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CS 1410 Syllabus


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Computer Organization

CS 1410 (810:041)



Computer Organization provides an introduction of how a computer operates at the digital-logic level, machine-language level, and the assembly-language level. It can be taken after or concurrently with an introductory programming class such as UNI’s Introduction to Computing (810:051) course. This prerequisite is useful since an understanding of a high-level programming language is useful before studying lower-level, assembly-language programming in the second half of the course. The first half of the course is geared toward understanding how individual computer components (e.g., CPU, memory, bus, control unit) operate at the logic gate level, and how they are connected together to perform machine-language instructions.

Course Objectives

After this course, you should understand:

simple combinational and memory circuits used to build computer components,

● how these circuits are organized to build a computer,

● how data is represented and manipulated on the computer,

● how to program in assembly language,

● how high-level language programming languages are implemented with respect to the run-time stack and built-in data structures such as arrays and records, and

● general concepts of hardware support necessary for an operating system.


Linda Null and Julia Lobur, The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, second edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006. ISBN-10: 0-7637-3769-0.

Software Tools:

You will need to download and install the free MARIE simulator from the web-site: http://computerscience.jbpub.com/ecoa/2e/student_resources.cfm

Plus, you will need to download and install the free MIPS simulator from the web-site: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/spim.html


Prerequisite or Corequisite: Introduction to Computing (810:051) or equivalent. If you have, or are, taking an introductory programming course in any high-level programming language (C, C++, Java, Python, Ada, Ruby, Scheme, etc.), you satisfy the necessary prerequisite.

Written Assignments: Assignments will be both "pencil-and-paper" and assembly-language programming exercises. Assignments are organized around the chapter sections of the textbook according to the below schedule. For each assignment, you should follow these steps:

1) Read the corresponding chapter section(s) thoroughly.

2) Check the outline below to see if I have provided additional supplemental material to further explain a textbook topic or provide additional examples.

3) Complete the assignment related to the chapter section(s) and submit your solution to the Assignment Submission link. Need help? See the eLearning Tutorials for instructions on how to submit an assignment.

Assignments consist of two types:

a. Textbook and instructor supplied exercises which are short-answer or problem based questions. You can use a word processor program (Word, Open-Office, etc.) to save your responses to a file in Rich-text format (.rtf). However, many of the assignments require complex diagrams that are more easily done on paper, so you might want to use a scanner/printer or digital camera to generate a .jpg file. Zip multiple files together and submit a single .zip file for the assignment.

b. Assembly-language programs as text files and their associated output files. Zip your output and assembly-language program files together and submit a single .zip file for the assignment.

Examinations: There will be three proctored exams: two and a comprehensive final exam. Examination request forms are included at the appropriate places in the Course Content.

Course Outline:

  1.1 - 1.5
  Intro. to Computer Organization and
  Computer History

Written Assignment
  2.1 - 2.4
  Binary and Hexadecimal number systems;
  Unsigned Integers; Signed Integers: two’s

Written Assignment
  2.5 - 2.7
  Floating point representation; Character
  representation; Error correction and detection

Written Assignment
  3.1 - 3.5
  Boolean Algebra; Logical Gates; Common
  Combinational Circuits

Written Assignment
  1-bit latches, Timing Diagrams; Flip-Flops,
  Registers, Register File
Supplement 5
Written Assignment
  Exam 1: covering chapters 1- 3
  4.1 - 4.7
  CPU, Bus, Clock, I/O, Memory, Interrupts

Written Assignment
  4.8 - 4.10
  Intro. to MARIE assembly instructions, Fetch-
  decode-execute cycle; simple programs
Supplement 7
Written Assignment
  4.11 - 4.12
  Assemblers; MARIE subroutine instructions
  and programming

Written Assignment
  MARIE Hardwired and Microprogrammed Control
Supplement 9
Written Assignment
  Exam 2: covering chapter sections 4.1 - 4.13
  Intel x86 (CISC), MIPS (RISC) architectures,
  simple MIPS assembly language programming,
Supplement 10
Written Assignment

  Run-time stack; MIPS procedure/funciton calling
  conventions; PCSpim System calls
Supplement 11
Written Assignment

  MIPS logical and shifting instructions; bit-string set
Supplement 12
Written Assignment
  Hardware Support for OS: CPU timer, privileged
  instructions, dual-mode CPU operation, memory
Supplement 13
Written Assignment
  Final exam: comprehensive, but focusing on details since Exam 2


Grading policy: Course components are weighted as:

Written Assignments:                                   30 %

Exam 1:                                                      23 %

Exam 2:                                                      23 %

Final Exam:                                                 24 %

Course grades will be assigned based on the following grading scale:

100-90                 A

89 - 80                 B

79 - 70                 C

69 - 60                 D

Below 59              F

Plus and minus grades will be assigned for scores within two percentage points from a grade cutoff (e.g., 91.9 to 90 is an A-, and 89.9 to 88 is a B+).

UNI Guided Independent Study requires that you submit all assignments and complete exams to recieve a grade in the course.