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AD856-A1 Market and Economic Research and Analysis Fall 2023


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AD856-A1 Market and Economic Research and Analysis

Fall 2023

Meets Tuesdays 6 -8:45 pm @ CAS-324

Instructor:  Marcus Goncalves

Phone:  508-353-1885

Email:  [email protected]

Office Hours:

Mondays: 12-4 pm

Tuesdays: 12-4 pm

Or by appointment via Zoom

Course Description

This course will comprehensively discuss market and economic research and analysis, key concepts, process

descriptions, qualitative and quantitative market research and data analysis techniques, and application scenarios.

Students will appreciate some of the breadth and depth of this subject and its significance for the business enterprise – both from start-up entrepreneurship and an established business organization. The course structure is based on the six steps of the market research process: problem definition, development of an approach to the problem; research

design formulation; fieldwork and data collection; data preparation and qualitative and quantitative analysis; report preparation, and presentation.

Course Content and Objectives

The course aims to introduce students to the market research process. This course emphasizes how to conceptualize  and conduct a market research project and use research to aid market management decisions. Successful marketing   managers possess a fundamental skill to obtain and use factual information in managerial decision-making. While the course will deal with prospective users of research results, it will also introduce different research techniques for

those who wish to specialize in market research during their careers. Students will learn to design, interpret, and apply market research and analysis to solve business problems.

The learning outcomes for this course include the following:

1.    Development of the participant's problem analysis skills and the ability to translate a market management problem into a feasible market research project. Provide participants with a working knowledge of market research concepts and technical methods.

2.    Provide a general understanding of market research, what information it can provide, and how marketing

managers can adequately use it. Provide an overview of the structure of science in marketing and the market research industry.

3.    Enhance students' sensitivity to the biases and limitations of different research designs, methods, and market data. Examine alternative research designs, their relative strengths and weaknesses, and ethical issues in market research.

4.    Analyze the comparative advantages and disadvantages of secondary and primary data collection strategies.

5.    Provide an understanding of how to generate data and information by surveying and making observations of consumers and organizations.

6.    Examine significant types of sampling plans and their advantages and disadvantages and consider how sample sizes for surveys are determined.

7.    Understand the meanings of measurement, validity, reliability, generalizability, and scaling and their application in marketing data.

8.    Assess various quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques, including statistical techniques for data analytics and the use of a survey, semi-structured interviews, case analysis, and data coding,

respectively, through market research.

9.    Examine the logic of data analysis and how to develop a data analysis plan while familiarizing participants with traditional and newer approaches to analyze market data, understand the marketing mix variables    better, and assess demand for new products and services.

10.  Learn how to make specific, budgeted strategic market recommendations based on statistical results that will help a firm improve its performance.

The learning objectives will be attained throughout the semester by reading assigned materials in the text, cases,

assignments, videos, examinations, lectures and discussions, and various market research articles. Written lecture

notes available on the course website and weekly Live Classrooms will extend and supplement the topics covered in the textbook and provide additional and different perspectives on them.

Prerequisite. There are no prerequisites for this course. In a graduate-level course, however, students must have introductory marketing and statistics understanding from undergraduate studies.

Course Instructor

Professor Marcus Goncalves, Administrative Sciences, BU MET.

Marcus Goncalves is an Associate Professor of the Practice of Administrative Sciences at

BU/MET, having taught at BU for over 20 years. He holds a doctorate in Education from BU and a Ph.D. in Business from the Catholic University of Portugal at the University of Saint

Joseph in Macau, China SAR. He also holds an MS in CIS from SouthWest University. He is a Sr. Partner at MGCG, an international management consulting firm with 30+ years of

international management consulting experience with clients in North and South America,

Europe, South East Asia, and the Middle East. He is the author of several books, Op-Eds, and peer-reviewed papers in his areas of expertise.

Course Developer

Course Full Redevelopment, Summer 2020

Marcus Goncalves, Ed.D., Ph.D.

Associate Professor of the Practice

Administrative Sciences Department

Metropolitan College

Boston University

Email:[email protected]

Profile: https://www.bu.edu/met/profile/marcus-goncalves/


BU-MET Educational Goals

I.    Understand the importance of behaving ethically in their professional lives.

II.    Be influential leaders and communicators.

III.    Demonstrate problem-solving skills supported by appropriate analytical, quantitative and qualitative techniques.

Graduate Marketing Management Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Upon completion of this program, a student will be able to:

1.    Analyze the global marketing concepts and test the application of the latest digital marketing tools and techniques.

2.    Develop quantitative and qualitative research techniques utilizing data analytics to measure, analyze, and optimize global marketing strategies.

3.    Create a marketing strategic plan, and launch, and execute global marketing campaigns.

The Satisfaction of Department Goals






Critical and




The course incorporates a business running case that, at each stage, requires choosing

and applying appropriate analytical tools from a business simulation. The results provide the basis for critically evaluating decision alternatives and business scenarios. Qualitative and quantitative information interplay is at the heart of modern analytical and innovative thinking.


International perspective


The examples discussed, and the business running case pertains to a global enterprise and requires situation analysis that considers national and international factors that bear on all

functional business areas, including marketing, innovation, operations, finance, and organizational management.



tion skills


The course is built on, and students are evaluated based on teamwork, discussion sessions,

projects, and video-conferenced project presentations. All these components strongly support

the development of communication skills and are critically important for the successful completion of the course.





Decision-making based on careful, balanced, and thoughtful evaluation of quantitative and qualitative information is at the heart of this course.



tools &



The course presents and discusses a variety of tools and techniques. Analytic tools include Risk Solver and advanced Excel techniques, and approaches include decision tree analysis, sensitivity analysis, optimization analysis, and risk analysis.



skills &



The course is built upon a sequence of interrelated research sub-projects. In each sub-

project, the students research a specific business situation, decide on relevant information, and how to evaluate; they construct models and apply decision support tools.


Professional ethics &



The importance of professional ethics and standards in analyzing and choosing between

business alternatives is discussed and emphasized throughout the subproject and discussions.


Creative &




Understanding the nature of quantitative and qualitative managerial decision-making is

indispensable for becoming an innovative and influential leader in the modern enterprise.

Course Objectives (SLO)


Assessment Method

BU-MET ASD &  GMM Goals Met

Development of the participant's problem

analysis skills and the ability to translate a

market management problem into a feasible marketing research project

Assessment will be through class activities such as case analysis, assignments, examinations, flipped classroom environment, and in-class/online discussions.


GMM 1, 2 & 3

Provide a general understanding of

marketing research

Assessment will be through class activities such as case analysis, assignments, examinations, flipped classroom environment, and in-class/online discussions.


GMM 2 & 3

Enhance students' sensitivity to the biases

and limitations of different research designs, methods, and market data.

Assessment will be through class activities such as case analysis, assignments, examinations, flipped classroom environment, and in-class/online discussions.


GMM 2 & 3

Analyze the comparative advantages and disadvantages of secondary and primary  data collection strategies.

Assessment will be through class activities such as examinations and in-class/online discussions.


GMM 1, 2 & 3

Provide an understanding of generating data and information by surveying and making

observations of consumers and


Assessment will be through class activities such as assignments, examinations, and in-class/online