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SUPCOM: Enterprise Modelling & System Engineering


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SUPCOM: Enterprise Modelling & System Engineering [module 2]: Assignment Description

Your overall task: You need to carryout the tasks 1-4 of the Assignment and send it into the hand-in box named Assignment Submission Box.

Task 1 (Max 3 points)

A regional government in northern Sweden has started an emergency central due to the long distance to the regional hospital. An assess-plan-do-process has been introduced at the emergency central and should be carried out as follows:

When a patient arrives at the emergency central,a nurse makes an emergency assessment, then registers the patient, and finally gives the patient a room. After that, the physician and a  nurse meet the patient in the room. The physician makes an investigation of the patient. Then the physician starts to decide one of the actions to be carried out, and decides who, the nurse or the physician, should carryout the planned action. The nurse will then document the planned action, and, documents who should carryout the action. This is repeated for each action planned by the physician.

After that, the physician and the nurse carryout the actions that are planned to be carried out. The physician and the nurse can carryout the actions in any order, depending on who is free to do the action. For example, the physician can start carrying out two actions, and then the nurse carries out one action, and, finally, the physician carries out a last action, or in some other order. However, it is not necessary that the physician and/or the nurse carryout any action at all if no actions are planned.

When all the planned actions have been carried out (if any planned), the physician meets the patient in a so called sum-up meeting, which consist of the following actions: Action 1)   the physician informs the patient of the physician’s overall assessment of the health of the  patient; Action 2) if some action(s) have been carried out, the physician informs the patient about the results of the action(s); Action 3) if the patient needs some medicine(s), the medicine(s) shall be prescribed; Action 4) if the patient needs to be investigated by some expert(s), referral(s) shall be written and sent to the expert(s)’ healthcare unit(s). Action 1    shall always be carried out first, and action 2 after that, followed by the two actions 3 and 4. Action 3 and 4 can, however be carried out in any order. Action 1 should always be carried out while actions 2, 3 and 4 may not always be carried out (for example, the patient may not need a medicine and/or may not need an expert investigation, or no actions have been carried out).

Your task: Describe the assess-plan-do-process using UML activity diagram, from the emergency central’s perspective. Use swimlanes for the two roles: physician and nurse. You do not need to have a swimlane for the patient.

Task 2 (Max 4 points)

The emergency central has physicians and nurses employed. Each physician and each nurse has a name, a mobile number, a national ID Number, and an employee number.

When a patient arrives at the emergency central, the patient needs to be registered by the    nurse. The nurse should document the following during the registration: name and national  ID Number of the patient, registration date, results of a first emergency assessment done by the nurse, and room number where the patient needs to wait for an investigation of the physician.

During the investigation of the patient, which is carried out by the physician, the physician decides the following: preliminary diagnose, actions planned to be carried out, and which  physician or nurse is assigned to carryout each planned action.

Finally,after all the actions have been carried out (if any), the physician needs to meet the patient in a sum-up meeting. During the meeting, the following needs to be carried out: inform the patient about the physician’s overall health assessment of the patient, present the results of each actions that have been carried out (if any), eventually prescribe medicine(s), and eventually write referral(s).

For each of the medicine prescribed, information about the name and product number of the medicine are needed as well as name and national ID number of the patient and name  and national ID number of the prescribing physician.

For each of the referrals created, the name and address of the healthcare unit that will receive the referral needs are needed as well as the following: the date for the writing the referral, a short description of the patient’s health issues identified, and, of course, the name and national ID Number of the patient to be referred, and the name and national ID Number of the physician that creates the referral.

Your task: Describe the concepts by creating a conceptual model using UML class diagram, including classes, attributes, associations and multiplicity for the associations in both directions.

Task 3 (Max 1 points)

For each class you modelled in Task 2, define the term/concept using an intensional definition - and for each definition use the genus-differentia method. For example, if you have a class named “Nurse” in your conceptual model, then define the term/concept “Nurse”, and use an intensional definition using the genus-differentia method.

Note, the intensional definition needs to be in accordance to your conceptual model. For example, when defining the term/concept “Nurse”, use the terms/concepts in the definition of “Nurse” that the “Nurse” is associated within the conceptual model in Task 2.

Task 4 (Max 2 points)

The emergency central is planning to develop an IT system supporting the assess-plan- do-process.

One of the use cases are:

“Register patient”. In this use case,the nurse needs to register the patient in the IT system   when the patient is arriving at the emergency central, including name, national ID Number, registration date, result of emergency assessment, and room number.

Your task is to:

i)           Create ause case diagram with the use case “Register patient” plus three (3)

more use cases identified by you by reading the text for tasks 1 and 2.

ii)          Make use case descriptions for the use case “Register patient”, see above. You

do NOT need to do such descriptions for the other three (3) use cases.