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Programming Languages and Techniques HW 2: Supermarket


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Programming Languages and Techniques

HW 2: Supermarket

HW deadline as per Canvas.

This assignment deals with the following topics:

● Ge2ng user input

● Error checking

● Variables & data types ●Condi?onals

General Idea of the Assignment

In this assignment, you will implement a supermarket shopping “game”.

Imagine  you  are  shopping  in  a  supermarket.  This  supermarket  sells  only  four  items:  loHery  ?ckets, apples,  cans of beans, and soda. LoHery ?ckets cost $2 each, apples cost $0.99 each, cans of beans cost $1.58  each, and sodas cost $1.23 each.

You have $5 to start with. At the beginning of your shopping trip, you are offered the opportunity to buy a loHery ?cket for a chance to win $2-$10. You are then sequen?ally asked whether you want to buy apples,  cans  of  beans,  and  sodas.  If  you  choose  to  purchase  an  item,  you  are  asked  to  specify  the quan?ty    of  this  product.  At the end of your shopping trip, you are  provided with  a  list  of  products purchased and  how much money you have leW.

NOTEHandle nega?ve input from user as invalid input. If nega?ve inputs are not handled correctly(for instance, user asks to buy apples of quan?ty -7), it might result in a state where the shopper has more money leW aWer all their purchase than what they started with. Don’t let your supermarket run out of business!!

Provided program implementa4on:

We have provided a supermarket.py skeleton file which includes:

1. 4 defined variables storing the unit price of an individual loHery ?cket, the unit price of an

individual apple, the unit price of an individual can of beans, and the unit price of an individual soda.

a. Use these variables throughout your program to reference the unit prices of specific items.

2. 2 defined variables storing the ini?al money the user has and the money the user has spent.  a.  Use these variables throughout your program to keep track of the total amount of  money the user has leW and the amount of money the user is currently spending on a  par?cular   item.

3. 4 defined variables storing the amounts of loHery ?ckets, apples, cans of beans, and sodas the user has purchased.

a. Use these variables throughout your program to keep track of the quan??es of the items being purchased.

Program logic:

1. The user will be given $5 to start shopping

2. First, print a welcome message to the user along with a list of products and their unit prices. 3. Next, tell the user how much money they have available and ask if they want to purchase a   loHery ?cket.

a. If the user inputs “y” or “Y”, process a loHery ?cket purchase (see Step 3b). If the user

inputs anything else (e.g. “ n” or “ N”), print a message saying that no loHery ?ckets were purchased and move on to the next item.

b. If the user chooses to purchase a loHery ?cket, you will need to use the random

module. The probability that the user wins the loHery is 33%. You can generate a random int from 0-2 to simulate this probability.

i. If the user loses, print a message informing them that they did not win the

loHery, and move on to the next item. Remember to deduct the $2 the user

spent on the loHery ?cket from their available money and increase the amount of loHery ?ckets purchased by 1.

ii. If the user wins, you then need to calculate their winnings. You can use

winnings = random.randint(2, 10) to generate a random int from   2  – 10 and store it in a variable "winnings". Consider this money earned and add it back to the money the user has available. Remember to also deduct the $2

the user spent on the loHery ?cket and increase the amount of loHery ?ckets   purchased by 1. Finally, print a congratulatory message to the user telling them the value of the loHery ?cket.

4. Next, tell the user how much money they have available and ask if they want to purchase apples.

a. If the user inputs “y” or “Y”, process an apple purchase (see Step 4b). If the user inputs

anything else (e.g. “ n” or “ N”), print a message saying that no apples were purchased and move on to the next item.

b. If the user chooses to purchase apple(s), ask them how many they want to buy.

i. You should cast the input to an integer and catch the error if the input cannot  be  cast to an integer. In this case, ignore the input, print a friendly message  reminding the user that only numerical values are accepted and move on to the  next item.

ii. If the user entered valid integer input, calculate the money they will need to  pay. To do this, use the unit price of the item and the desired amount of the

item. Then print the amount the user wants to purchase and how much it will  cost. For

example, “The user wants to buy 1 apple(s). This will cost $0.99.”

If the user doesn"t have enough money to pay, print “ Not enough money” and

move on to the next item. If the user has enough money, add the number of

apple(s) purchased to the variable represen?ng the total amount of apples that  the user has purchased

and decrease the money that the user has leW.

5. Repeat Step 4 for cans of beans and for sodas.

6. At the end of the shopping trip, tell the user how much money they have leW and print the

following informa?on as well: number of loHery ?ckets purchased, amount of loHery winnings

(this should be $0 if the user did not purchase a ?cket or did not win the loHery), number of

apple(s) purchased, number of can(s) of beans purchased, number of soda(s) purchased.

Program Output

Print out what the program is doing as it goes along. We have provided a template_behavior.txt file which  shows some sample runs of the program -- yours should provide similar information.

Note, at any point when you are prin?ng how much money the user has leW, or how much an item will

cost, you can round the resul?ng float values. To round a float, You can use Python"s built-in round

func?on. For example:

round(12374/621) #rounds to the nearest integer, which is

20 round(45.367, 2) #rounds to 2 decimal places, which is



Your submission should include:

supermarket.py - the source code for your game

This file must include a header, in the form of a mul?-line comment at the top of your script, that contains (each on its own line):

o Your name

o Your Penn ID

o Statement of work. Either:

A list of resources you used and/or people you received help from

(including TAs/Instructor)

A statement that you worked alone without help


Correctness - 20 pts

Does the game work as expected? Did you follow the direc?ons exactly? Is your math correct? If the

user doesn"t have enough money or the user enters invalid input, does the program work well (and print a useful message)? Do you print welcome/goodbye messages with clear informa?on for the user?

Comments – 2 pts

Did you add clear and descrip?ve comments to all non-trivial lines of code?