关键词 > MKTG2508

MKTG2508 Brand Management Semester 2, 2023


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Mid Semester Exam Information

Brand Management – MKTG2508

Semester 2, 2023

Type: Exam - Mid Semester During Lecture. Online, non-invigilated

Exam Technology: Blackboard
Learning Objectives Assessed: 1, 2
Due Date: 6 Sep 23 15:00
Weight: 25%
Reading: 10 minutes
Duration: 50 minutes
Format: Multiple-choice
Task Description:

The Mid-semester exam (online) is designed to help you stay up to date with the early course material, i.e., reviewing lecture notes and reading textbook chapters. Solid knowledge of the initial course material is essential to understanding materials presented later in the semester, and enabling you to commence the course project.

· This exam will include 25 multiple choice/concept matching questions covering lecture, textbook and in-class activities content.

· Each question is worth 1 mark. For a matching question, all matches must be correct to achieve 1 mark. Part marks are not awarded. Marks for incorrect answers are NOT deducted.

· Questions are randomized, therefore is highly unlikely to receive the same exam as your class mates. However each test across the cohort, contains the same number of concept matching versus multiple choice questions.

· The online exam will be open (via Blackboard). Once started you will have a maximum of 60 minutes to complete all questions.

· The exam will cover course topics covered in Weeks 1 to 6, and textbook chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10.

· This is an open book exam. All course materials are permitted

Exam window:

Your examination will begin at the time specified above. If commence your examination after this time, the end for your examination does not change.

Technical difficulties:

If you experience any interruptions to your examination, please collect evidence of the interruption (e.g. photographs, screenshots or emails).

If you experience any issues during the examination, contact the Library AskUs service for advice as soon as practicable:

Chat: support.my.uq.edu.au/app/chat/chat_launch_lib

Phone: +61 7 3335 7047

Email: [email protected]

You should also ask for an email documenting the advice provided so you can provide this to the course coordinator immediately at: [email protected]

Important exam condition information:

You are responsible for managing your multi-factor authentication in this examination. Please check the guidance on How do I MFA before an online exam?

Academic integrity is a core value of the UQ community and as such the highest standards of academic integrity apply to all examinations, whether undertaken in-person or online.

This means:

· You are not permitted to access any online or hard copy resources during this exam

· You are not permitted to consult any other person – whether directly, online, or through any other means – about any aspect of this examination during the period that it is available.

· If it is found that you have given or sought outside assistance with this examination, then that will be deemed to be cheating.

Deferred exam:

If you are unable to sit your exam, you must apply for a deferred exam. This is managed centally and not by the MKTG2508 coordinator. Please see this link for more instructions: https://my.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/manage-my-program/exams-and-assessment/deferring-exam