关键词 > INFS7410

INFS7410 Practical


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INFS7410 Practical

Quick Start with Colab!

N.B. Colab offers free but limited computaitonal resources, and may be disconnected if you are inactive for a long time. Please check their policy of free gpu running hours, or you may need to top-up for that,   which is not covered by this course.

1. Upload your prac files into Google drive

Create a folder called, for example,  infs7410 , and then upload your zip file for each prac inside the folder.

2. Work on Colab

Open one Jupyter notebook by following the figure below.

Connect to your google drive and find your infs7410 folder as follows, the Untitled0.ipynb is the one you just created and now working on.

We then unzip the prac-week1.zip to get the prac notebook which we actually want to work on.

Go back to your google drive and open the prac-week1.ipynb

Link the notebook to your drive as in this way you can save the files downloaded and generated during your experiment, or Colab will clear your data if not connected to your cloud drive.

Refresh and check your current directory by  %cd and  !pwd in the figure, you can then download the collection with  !wget , which is fast on the cloud server.

You can then begin your pracs, if needed you can just restart the session.