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AT2 Programming Project


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AT2 Programming Project

Formative Project:


1. Your teacher will provide you with a Scratch file named “Formative Project start.sb3” at the beginning of your class. You need to download and save it to your computer.

2. Your teacher will show you how the sprites and any variables will behave in the completed program. Watch and listen carefully so you understand the required behaviour of the sprites and variables.

3. Open the Scratch file you have downloaded using the Scratch 3 Desktop and create scripts for the sprites in the Scratch file you have been given, so your program will behave in the ways described below. 

a. The following describes the behaviour of the green Button sprite.

i. The green Button sprite disappears when it is clicked.  

ii. The score is set to zero when the green Button sprite is clicked.

b. The following describes the behaviour of the Dinosaur sprite.  

i. When the green Button sprite is clicked, the Dinosaur sprite will continually follow the mouse pointer across the stage.

ii. When the green Button sprite is clicked, the Dinosaur sprite changes costumes and the Dinosaur changes from appearing to have its wings folded to a situation in which the Dinosaur appears to continually flap its wings.

iii. When the Dinosaur sprite is continually following the mouse pointer and it touches the black Ground sprite, the Dinosaur ceases to flap its wings and becomes completely motionless and stands on top of the black Ground sprite with its wings folded. The x-coordinate of the Dinosaur sprite as it stands with wings folded on top of the Ground sprite is the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer when the touching of the two sprites occurred. The Dinosaur appears to stand where the touch took place.

iv. The green Button sprite becomes visible, reappearing in the same position it occupied when it was clicked, when the Dinosaur sprite touches the black Ground sprite.

v. When the Dinosaur sprite is following the mouse pointer, no part of the Dinosaur ever appears to be off the stage. All parts of the Dinosaur appear visible at all times, even when the Dinosaur sprite is in motion.

c. The following describes the behaviour of the three Balloon sprites. 

i. All three Balloon sprites become visible when the green Button sprite is clicked.  

ii. If any one of the Balloon sprites is touched by the Dinosaur sprite, the Balloon sprite becomes invisible.

iii. The score increases by one whenever the Dinosaur sprite touches any one of the Balloon sprites. The score always remains visible.

4. While attempting to complete your assessment,

a. you must not create or add any new sprites to this scratch project,

b. you must not create or add any new costumes to this scratch project,

c. you must not delete any of the variables, costumes or sprites contained in the scratch file initially provided to you which is named Formative Project start.sb3.

d. you must not change the size of any of the sprites,

e. you must not change the positions (x and y coordinates) of the green Button sprite, black Ground sprite and any of the Balloon sprites.

f. you must not change the backdrop or insert any additional backdrops into this project.

Any visual effects and code associated with any new or additional sprites or costumes will not be assessed.

5. The following describes the layout of your Code:

a. Write clear comments at the beginning of all scripts.

b. Write your code clearly and neatly, avoiding unnecessary blocks.

6. While attempting to complete your assessment, you must not use code that is executed as a consequence of clicking the flag button (which is a built-in feature of scratch). Any visual effects and code associated with the clicking of the flag button will not be assessed.

7. Save your program and rename it as “XXX Formative Project completed.sb3” where XXX is your name.

8. Submit the completed program by uploading it to Moodle before the end of the class.