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CESYS522: Developing System Requirements


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Developing System Requirements

Course Project


In this project you will build a Use Case Behavioral Diagram for a specific use case. You will begin by determining all the functions your system must be able to achieve throughout its use case. After developing an understanding of the difference between functional and structural requirements, you will modify the requirements to ensure they are formal, verifiable statements. After this, you will use an activity diagram to create a SysML variation of your use case behavioral diagram.

Where possible, use this document to record all your project work and responses to any questions. At a minimum you will need to turn in a digital copy of this document to your instructor. You may also have additional supporting documents that you will need to submit. Your instructor will provide feedback to help you work through your findings.

Note: Though your work will only be seen by those grading the course and will not be used or shared outside the course, you should take care to obscure any information you feel might be of a sensitive or confidential nature.

Once you have completed all parts of the project, submit this project document and any supporting documents to your instructor for grading. A submit button can be found on the Part Two assignment page. Information about the grading rubric is available on any of the course project assignment pages online. Do not hesitate to contact your instructor if you have any questions about the project.

Part One  Develop a Use Case Behavioral Diagram

In this part of the course project you will create a Use Case Behavioral Diagram for a system you want to develop in Excel.

In order to satisfy this part of the project you will identify your use cases, selecting a high priority use to explore through a Use Case Behavioral Diagram. You will then determine who are the main actors in this use case. You will add notes, starting and ending conditions, and what your system should do stated as requirements.

Briefly describe the system on which your project work will be based (250 words or fewer):

Use the UCBD Template file provided to create a UCBD for your system. Save it with your last name appended to the filename. You will need to turn in this UCBD to your instructor as part of your project completion.

Remember the following important guidelines:

● Create a separate column for each actor and element that interacts with your system.

● Create only one column for your system.

● Provide a series of actor statements and system requirements that describe what must occur and the functionality your system must perform in order to advance from the use case’s starting condition to the use case’s ending condition.

Refer to the Developing Your System Requirements Checklist document to complete this portion of the project.

Answer the following questions about your project’s UCBD:

1. What is the chronological order, from start to end, of your actor’s actions? Is your UCBD written in this order?

2. Which statement is assigned to which column? Do these columns correspond to the actor or system that is primarily responsible for that statement?

3. Does any row have a statement that represents more than one requirement? If so, how will you fix this so that each requirement is written in its own separate row?

Part Two  Improve Your Requirements and Create an Activity Diagram

In this part of the project you will revisit the Use Case Behavioral Diagram from Part One of the project and delve into your requirements.

In order to satisfy this part of the project, you will:

1. Examine which of your statements are structural vs which are functional. Rewrite your structural statements about your system so that they are formal, verifiable statements.

2. Delve into your requirements to discover additional functional needs.

3. Review your requirements one last time to verify that they meet the requirements guidelines in your UCBD template.

4. Use your completed UCBD to create a SysML variation of an Activity Diagram and a corresponding Requirements Table for that use case.

Use the SysML Activity Diagram Template and Sample to provide an activity diagram for your use case. Use the SysML Requirements Table Template to create your corresponding requirements table for your activity diagram. Save both files with your last name appended to the filename. You will need to turn in your updated UCBD, your SysML Activity Diagram, and the corresponding SysML Requirements Table to your instructor as part of your project completion.

Answer the following questions about your revisions to the UCBD.

1. Which of your system’s requirements from Part One were written in a way that was too structural? How did the wording artificially constrain what your system must be? How did rewording the statement open ways to creatively think about possible solutions for your system’s functional needs?

2. In reviewing your requirements, what additional things did you discover that your system must do? What are other functions did you discover are occurring at the same time within your system?

3. In what ways were you challenged to abide by the requirements guidelines? Include at least one specific example.

4. If a contractor were asked to create something just from the original requirements you provided, where do you think the contractor may have run into issues around this use case? How did you fix those requirements to clarify the requested functions?