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SCD1003 Strategic Career Design


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SCD1003 Strategic Career Design – Assessment Cover Sheet



 Career Plan

 Due date:



40 % of total marks

Name:                  Your Full Name

Student ID:                  

Student Email:                

Name of Tutor:

Workshop Day and Time:          Day and Time of Workshop

Semester and Campus:             Trimester 2, 2021

Title:                Career Plan

Word Count: 1,800 words. Includes everything in the body of your
assignment, such as in-text citations, headings, and sub-headings. It does not include your Cover Page, Table of Contents, Reference list, Appendices or Authentic Feedback.

Pre-Submission Checkl

This checklist is a practical reminder to help students before submitting their assessment:

1. Ensured that file name for the document I am uploading to Turnitin contains my full name. E.g. "Assessment 1_John_Smith"

2. Used quotation marks (“ …”) to indicate all direct quotes from authors and used in text references to cite these in line with Chicago referencing standards (including page numbers)

3. Used in text references to cite paraphrasing and ideas from authors in line with Chicago referencing standards (including page numbers indicating where those ideas come from the in text cited)

4. Included a complete Chicago formatted “References” list at the end of this case study, in alphabetical order by author name.

5. This assignment is my own original work, except where I have appropriately cited the original source.



1. Introduction

Introduces the topic (importance of career management) and gives some background information about the topic. Provide contextual background – the future / precarious nature of work (environmental) and your contextual background (personal). States the aim and purpose of the investigation (to construct a realistic, considered, adaptable career plan) outlines sections of the report. (Outline the nine elements of the plan).

Referencing can be used in this part for background discussion.

2. Who I am

(professional and personal life): discuss your values, your career motivations and your purpose / outlook on life. Identify what meaningful / purposeful work is. Discuss external influences on your career decision making. Use the Your Compass activity, Inheritance factor reflections, Odyssey Plans and other self-reflective activities we have encouraged you to engage with this semester.

Referencing can be used in this part, for instance, the importance of inheritance factors on career choice.

3. A career vision statement

A succinct statement outlining your ultimate career ambitions. Include your values & outlook / purpose of work. Should be 2-4 lines. For instance: 

“An ethical entrepreneur whose business projects are considered from an environmental and economic perspective to work towards greater global sustainability”.

4. A professional profile summary statement

That can be included as part of your professional identity on digital platforms (e.g. profile summary for LinkedIn). Use adjectives to describe yourself and identify your employability skill strengths.  Should be 2-3 lines. Market yourself, for example:

 “An enthusiastic, hardworking and an initiative-driven first year Commerce student at Curtin University with a passion for accountancy, seeking to engage in an increasingly dynamic finance sector”.

5. An employability skills self-evaluation

Identify the skills you possess; the skills you will need; and the skills you would like to develop. Use the EmployABILITY survey results, the  Belbin inventory, Week 1 lecture slides and any other employability skill reflections you may have completed in your tutorials to assist with this.

Referencing can be used in this part for the importance of employability skills and some future changes in your selected industry/career.

6. Career goals

Discuss how you are going to achieve them by identifying the required steps and a possible time frame. Your major, long-term goals can be split into smaller, incremental steps. Use the Career Goal Setting information sheet for further elaboration.

Long term goals:

Medium term goals:

Short term goals:

Remember, goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely

These goals should be aligned with the goals/milestones that you included in your Odyssey Plan A.


7. Timelines

Produce 2 timelines (your main pathway and an alternative pathway) as visual representations of your career plan over the next 2-3 years. Include major and a number of minor goals created in Section 6 to provide sufficient detail. Use the Career Goal Setting information sheet for assistance.

Use the Plan A and Plan B of your Odyssey Plan worksheet for this part. For each plan, break the goals down to your monthly plan. Cover the next 3 years.

Main timeline: for your main career path. Odyssey Plan A and goals created in section 6 should be incorporated in this timeline

Alternative timeline: for your alternative career path. Goals included in Odyssey Plan B should be included in this timeline.

You need to explain clearly the two different career paths. Provide a short description of what might happen to your main career choice that makes you change to the alternative choice.

8. Long term career vision

This will frame a picture for the next 5 years.  Although it may be fairly vague or general at this point in time, it is a space for on-going development in your career plan. Your Odyssey plans will also be helpful here.

9. Future proof my career

Explain how you are going to ‘future proof’ your chosen career goals.  Is your career at risk (refer to the impact of the future of work; industry reports)?  What are you going to do to ensure you remain employable?

Referencing can be used in this part. For instance, the change in the nature of work and employment and career, the models used to future proof your career (Intelligent career, life-long learning, strategic planning…)

10. Conclusion

11. Appendices

Include copies/snapshots of your compass activity, Odyssey plan and other self-reflective activities to support your plan.

Appendix 1: Employability skills result

Appendix 2: Your compass activity

Appendix 3: Gingerbread man’s inheritance factors

Appendix 4: Odyssey plan

Appendix 5: Belbin’s team roles

Appendix 6: Good Time Journal

Appendix 7: other relevant information (Employability skills reflection, Personality test…)

12. References

Use a minimum of 6 academic sources of information – industry reports, journal articles, academic books. No websites. Your list of references should be the last page of your report. Please follow Chicago 17B format.