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QCD110 Research Report


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QCD110 Research Report


"Reports are used to help make decisions or account for actions. Reports use research to make recommendations for action" (QUT cite/write, 2017, para. 2).

You are required to prepare the initial part of the final research report which responds to the scenario below. Your report must be based on relevant and current academic secondary research only, using resources accessed via the QUT library catalogue. You will use feedback on this task to produce a higher quality final research report.


Globalisation has had a dramatic influence on the way in which businesses achieve growth and market dominance. Corporate success now relies on institutions adopting practices to meet the demands of these new challenges. While organisations employ varied methods to increase success, employee performance is often acknowledged to be the most crucial. This is essential for both companies and individual workers to recognise, as strategies to enhance employee skills will directly relate to an organisations’ profits.

In the real world of business, an individual must be able to work as a member of a dynamic team to more effectively promote and develop the business that they are working for. This is an essential aspect of workplace productivity which requires employees to demonstrate various competencies to ensure teamwork is successful (Kaplan & Waller, 2020, p. 94).

Businesses invest a great deal of time and money in the professional development of their staff to ensure the knowledge and experience of their workers better meet the ever-growing demands of stakeholders, while also creating a positive and productive working environment.

As part of your contracted work for Global Services, you are to investigate four skills which employees require to achieve successful teamwork in your chosen industry (related to your faculty study – see below). Your analysis requires you, as the researcher, to argue why your selected skills are the most important for successful teamwork. As part of your investigation the client, Ms Valeria Garcia, Human Resources Director, Global Services, requires recommendations which will identify how to develop these skills in their employees.

Focus your four chosen skills on the industry (faculty) that you are currently studying at QUT College:

· Business

· Creative Industries

· Engineering

· Health Sciences

· Information Technology

Kaplan, S. A., & Waller, M. J. (2020). Reliability through resilience in organizational teams. In R. Ramanujam, & K.

Roberts [Eds.], Organizing for reliability: A guide for research and practice (pp. 90–117). Stanford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781503604537-006

You are required to:

1. Explain the context and purpose of the report and justify using secondary evidence the importance of the semester topic. (1.0 Introduction).

2. Identify 4 teamwork skills (subtopics) that are necessary for successful teamwork in your chosen industry. Within each of the subtopics, identify one key point/method to show how employees should perform this skill and justify using secondary evidence how it will achieve successful teamwork in your chosen industry (2.0 Discussion).  

3. Reflect on your work and gather peer feedback to improve the quality of your submission.

4. Show a draft of this assessment item the week before the due date.

Using the words of others:

§ You are required to have at least 5 academic sources in your reference list.

§ The sources should ONLY be accessed via the QUT Library Catalogue.

§ The best guide to avoid the possibility of plagiarism is to cite anytime that you use the words or ideas of others.

§ The minimum expectations for your report are –

· 1 citation in 1.1 Background

· 1 citation in each 2.0 Discussion paragraph. In-text citations and the Reference list must be in the correct APA style. Use QUT Cite|Write APA to guide your formatting. 

Preliminary Research Report 3a

Assessment item: Preliminary research report

Length: Approx. 600 words

(This will be used in your final report and will form part of your final word count approx. 1400 words.)

Format: As below and per supplied template. Arial or Calibri 12 font with 1.5 line spacing throughout.

Weight: 20%

Due date:  Week 9     Monday 18th September 2023 by 11:59 pm 

Preliminary research report structure

Title page

Table of contents

1.0 Introduction (250 words)

1.1 Background

Opening paragraph of the report. It should include the following:

- What the issue is (broad to narrow)

A citation to validate the importance of the semester topic

- Client details

- Why the issue is important to the client

- Date for the report to be finished

1.2 Purpose

The client's broad and narrow objective.

2.0 Discussion (4 x 100 words)

2.1 Subtopic one:

This should include: A topic sentence that introduces the first subtopic and links it to the semester topic. Followed by one key point (method), with supporting secondary evidence, justifying how it will lead to success.

2.2 Subtopic two:

This should include: A topic sentence that introduces the second subtopic and links it to the semester topic. Followed by one key point (method), with supporting secondary evidence, justifying how it will lead to success.

2.3 Subtopic three:

This should include: A topic sentence that introduces the third subtopic and links it to the semester topic. Followed by one key point (method), with supporting secondary evidence, justifying how it will lead to success.

2.4 Subtopic four:

This should include: A topic sentence that introduces the fourth subtopic and links it to the semester topic. Followed by one key point (method), with supporting secondary evidence, justifying how it will lead to success.

Reference list

Cite at least 5 academic sources. 

QCD110 3A Preliminary report feedback and reflection form              Name:                                                                              Student Number:


Criterion Standard 5


Self-Assessment pre-submission against criterion


Peer assessment pre-submission

Student name: ______________

Student number:  ___________

Self-assessment post-submission reflecting on tutor feedback and performance.

(This column is completed after receiving your grade. It will require you to access and read your tutor feedback.)

Content 50%

Relevant content supported by a competent use of sources.

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background

Opening paragraph of the report. It should include the following:

What the issue is (broad to narrow)

A citation to validate the importance of the semester topic.

Who the client is

Why the issue is important to the client

Date for the report to be finished

1.2 Purpose

The client's broad and narrow objective.


2.0 Discussion

Focused on the semester topic.

Each entry:  1 x supporting method with a citation.



Integrated and clearly linked to supporting method, providing justification.

Academic, current (last 10 years) sources selected.


Do you feel you have met this criterion at a grade of 5 standard?  Yes/No.     Above/Below? Standard: _____


Describe what you did well:










Explain what you could improve:


Has this student met this criterion at a grade of 5 standard? Yes/No.      Above/Below? Standard: ____


Describe what this student did well:










Explain what this student could improve:

What aspect of this criterion do you need to improve?

















How will you improve on this skill?






Language 10%

Academic language use is a mix of simple and complex structures, and used mostly accurately.

Coherent language


Sentence clarity

Academic language


Language features

Hedging, argument, referring

Do you feel you have met this criterion at a grade of 5 standard?  Yes/No.     Above/Below? Standard: _____


Describe what you did well:





Explain what you could improve:


Has this student met this criterion at a grade of 5 standard? Yes/No.      Above/Below? Standard: ____


Describe what this student did well:



Explain what this student could improve:

What aspect of this criterion do you need to improve?







How will you improve on this skill?