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SCLG3702 -- Research Report 1


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SCLG3702 -- Research Report 1 -- Due Monday, September 4

In this assignment, you will use data from the World Bank's "World Development Indicators" (WDI) database and the "Our World in Data" (OWID) Github site to investigate a potential reason for the differences between countries in their coronavirus testing rates.

NOTE: Turn in only your research report, without any other supporting materials. Do NOT add citations or references. Do NOT include spreadsheets or datasets. Do NOT provide any additional analyses. Do NOT attach disability services academic plans; we have these on file.

Detailed instructions for accessing data, selecting variables, and conducting analyses will be available on Canvas in the Week 4 and Week 5 tutorial materials. Once you have completed these activities, you should write up your results in a research report comprising:

· Absolutely no more than 750 words of text, including all words of any kind anywhere

· Exactly 2 charts (as specified below)

Your report should be originally written by you in English (i.e., not translated into English using Google Translate), submitted via Canvas as a Microsoft Word document, and include the following 7 elements, in the order given below:

(1) A meaningful title based on your analyses (for example, something like: Population Size and Coronavirus Testing Rates: Do Big Countries Perform Better than Small Ones?)

(2) An introductory paragraph of approximately 200-250 words in which you explain the purpose of the report (to investigate cross-national differences in testing rates), lay out a theoretical model (what you think explains those differences), and very briefly state what data you will use in operationalizing this model (testing rates from Our World in Data and one additional independent variable from the World Development Indicators).

(3) An analytical paragraph of approximately 200-250 words in which you interpret the relationship between coronavirus testing rates (Y-axis) and your independent variable (X-axis), as depicted in your Figure 1. This paragraph should begin by introducing Figure 1 with some text along the lines of "Figure 1 charts the relationship between ... and ... for [number] countries for which data are available." You are welcome to use this exact text as part of your paragraph. This paragraph should then explain whether the relationship between the two variables is positive or negative and whether or not that tends to confirm your theoretical model. After describing the shape of the scatterplot in Figure 1, you should explain why the testing rate actually requires a logarithmic transformation, and why your independent variable either does or does not require a logarithmic transformation of its own.

(4) Figure 1 -- a well-formatted, appropriately-labeled scatterplot showing the relationship between coronavirus testing rates (Y-axis) and your independent variable (X-axis), in natural units, with countries labeled by ISO code, and with a linear regression line superimposed. Your Figure 1 should include a title that says something like "Figure 1. Testing Rates vs. [your independent variable]." Your Figure 1 should be copied into Word as an image.

(5) An analytical paragraph of approximately 150-200 words in which you interpret the relationship between logged coronavirus testing rates (Y-axis) and your independent variable (X-axis), as depicted in your Figure 2. This paragraph should begin by introducing Figure 2 with some text along the lines of "Figure 2 charts the relationship between ... and ... for [number] countries for which data are available." You are welcome to use this exact text as part of your paragraph. This paragraph should explain and interpret the improvement in the appearance of the scatterplot in Figure 2 as compared to that from Figure 1. Include a summary evaluation that either confirms the conclusions you drew from Figure 1 or updates your conclusions based on the new evidence gained from Figure 2.

(6) Figure 2 -- a well-formatted, appropriately-labeled scatterplot showing the relationship between coronavirus logged testing rates (Y-axis) and your chosen variable (X-axis), with the independent variable also logged if necessary, with countries labeled by ISO code, and with a linear regression line superimposed. As instructed in tutorial, create the logged variable(s) in your worksheet and then graph them; do NOT use the logarithmic scale check box available in the axis formatting options. Your Figure 2 should include a title that says something like "Figure 2. Logged Testing Rates vs. [your independent variable]." Your Figure 2 should be copied into Word as an image.

(7) A concluding paragraph of approximately 100-150 words that summarizes your views on the relationship between testing rates and your independent variable in light of the evidence you have presented in your report, the degree to which the data supported your initial theoretical model, any new insights you may have gained, any exceptional data that may have stood out for particular countries, and any limitations you feel may have affected your results.

IMPORTANT: To do well on this assignment you MUST follow the instructions laid out in the Week 4 and 5 tutorial materials and follow the principles laid out in the marking rubric (below). Your assignment should adhere to the analytical approaches learned in this class. Do NOT submit a report based on knowledge gained in other classes. Including additional information that has not been covered in our class will result in a lower mark.

Marking Rubric

Marks on this report will progressively "build up from the bottom," meaning that you must meet substantially all of the criteria for a LOW PASS before you can earn a HIGH PASS, you must meet substantially all of the criteria for a HIGH PASS before you can earn a CREDIT, etc. As a result even an otherwise outstanding report that fails to meet several pass criteria will not pass. Make sure you meet all criteria at basic levels before you attempt to master the criteria for advanced levels. It is strongly recommended that you review your final report one-by-one against each of the check-boxes in the marking rubric before you submit.

Grade descriptors

A grade in the LOW FAIL range (0-35) will be assigned for work that does not seem to have been attempted in good faith as a serious effort by the student to complete the assignment.

A grade in the HIGH FAIL / LOW PASS range (40-50) will be assigned for work that, at a minimum, seems to have been attempted in good faith as a serious effort by the student to complete the assignment.

A grade in the UPPER PASS range (55-60) will be assigned for work that meets substantially all of the following basic formatting and topic criteria:

¨ Is single-spaced with double-spaces between paragraphs

¨ Is written in Times New Roman 12-point font, left justified and with 2.5 cm margins

¨ Has page numbers

¨ Does not use footnotes, endnotes, parenthetic citations, or a reference list

¨ Is written in English that is sufficiently grammatical to be read by the marker

¨ Follows the instructions laid out in the Week 4 and 5 lectures and tutorial materials

¨ Follows all other explicit instructions laid out in this assignment sheet

¨ Contains all 7 assigned elements, in the specified order, with no additional materials

¨ Portrays the dependent variable on the Y axis / the independent variable on the X axis

¨ Correctly identifies the direction of the relationship between the variables

¨ Correctly logs Figure 2 using calculated logarithms (not the logarithm checkbox)

¨ Correctly implements a regression line on both scatterplots

¨ Correctly implements case labels on the two scatterplots

¨ Presents attractively formatted and labeled scatterplots

¨ Contains no more than 750 words in length (all-inclusive) plus 2 charts

A grade in the CREDIT range (65-70) will be assigned for work that meets substantially all of the upper pass criteria and in addition meets substantially all of the following general assessment criteria:

¨ Presents a well-reasoned theoretical model

¨ Uses the correct coronavirus testing data assigned in class

¨ Makes use of an appropriate independent variable

¨ Exhibits a clear understanding of the material discussed in the report

¨ Uses means and medians to ascertain any skews in the variables studied

¨ Correctly identifies the need (or lack of need) for a logarithmic transformation of the selected independent variable based on its skew

¨ Presents a well-informed summary of the results obtained

¨ Is well-written in appropriate and grammatical English

A grade in the DISTINCTION range (75-80) will be assigned for work that meets substantially all of the lower criteria and in addition meets most of the following distinction criteria:

¨ Correctly interprets the underlying substantive meaning of the results obtained

¨ Correctly interprets the statistical relationships found in the data

¨ Exhibits a real understanding of the implications of the analyses conducted

¨ Handles finer points of writing, formatting, and style in a sophisticated way

¨ Note: the key criterion for distinction is that the assigned work be done well, not that extra work be undertaken; extra work will be penalized, not rewarded!

Grades in the HIGH DISTINCTION range (85-100) will be assigned on a case-by-case basis for work of exceptional merit that meets all of the pass and credit criteria and fulfills most or all of the distinction-level qualities at an exceptionally high level of accomplishment.

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Final note: This document is formatted according to the style that you are required to use for this assignment. One easy way to make sure that your paper is in the correct style is to simply download this document and substitute your own text in place of the text here.