests and will also target students from lower decile schools. A venue with total capacity of 500 has been

booked for the event.


3)    The management team has estimated demand and the contribution margin for each ticket type as follows:

Ticket type

Mean Demand

Contribution Margin







High School



Lower Decile



Using Nested EMSR determine the protection levels and the booking limits for the four ticket types. Assume that demand can be modelled by a Poisson distribution. (14 marks)

4)    Alex is not sure EMSR is the right approach for determining capacity allocations to each ticket type. Instead, they think a simpler approach would be to use a Threshold Curve applied to the

lower decile ticket type only. The idea would be to restrict the availability of these tickets if

demand is too high. Bookings open 30 days before the event and demand is expected to be

uniform throughout the booking period. The management team have collected the following

information from the last Launchpad conference for five days ’ total cumulative bookings during the booking period to illustrate the differences between expected and actual demand.

Days before conference

























Prepare a concise instruction guide for the booking agents to apply the Threshold Curve when   deciding whether to take orders for tickets from lower decile customers. Your instruction guide should cover:

.     Possible threshold(s) for the event, referring to the booking information provided.

.     Description of what these thresholds mean and how they are used to make decisions.

.     An example to show when lower decile tickets would be offered.

5)    Alex is concerned about whether the use of the above strategies (EMSR and Threshold Curves) is appropriate given the objectives of the event and of Leadership in Business.

Apply the AAA Ethical Decision Making framework to analyse the above approaches. You do NOT need to provide a final decision. (8 marks)

(Total for Question: 29 marks)

Section 3: Duration control

During the first Launchpad conference difficulties were encountered when checking tickets before allowing entry. Long queues were the major source of complaint received from attendees. Alex wants to ensure everyone has a valid ticket, attendees sign-in on the day, and all attendees answer some questions about their affiliations. For lower decile students, this process also requires a check of the student ID to determine if it is from an approved school that qualifies for the lower priced ticket. Alex has decided to hire seven additional staff during the first two hours of the event to address this problem for the next Launchpad conference.


6)    Describe to Alex the Theory of Constraints’ Five Focusing Steps: Identify, Exploit, Subordinate, Elevate, and Repeat in terms of this problem.  Identify which of the five steps is being employed in Alex’s proposed solution. (7 marks)

7)    Comment on how (increase/decrease/no effect) the proposed solution will affect the measures of Throughout, Investment, and Operating Expenses(3 marks)

8)    Identify an alternative solution to this problem using one of the other Five Focusing Steps.

Comment on how (increase/decrease/no effect) your proposed solution will affect the measures of Throughout, Investment, and Operating Expenses(5 marks)

(Total for Question: 15 marks)