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ISYS1085-1087 Software Testing


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Course code and name: ISYS1085- 1087 Software Testing

Assessment name: Junit/Static Analysis

Assessment type: Individual

Submission Type: Written report

Report Length: Less than or equal to 2 pages.

Assessment Marks: 4

Perform an individual review of the functional specification using a checklist-based review. The checklist is as follows:

1. Do all requirements give sufficient detail needed for determining the expected results for tests? 2. Are all dependencies and restrictions specified?

3. Are alternatives specified for all options?

Make a list of potential defects in the specification, noting the severity level of each (High, Medium, or Low). Note which checklist question has found the defect.

Functional requirements

This specification describes the required functionality of the SplitPay application.


When the application is installed and runs for the very first time, the user is presented with an initial registration/welcome screen. This screen prompts the user to create an account on the SplitPay server using the email address associated with his/her/they Google account. The user also enters “Display Name”, which will be the name that is shown as their handle within the group. Completing this process will create and store an account for the user on the SplitPay server, enabling all of the application’s synchronization capabilities.


The “Groups” screen will be the main screen of the application. From this screen, users will be able to  view and manage existing groups. Groups maybe created by adding members from the users contacts  or by manually entering an email address and name. The creator of a group is designated as the “Leader” of the group. The Leader is responsible for confirming transactions submitted by other members of the  group and will also have the ability to stop or disband the group.


On several screens, users are given the option to create a new expense, or “Bill”, and post it to a particular group. Bills created within the application are meant to represent expenses incurred by the group in real life. Users must input a display name (e.g., “Groceries”), the associated cost, and select the individuals responsible for the expense. Once the Bill is confirmed, it is synced to the server, enabling all other SplitPay users in the group to view it.


This feature represents a real-world transaction between two or more members of a group. A common scenario would involve the user resolving his/her/they debt by making payments to other group members. The resulting changes in balances are calculated automatically and displayed for the users involved.


Push notifications is an added mechanism to provide updates and alerts from the application server to the user's  Android  device.  Whenever  a  new  expense  is  posted  in a group,  the server will broadcast notifications to all group members'phones of the new bill and each user's respective balances. Members are also notified when all debts in a group are resolved or when the leader chooses to notify all members of the group's balance.