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BSD131: Applied business analytics – Assessment Task 2


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BSD131: Assessment Task 2

Task overview

Assessment name:

Business analytics research plan

Task description:

For this assessment, you will write a business analytics research plan. You will apply your understanding of business analytics methods and models to a simulated consulting project. Further, you will analyse information to identify business problems and communicate the analytical approaches and methods of data collection required to provide potential solutions.

Due date:

Week 10, Friday at 11.59pm (Brisbane time).  


1600 words (word length excludes in-text referencing and your reference list)







Assessment and feedback:

Grading scale using a rubric

Task details

What you need to do:

You will complete the steps below.

Step 1: Preliminary research

Familiarise yourself with the following materials to be found on Canvas

· Case study and task background

· Dataset from marketing research firm

· Data dictionary

· CRISP-DM framework


Step 2: Individual business analytics research plan

Develop an individual business analytics research plan. Your plan should consider the stages from the CRISP-DM framework and be presented in four parts:

· Business background

· Data understanding

· Modelling approach

· Capability

Learning outcomes measured:

Learning outcome 1: Apply a selection of methods to collect, aggregate and process business data from multiple sources.


Learning outcome 2: Present data and analysis results in effective forms to assist business decision making in a variety of industrial and organisational contexts.


Learning outcome 3: Critically analyse data using a variety of methods and approaches to generate business insights and inform business decision making.

BSD131| Applied business analytics: Assessment Task 2 Rubric
Total Weighting: 35%


High Distinction








Marginal Fail




Low Fail


No Evidence

Analysis using CRISP-DM framework

Weighting: 15%

The business analytics (BA) research plan demonstrates excellent application and excellent understanding of key components of the CRISP-DM framework with all aspects addressed appropriately.

The BA research plan demonstrates thorough application and thorough understanding of key components of the CRISPDM framework with all aspects covered.

The BA research plan demonstrates comprehensive application and comprehensive understanding of key components of the CRISPDM framework with most aspects covered sufficiently.

The business analytics (BA) research plan demonstrates general application and general understanding of key components of the CRISP-DM framework with most aspects covered although some gaps exist.

The business analytics (BA) research plan demonstrates only a vague application and understanding of key components of the CRISPDM framework.

The business analytics (BA) research plan demonstrates very limited application and understanding of key components of the CRISPDM framework.

The business analytics (BA) research plan fails to demonstrate application and understanding of key components of the CRISPDM framework.


Diagnosis of business problems (issues, situations) and expected outcomes (values)

Weighting: 20% 

The BA research plan provides excellent and comprehensive descriptions of business problems and expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities.

The BA research plan provides thorough descriptions of business problems and expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities.

The BA research plan provides comprehensive descriptions of business problems and generally expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities.

The BA research plan provides general descriptions of business problems and generally expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities, although there is room for improvement in specifics.

The BA research plan provides vague descriptions of business problems and vague expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities.

The BA research plan provides limited descriptions of business problems and vague expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities.

The BA research plan fails to provide descriptions of business problems and vague expected outcomes of proposed analytics activities.


Articulation of analytical/modelling questions, data collection and analysis, methods (models), and valuation

Weighting: 50%

The BA research plan articulates highly appropriate modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan presents comprehensive discussions of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions

The BA research plan articulates appropriate modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan presents thorough discussions of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions

The BA research plan articulates appropriate modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan presents a general discussion of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions

The BA research plan articulates general modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan presents a general discussion of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions.

The BA research plan vaguely articulates modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan fails to present a discussion of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions.

The BA research plan presents limited modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan fails to present a discussion of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions.

The BA research plan fails to present modelling questions that help address the defined business problems.

The BA research plan fails to present a discussion of approaches to collect and analyse data that can be applied into the modelling questions.


Professional written communication

Weighting:  15%

The work consistently adheres to all conventions of the report genre 

The work adheres to the main conventions of the report genre 

The work adheres in general to the conventions of the report genre 

The work shows awareness of conventions of the report genre 

The work exhibits few of the conventions of the report genre 

The work exhibits limited conventions of the report genre 

The work does not follow the conventions of the report genre 


Thorough proofreading is evident: there are very few errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Strong proofreading is evident: work is relatively free of errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Adequate proofreading is evident: there are few errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Some proofreading is evident: errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar occasionally affect readability.

Proofreading is inadequate: multiple errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar affect readability.

Proofreading is inadequate: consistent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar affect readability.

Proofreading is inadequate: consistent errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout.


Language is consistently academic, clear and fluent 

Language is mostly academic, clear and fluent 

Language is mostly academic but lacks clarity 

Language is sometimes academic but lacks clarity

Language is limited and lacks clarity 

Language is very limited and lacks clarity 

Language is very limited and unclear


APA referencing conventions are accurately followed with very minor errors 

APA referencing conventions are accurately followed with minor errors 

APA referencing conventions are accurately followed with occasional errors 

APA referencing conventions are generally accurate 

APA referencing conventions are poorly applied 

Very few APA referencing conventions are applied 

No attempt to apply APA referencing conventions