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ECW2721 Introductory Macroeconomics


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Assignment Sheet

Unit Name

Introductory Macroeconomics

Unit Code


Assignment Name

Assessment 1

Assignment Number/Reference


Learning Outcomes

This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:

Learning Outcome Number

Learning Outcome Description


Understand payments among nations and the monetary approach to the Balance of Payments


Study the operation of foreign exchange markets and alternative exchange rate systems.


Acquire essential skills for managing foreign exchange risk.


Learn macroeconomic adjustment mechanism with different exchange rate systems.


Demonstrate in the assessment task the acquisition of a

comprehensive understanding of the topics covered in this unit.


This assignment is worth 15% of your overall grade for this unit. There are two tasks:

●    Oral presentation (Group-based): 10%

●    Discussion (Individual-based): 5%

Please see the assignment rubrics for each task.


This assignment has the following requirements:

Assignment Type

Group + Individual

Response Format

Oral communication (Presentation and discussion)

Response Specifications


●    About 12 minutes (Maximum 15 minutes)


●    If the presentation exceeds the time limit, this may incur a mark penalty.

Discussion (Q&A)

The    10-minute    Q&A    session    will    be    followed    by    the


Due Date

On the presentation day from Week 5 to Week 9

●    Each  group  will   have   different  presentation  days  from Week 5 to Week 9

●    Make sure that each group shares their newspaper articles on  Friday  before the  presentation  week  in the following Excel sheet. This is also a notification to the tutor.

Submission Process

Hard-copy   submission   to    the    tutor   with   the    following attachments:

     Cover page

     Presentation slides (4 slides per page)

●     Group member evaluation analysis sheet


●     Note   that   this   is   a   minor   assignment   where   each component of this assignment is 10% or less than 10%. Therefore,  special  consideration  may  not  be  applied. Alternative arrangements can be made.

●     Late  notification  to  your  tutor about the  newspaper article   may   hinder   a   smooth   Q&A   session.   Please provide a newspaper article link by the Friday before the presentation week.

     Remember DO NOT PLAGIARISE.

https://www.monash.edu/students/study- support/academic-integrity

●    ChatGPT   or  other  AI  tools  may   be  used  for  study purposes and to learn about your topic, but you may not include   any    AI-generated    materials    in   the    final submission. This includes copying and pasting text and then editing.

●    We reserve the right to vary the individual marks

Assignment Instructions

i) Newspaper article presentation (10%)

This is a group-based task aimed at exploring the real-world relevance of a case to the unit syllabus. Your group will prepare a newspaper article presentation to introduce and describe a real-world case related to the weekly topic and demonstrate its relevance to the subject matter.

Group Formation and Topic Selection:

1.   Form a group of 4 or 5 students (depending on the tutorial class size).

2.   Choose a weekly topic and the corresponding week for your presentation.

3.   Fill out the Google sheet provided by 11 August at the latest.

●    Group formation requirement:

○    Group members should be from the same tutorial group.

Preparation Steps:

1.   Find a newspaper article from renowned economics magazines or newspapers that is relevant to the chosen weekly topic.

2.   Produce presentation slides to be used during the in-class presentation in the

tutorial sessions on a designated day between Week 5 and Week 9.

3.   Ensure roles are allocated based on each group member’s comparative advantage,

with only two members making oral presentations.

Presentation Guidelines:

1.   Your article should be published in English and within the last 5 years. Some examples include The  Economist; Wall Street Journals;  New York Times.  For your  reference, please see a case study (or case studies) introduced in the recommended readings.

2.   Your  presentation  should  be  about  12  minutes, with  a  maximum  duration  of  15 minutes. A mark deduction of 1% per additional minute will apply for presentations exceeding 15 minutes.

3.   Introduce and describe the chosen article and its key points.

4.   Briefly discuss and explain how this real-world case is relevant to the weekly topic. 4.   Use well-organized and easy-to-follow presentation slides (you may consider the

MBB presentation style: (https://mconsultingprep.com/how-consultants-make-mbb- slides).

5.   Limit your presentation slides to a maximum of 10, including the cover and reference slides. If more slides are needed, consult your tutor in advance. You must cover all the presentation slides for the in-class presentation. All slides must be numbered.

Additional guidelines:

●    When submitting your group member evaluation sheet, please indicate the task of each group member.

○    Be advised that it is highly recommended to work with the same group mates for Assessment 3 (Case-study presentation and discussion).

●    Remember DO NOT PLAGIARISE. You must note the source of all information

quoted directly. You must also note the source of crucial ideas and information even if not quoted directly. Evidence of plagiarism will result in a FAIL grade.


●    A reference list must be included with your presentation slide. Failure to include a  reference list will result in a deduction of 5% of the total marks for the presentation. Please do not cite your textbooks.

●    ChatGPT or other AI tools may be used for study purposes and to learn about your  topic, but you may not include any AI-generated materials in the final submission (i.e. presentation slides). This includes copying and pasting text and then editing.

ii) Discussion (5%)

This is an individual task following the presentation. During the 10-minute discussion session, students are required to raise relevant questions for the presentation group individually.

After the presentation, there will be a 10-minute discussion session. For this session, the student is required to raise a question (or questions) to the presentation group on slido.

Your active participation is highly recommended. As an audience, you are required to raise a question at least once from Week 5 to Week 9. As a presenter, you are required to answer at least one question from the audience.

When asking a question/questions on slido,

●    Be polite and clear while posting questions

●    Ensure your question(s) is relevant to the contents of the presentation

If the Q&A session is not enough to handle all the questions, the presenters can follow up on the remaining ones after the tutorial sessions.