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CFS Economics Research Essay: Macroeconomics


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CFS Economics

Research Essay: Macroeconomics

Due date: Thursday 21st September 11.59 pm (NZ time)

Assessment Weighting: 10%

Word Count: No more than 1,000 words

Research Essay Topic and Focus:

RBNZ hikes OCR

The Monetary Policy Committee today voted to raise the Official Cash Rate (OCR) from 5.25% to 5.50%.

The Committee agreed the level of interest rates are constraining spending and inflation pressure. The OCR will need to remain at a restrictive level  for the foreseeable future, to ensure that consumer price inflation returns to the 1% to 3% annual target range, while supporting maximum sustainable employment.

The New Zealand dollar rallied before the announcement.

RBNZ, 24 May 2023 (adapted)

Answer the following questions in your essay:

1. Define the official cash rate (OCR) and monetary policy.

Describe the trends of New Zealand’s OCR in the past 20 years.

2. Research (using relevant resources) and explain the reason(s) why the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) decided to increase the OCR from 2021 to 2023.

3. Explain, with reference to your graphs and relevant resources, the impact of increasing OCR on NZ households, NZ firms and the NZ$ exchange rate.

•    Draw a fully labelled AD/AS graph to show the eventual effect(s) of the increased OCR on NZ households and firms.

•    Draw a fully labelled Demand/Supply graph for NZ$ to show the effect of increasing the OCR on the value of the NZ$.

4.  Evaluate the current monetary policy.

Research and explain how a tight monetary policy impacts inflation and economic growth in NZ.




Statement of intention - very brief outline of how you will answer the question (state the economic models you will use) .

BODY (in four parts)

Part A:

Define official cash rate (OCR)

Describe the trends of OCR during the past 20 years.

This should be brief and include the following:

1)  Definition of relevant economic terms. (RBNZ, OCR, PTA, Monetary policy).

2)  Illustrate your descriptions using an appropriate economic model. Write a brief explanation of the graph.

3)  State how registered banks will react to OCR changes and what that means to the NZ economy.

Part B:

Investigate the reasons for the increased OCR from 2021 to 2023.

Research and explain the eventual impacts on NZ households and NZ firms when RBNZ decides to increase OCR.

This should include the following:

1)  A fully labelled AD/AS graph.

2)  Explain the impacts on NZ households and NZ firms with at least two citations, correctly formatted using APA (7th  Edition).

Part C:

Research and explain the effects on NZ$ exchange rate and overseas markets when RBNZ decides to increase OCR.

This should include the following:

1)  A fully labelled Demand/supply graph.

2)  Explain the effects on the NZ$ exchange rate and oversea markets with at least two citations, correctly formatted using APA (7th  Edition).

Part D:

Evaluate the current monetary policy and explain the effect(s) on inflation and economic growth in NZ.

This should include the following:

1)  Identify whether it is a loosen or tighten monetary policy.

2)  Explain the effects on the NZ economy focusing on inflation and economic growth with at least one citation, correctly formatted using APA (7th  Edition).

3)  Reference to the AD/AS graph in part B.

CONCLUSION - Give a brief conclusion, to sum up, the intention of your essay.

BIBLIOGRAPHY - Use APA format (7th  Edition) for any citations and the preparation of your bibliography.


Page 1:

(Centre Heading) Research Essay:  Macroeconomics

(Two line spaces)

(Centre each with double spacing)

-     Name:

-     ID number:

-     Course Name:

-     Teacher’s Name:

-     Due date:

(Two line spaces)

(Copy the following to your title page)

•    Define the official cash rate (OCR) and monetary policy. Describe the trends of OCR in the past 20 years.

•    Research and explain the reason(s) for the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) to decide to increase OCR from 2021 to 2023.

•    Explain the impacts of increasing OCR on New Zealand households, New Zealand firms and the NZ$ exchange rate.

•    Evaluate the current monetary policy. Research and explain how it impacts inflation and economic growth in New Zealand.

Page 2+


-   Statement of intention – very brief.

(Two line spaces before the next heading - Body).

(Heading) BODY

(Two line spaces before Part A heading).

(Heading) Part A

- any ideas, graphs or data that are copied must have correctly formatted APA (7th Edition) citations and included in the bibliography.

(Two line spaces before Part B heading)

(Heading) Part B

- any ideas, graphs or data that are copied must have correctly formatted APA (7th Edition) citations and included in the bibliography. Two citations are required for Part B.

(Two line spaces before Part C heading)

(Heading) Part C

- any ideas, graphs or data that are copied must have correctly formatted APA (7th Edition) citations and included in the bibliography. Two citations are required for Part C.

(Two line spaces before Part C heading)

(Heading) Part D

- any ideas, graphs or data that are copied must have correctly formatted APA (7th Edition) citations and included in the bibliography. One citation is required for Part D.

(Two line spaces before the Conclusion heading)


– A summary that refers back to your essay’s intention.

Last page


– UseMassey University NZ APA 7th Editionto assist you to generate the APA (7th Edition) format for the bibliography.


No more than 1000 words.


•   Your essay must be word-processed, using MICROSOFT WORD.

•    Headings: Times New Roman or Arial. Use a 14-point font.

•    Body of your essay:  Times New Roman or Arial. Use a 12-point font.

•    Double line spacing

•    Normal margins

•    Pages should be numbered

•    In-text citations - APA format (7th  Edition)

•    Bibliography - APA format (7th  Edition)


Cannot be drawn free hand on your submitted Microsoft Word document. They must be drawn free-hand or electronically drawn and inserted into your essay document.


•  Use in-text citations (APA 7th  Edition), as required, in your essay.

•  Include a Bibliography (APA 7th  Edition) at the end of your essay.

•  It is important for you to understand what plagiarism is and the consequences of this. You must use your own words as much as possible.

•  Please complete the Academic Honesty Declaration in the Teams Assignment: Research Essay - Macroeconomics.

Evidence of plagiarism may be penalised.


•  Upload your Microsoft Word document to the Assignment set up in Teams.

•  You have only ONE attempt to submit.

•  Your name must be included in the file name.

•  Late submissions will be penalised.

•  Files not uploaded into Assignments in Teams will be penalised.

24 hours late


48 hours late


72 hours late


More than 72 hours late

Zero for Reading Review


Have I:

•  Saved the Word document with the correct file name?

•  Checked the margins are on Normal?

•  Used the correct font and font size?

•  Formatted my essay into double line spacing?

•  Inserted page numbers?

•  Included a title page?

•  Included an introduction?

•  Answered all four questions?

•  Followed the Essay Formatting instructions?

•  Kept within the 1,000-word count?

•  Followed the Essay Presentation requirements?

•  Included a conclusion?

•  Included in-text citations using APA (7th  Edition) format, where required, for any material I have used?

•  Included a bibliography using APA (7th  Edition) format?

•  Completed the Academic Honesty Declaration in the Assignment in Teams?

•   Have I uploaded my FINAL answer into the Teams Assignment?









Evidence of ALL six


Your Name

Your ID Number

Course Name

Teacher’s Name

Due Date

Evidence of five

Evidence of four

Evidence of three






The introduction states

the intention of the essay and clearly specify the

approach the questions will be answered.

The introduction states

the intention of the essay but does not adequately specify the approach as to how the questions will be answered.

The introduction state the intention of the essay but does not specify the

approach as to how the

questions will be


Attempted but there is no

clear introduction or

approach how the

questions will be
