关键词 > CGS-1000/CGS-2100

CGS-1000 Intro to Computers & Tech Fall 2023


Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit


Fall 2023

COURSE SECTION: CGS-1000 Intro to Computers & Tech

                                      CGS-2100 Computer Information Technology and Literacy

My Fall 2023 Schedule:

Mon-Wed           9:30AM - 10:45AM CGS-1000-81064

                           1:00PM - 02:15PM CGS-2100-81131

Tue-Thursday   8:00AM - 09:15AM CGS-2100-81133

Friday               8:30AM - 11:55AM CGS-2100-83126

Room:      PTEC 118 

These are NOT online classes, attendance is required!!!




These are the only times I am scheduled to be on campus, call, text or email with concerns or questions outside of these hours.

HCC Plant City Campus Ptec 118


09:00am - 09:30am

12:30pm - 01:00pm     

10:45am - 11:00 am 02:15pm - 02:30pm   


07:30am - 08:00am      

09:15am - 09:30am


09:00am - 09:30am 12:30pm - 01:00pm        

10:45am - 11:00 am 02:15pm - 02:30pm   


07:30am - 08:00am

09:15am - 09:30am


08:00am - 08:30am     

11:55am - 12:25pm

Cell Phone 813-767-1310 if you send a text, please identify yourself , I don’t have your phone numbers in my contacts J

E-mail: [email protected]   Email sent during the week will typically be answered with 24 hrs. Email sent Friday thru Sunday will not be answered until Monday. If you need help asap text me. I will respond as soon as I see it as my cell phone is not always attached to my body           

PREREQUISITE: You must have a Net Id to access the computers in the classroom and access to canvas, also computer literacy skills are highly recommended. Make sure your net Id is functional.  


HCC Canvas First Day Access: for the Sim Net and Connect Platforms


· What is the HCC First Day Inclusive Access program?

o It is an exciting program designed to save you between 40-70% on your required course materials. At the start of the term, you’ll be automatically “opted-in” to participate and receive the discount.

· How does it work?

o It’s easy! When you initially log into your Canvas course, you will already have temporary courtesy access to your digital materials. This temporary access will be terminated shortly after add/drop if you opt out. If you remain opted-in, you will retain access to your materials through the stated “product expiration date” after you activate your courseware through Canvas. The discounted rate for your course materials will be charged to your Student Account [where you see your tuition, etc.]. The charge appears shortly after add/drop. If you drop the course during the add/drop period, you are not charged.

There are two steps to set up your course(s) for the First Day™ program: (I reversed the order)

STEP 1: ALL STUDENTS! Register in McGraw-Hill Connect and SIMnet through Canvas during the first week of class.  See pp. 4-5 for detailed screenshots of the process. If you have questions or need help with this step, contact the McGraw-Hill Customer Experience Group [tech support]:

Connect + Canvas registration video tutorial

SIMnet + Canvas registration video tutorial 
800-331-5094 [All EST]

Sun: 12pm -   2am

Mon-Thurs: 24 hours

Fri: 12 am - 9pm

Sat: 10am - 8pm

STEP 2: At the start of the term, you will have automatic codeless temporary courtesy access to your section’s Connect platform. If you do nothing, you will keep your access and your student account will be charged at the discounted rate. Complete Step 1 ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KEEP the discounted course materials – OPTING-OUT MEANS YOU WILL HAVE TO PURCHASE YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS ELSEWHERE.   See pp. 2-3 for detailed screenshots of the process. If you have questions or need help with this step, contact the bookstore’s Customer Care:

· Link to Customer Care website: customercare.bncollege.com

· FAQs and Tutorial Videos for the First Day™ Program: https://tinyurl.com/firstdayfaq

· Open a ticket Online for the Customer Care team: https://tinyurl.com/customercarerequest

· Email the Customer Care team: [email protected]

Questions? : Contact your Bookstore Manager

                          Cydni Thomas

                     [email protected]  

** if you opt out the codes are sold as a package at the plant city bookstore. You may also find our text package at some of the off-campus bookstores all will be more expensive than the first day offer.

Printing On Campus

If you are using Employee ID/Student ID to sign on to the copier, you will be prompted for a 6-digit pin code. Initial pin code is set to employee’s birth 2-digit month and 4 digit year. We encourage you to sign on to MyHCC portal and, using the link for HawkPRINT in the HCC Links section, and click on the User Options to change your PIN code. 

You can also use your HawkCard or NetID email/password to sign on to the copier. There is no change to these options. 

Additional change for HCC students: Beginning with the start of the Fall 2019 term (Aug 19th), students will be provided a $1.50 credit per month for printing/copying. Students can use this credit to print/copy black & white or colored pages. This credit will be provided on the 1st of every month for every enrolled student. Unused credit will not be carried over to next month. 

Students will be charged for any additional copies as follows. 

BW Single-Sided 


BW Double-Sided 


Color Single-Sided 


Color Double-Sided 


Students can use the HawkPRINT system to add additional funds to their account. They can also access the HawkPRINT system using MyHCC portal. 

The change in student printing is being communicated to students-by-Students Services. More information can be found on the Employee Intranet under Network Services.

Schedule :

Canvas is used extensively in this course. You will find quizzes, assignments, exams, this syllabus, and a schedule are in canvas under files. The schedule details every class in the event you miss a class; you will know what assignments you missed or what quizzes you missed.  Due to the medical situation and possible weather issues, work is open for the whole semester.

We will use Microsoft 365, (which you can download  free from my HCC).  Lessons, exams, and hands on projects will be completed in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Access. We will focus on the use of computers in a business environment.

This is an introductory course in Computers and Technology. To complete this course, it’s presumed that the student understands the basics of the Internet and how to maneuver around it.  In addition, I will present the latest in technology as it happens during lectures and the impact of technology on your chosen careers to aid you in planning your future. The world is changing direction daily due to the release of new technology. I also stress the impacts to financial Markets as they react swiftly as new technology is released.  Cga2100 is more business focused than CGS100.  

Technical Requirements:

As A student enrolled in CGS2100 you are responsible for regularly accessing Canvas and familiarizing yourself with the navigation of the LMS (Learning Management System Canvas). Training material is provided in the getting started module of Canvas. Canvas will be used extensively in the course.

 The student will need a COMPUTER (not just a Cell Phone) at home or work with reliable Internet access (or has adequate time to utilize the computers in the plant city other computer labs), have access to e-mail services, has (or will obtain) an e-mail account. No you cannot do the assignments using a cell phone or tablet (unless the tablet can have office 365 installed on it) In addition Mac’s version of office may not let you complete the exercises. I normally open quizzes after the class and exams, yes you can work on them at home.


A general introduction to the computer and information processing.  Basic hardware and software concepts are covered.  Main topics include an overview of data representation, the central processing unit, media, operating systems, file organization, networks, the Internet and WWW, and environment, privacy, and health-related issues.  This is primarily a lecture/discussion course. The course also includes computer application exercises.  This is an introductory course to Computers and Technology. To complete this course, it’s presumed that the student understands the basics of the Internet and how to maneuver around it.  In addition, I present the latest in technology as it happens during lectures and the impacts of technology on your chosen careers to aid you in planning your future. The world is changing direction weekly due to the release of new technology. I also stress impacts to financial Markets as they react swiftly as new technology is released.  

Course outcomes

Course Intended Outcomes: CGS-1000

· Recognize the prevalent input / output devices and associated media.

· Recognize the prevalent secondary storage devices and associated media.

· Name the three generations of computers and the hardware and software associated with each.

· Name the three functions of any data processing unit.

· Define word processing and compare and contrast it with data processing.

· Compare and contrast hardware and software.

· Define and show relationships between fields, records, and files.

· Describe the common types of processing: control break reporting, selecting summarizing, and classifying.

· List and explain the common computer codes (EBCDIC and ASCII).

· Explain how the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit work.

· Define RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory).

· Compare and contrast batch processing and transaction oriented processing.

· Compare and contrast intelligent terminals and dumb terminals.

· Define POS (Point of Sale) system.

· Compare and contrast sequential access and random access and tell which media have which access.

· List and define the components of a data communications system.

· List the primary data communication channels.

· Describe various line configurations in a data communications system.

· Define a database and query language.

· Define distributed data processing.

· List and explain the phases in a system analysis and design.

· Define a computer program.

· Explain the steps necessary in developing a program.

· Compare and contrast flow charts and pseudocodes.

· List the most widely used higher level languages and give the types of applications each is primarily used for.

· Define a compiler.

· Define an operating system.

· Define virtual storage.

· Participate in "hands-on" application programs on a microcomputer

· Define and give examples of optical character recognition 

Instructional methodologies

(e.g. lecture, audio visuals, small group discussions, quizzes, etc.)

The class covers 2 books which are on-line text the first text Is CONNECT there are 22 chapters covered during the semester via PowerPoint lectures. The student is expected to review the chapter prior to the lecture.  There are quizzes, and final exam for these chapters through the semester . A detailed daily class schedule is provided, so the student knows what we covered and will cover and when. The second text Is SimNet, this is and online training system that contains Lessons , exams and projects for Word , Power Point , Excel and Access . I go through the lessons in class and I work thru the projects in class. The student is responsible for the exams and projects and these exams and projects are all due at the end of the semester 

GRADING:  warning, Grade points may differ during the semester due to weather or other uncontrollable factors!  

Connect book has a quiz assigned in canvas for each chapter covered and 1exam.

Simnet book has 12 exams and 11 Projects which make up 75% of the points.

 1450– Points – (you have 80 extra credit points that can be earned)

         Scale for Final Grade:































Your 2022-2023y HCC Catalog is located under files Help in CANVAS

Grading: From HCC catalog

Students will be awarded letter grades for courses taken at HCC.

Grades used in computing GPA:

Grade Interpretation Point Value

A        Excellent              4

B        Good                    3

C        Average               2

D        Poor                     1

F         Failure                 0

Grade Point Average: From HCC Catalog

Each letter grade has a point value. To determine grade point average (GPA), one multiplies the number of points for each grade earned times the number of the course’s credits, adds the total grade-point values for all courses, then divides by the total number of credit hours.  A “B” (three points) in a three-credit course is worth nine points. An “A” (four points) in the same three-credit course is worth 12 points.

9+12/6 = 3.5 GPA There is nothing above a 4.0 average

Attendance Policy:

Attendance will be taken by sign-in sheet on the back desk. Please follow HCC guidelines if you are sick. DO NOT COME TO CLASS SICK.

Students are required to attend class regularly and punctually. If students miss classes, regardless of the cause, their opportunities for learning and academic success will be adversely affected. Due to weather factors, traffic and the wonderful Plant City Trains I give extra credit for attendance I do not deduct points for missing class. Most of the work can be done in class or at home. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange to make up work missed because of absence or lateness. If students stop attending class, they will be assigned a letter grade unless they complete and submit a withdrawal form by the deadline published in the current catalog and credit course schedule.  Students receiving financial aid are advised to discuss the impact of not attending classes on their financial aid or veterans’ benefits.

Missed  Exams/quiz: Everything is open till the last day of class due to pandemics and possible weather related closers . Do not wait till the last week of class to start the exams or projects you won’t make it .

Nothing will be accepted after THE LAST DAY OF CLASS.


Grades are on canvas you can check if you are missing assignments. You can see that daily on canvas. Check Canvas grades and any assignment with points you need to complete you will see reading lessons no points are awarded for reading  Also you will see extra credit has 0 if you turn in extra credit, I will put points out there for you. Use your schedule I provided to you in the welcome email for scheduling out your required assignments Do NOT wait till the last week to work on assignments, as It will take you over 80-100 hours to complete the assignments.

To check grades in canvas since due dates for project and project exams are at the end of the semester you may see a very high grade if you are keeping up with the quizzes. Do not be misled into thinking it is ok to not do anything else. You will find at the end of the semester when all assignments and exams are due that your grade will drop from high to very low. To check on your average by clicking on grades you will see in the upper right corners the first pic below then uncheck Calculate based, for the real average. If you are doing the project exams and projects based on our class schedule you will see this increase each week.


Lab Rules:


CELL PHONES – ringer, must be turned off during class, unless otherwise instructed.

Secondary conversations just distract everyone. Please keep to a minimum it can wait till after class or a break. If you need to take a call please just get up and take it outside, If you need the restroom or have to leave class early just go no need to ask permission.

**Food and beverages are not permitted around the workstations  

Instruction Methods. This course is primarily a lecture/discussion course, with computer applications exercises (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, database, and web research. Collaborative learning techniques will be used to supplement learning. You are Required to read each chapter (module) prior to the lecture.

Cell Phones: Please turn down ringers if you have to accept a call please exit the class, you can always walk out of the class no need to ask.

Thank you in advance.  

Recording: Students may, without prior notice, record video or audio of a class lecture for a class in which the student is enrolled for their own personal educational use.  A class lecture is defined as a formal or methodical oral presentation as part of an HCC course intended to present information or teach enrolled students about a particular subject. Recording class activities other than class lectures, including but not limited to lab sessions, student presentations (whether individually or part of a group), class discussion (except when incidental to and incorporated within a class lecture), clinical presentations such as patient history, academic exercises involving student participation, test or examination administrations, field trips, private conversations between students in the class or between a student and the faculty member, and invited guest speakers is prohibited.  Recordings may not be used as a substitute for class participation and class attendance and may not be published or shared without the written consent of the faculty member.  Failure to adhere to these requirements may constitute a violation of the HCC Student Code of Conduct.

Homework/Classwork Assignment Submission Quizzes

· We have class time set aside for reading, exams, projects and quizzes; some you may not get done in class but you can do them at home if you wish.

· There are extra credit assignments for you in case you need them and can be turned in anytime up until the last day of class.

· It is your responsibility to make up quizzes and assignments all can be made up but must be made up before the end of the semester.

UPSWING Tutoring online services 

As of August 17 2023, HCC will officially switch its online tutoring provider to Upswing. Service from the previous provider, Pearson Smarthinking, will technically be available through August 31, but for the sake of continuity throughout the semester, please encourage your students to use only Upswing for the Fall 2023 semester.

Instructions for student to access Upswing (the Upswing log in page has quick tutorials for students about how to schedule a session and how to submit a writing sample for feedback):

To access Upswing, follow the links in any of the following location:

· The course menu of any Canvas course (if your instructor has made it visible)

· Your Account menu in Canvas (first icon under the HCC seal in the blue, left navigation)


· Student Information Hub (Intranet/SharePoint)

· Or directly through this link: https://hccfl.upswing.io

Click Log in near the upper right corner of the screen. In the pop-up box, start typing “Hillsborough Community College”. HCC will pop up as an option after typing just 5 or 6 letters. Select the college and enter your HCC credentials (HCC email address and password). Quick tutorial videos on the log in page demonstrate how to do basic tasks in Upswing.

Academic Dishonesty:
Cheating, plagiarism, and any other misrepresentation of one’s work product is prohibited.  The academic area where an infraction allegedly occurs will initiate the College disciplinary procedures.

Students must work individually on all projects; however, communication and teamwork is an essential business skill. I have no problem with students assisting each other with creating projects or working on homework.  Remember using someone else's work in a project is cheating and will receive an automatic "F" for that project for all parties involved. You must follow the academic honesty policy for HCC. I take these matters very seriously.

In addition, projects/exams are auto graded within Sam, your Mac may not work. Cheating detection is a built-in component of SAM 365 system. Every student must download their own copy of the project file and complete each step on their own prior to submitting. If files are shared (or if content is copied and pasted from another file, Including the instruction file) I receive notice of all parties involved and all parties will fail.  


 Adequate access to a computer with Internet access is essential. All computers in our classroom and in the Open Computer Lab are connected to the Internet:

 It is the student’s responsibility to maintain their user Id and password and to monitor HCC email for notice that the id requires a password change.  

There are computers available for use in the library, in the public library, and here at the Plant City Open Computer Lab PTEC-116. Adequate access to a computer with Internet access is essential. In addition, all software packages required have been installed on our network. Most of the coursework can be completed on any computer available to the student, which has Windows 10 Internet Explorer 10.0 (or higher).  The current version of Microsoft Office 365/2019(word excel PowerPoint Access) is required. All Assignments and extra credit must be completed using this version of the software, Mac versions of Office will not work with the ACCES projects (it will work for the access exams.) 

Microsoft office 365 for free!!

Each student can install and use Office on up to five machines being Mac or PC. You can also run Office Mobile for Android or Office Mobile for iPhone on up to five mobile devices.


Classes 16 week
Drop Add 8/21 –8/25/2023.
Deadline for Refund 8/25/2023
Last Day to Withdraw 09/11/2023
(If you have attended one class session it’s up to you to withdraw)
Term Ends 12/12/2023

Classes 12 week
Drop Add 9/18 –9/22/2023.
Deadline for Refund 9/22/2023
Last Day to Withdraw 11/08/2023
(If you have attended one class session it’s up to you to withdraw)
Term Ends 12/12/2023

MyHCC (canvas)

Preferred Browser: Latest stable release of Google chrome.

First Step: All First-Time user must validate their account at https://netid.hccfl.edu

Your Username: Your full Hawkmail email address (ex: [email protected]

Your password: Your Netid password

If you have difficulty logging into Myhcc you will need to contact HCCLive

(http://hcclive.hccfl.edu) or 1-877-736-2575; press 2 for technical assistance.

Please contact Canvas Support if you have difficulty using MHCC (Canvas) You may reach them 24/7 at 1844-408-6462

If you are trying to access the book, MAKE SURE YOUR POP up Blocker is off!!

Equity Statement:

Hillsborough Community College is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. HCC does not discriminate based on race, color, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, or any other legally protected characteristics. Should you require assistance or accommodation due to disability, contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD) at your campus. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you may contact Annazette Houston, Chief Diversity Officer at (813) 253-7043. 

For more information regarding equity and diversity at HCC, please visit http://www.hccfl.edu/about-us/equity-and-diversity/equity-hcc

Request for Accommodation: If you want to participate in this course and you require accommodation due to a physical disability or learning impairment, you must bring it to my attention prior to the second class. You will also need to contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities. The office is located in Student Services Building, Room 101C 1206 North Park Road Plant City, FL 33566-2799 Phone: (813)757-2209
Fax: (813)253-7910 These request must be submitted to the instructor within one week of the start of class IN ADDITION  you must meet with me to discuss what adjustments need to be made .

“I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.”  Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)