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ISYS1085-1087 Software Testing Tutorial W4 Activities


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ISYS1085-1087 Software Testing

Tutorial W4 Activities

Complete the activities listed below:

1.    Splitpay Project (Test Levels)

2.    Prac Activity: Zephyr Squad (Review)

3.    Prac Activity: Junit Part 1  Simple Calculator

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

●   CLO 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of software testing

●   CLO 2: Use fundamental techniques to implement techniques to extrapolate fundamental techniques in the framework of real-world scenarios

●   CLO 3: Demonstrate competence in using software designed to assist in the software testing life cycle for given portions of the testing cycle

●   CLO 5: Communicate clearly and effectively using the technical language of the field correctly.

1. Splitpay Project (Test Levels)

1.1. The class instructor will introduce the SRS and SDS for the Splitpay App.

1.2. Working in your teams, identify what would be the activities you would plan for each test level for a project implementing the Splitpay App.

2. Prac Activity: Zephyr Squad (Review)

Zephyr Squadis an add-on to Jira projects to manage test activities including test scripts. It is a Flexible test management tool for Agile teams.

You will be using Zephyr Squad to record test scripts for Assignment 1.

Here is the list of tasks you are supposed to do in this section:

Task 1: Add Zephyr Squad to Jira

Task 2: Create a simple test case

Task 3: Add a test cycle

Task 4: Execute the test cases

Task 5: Export and analyze the reports

You can look at the test processes in Zephyr using the following link:


3. Prac Activity: Junit Part 1 – Simple Calculator

3.1. The tutor will conduct a brief class discussion about what unit testing is and why it is needed and how we can create a unit test using Junit.

3.2. You will be asked to open Java IDE, IntelliJ. If you don’t have it, you can download the Educational/Enterprise edition from here.

3.3. The tutor will help you to create a simple calculator project and create few test cases for that and show you how to run the test cases including one fail test and one pass test.

The tutor will demonstrate and walk through these notations:

   @Test to denote the test method (or test case)




