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EGR 219: Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems (Fall 2023) Homework Assignment #1 – Part 2


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EGR 219: Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems (Fall 2023)

Homework Assignment #1 - Part 2

This assignment is worth 100 points and consists of two parts. This is Part 2, which covers the problem- solving framework. Both Part 1 and 2 are due Tuesday, September 12th  on Canvas. Code must be written in MATLAB, be well documented, and submitted as one M file using sections. You may indicate which problems belong to Part 1 or Part 2 using comments.

1. Apply the problem-solving framework from Lecture 2 Part 3 to solve the problem below. Complete all steps parts (a) through (e). Answer (a) through (c) in the header comments of your script for this problem, similar to the sun problem example given in class.

(a) Concisely state the problem to be solved.

(b) Concisely describe the input and output and their units.

(c) Derive the algorithm, i.e., describe your approach to solving this problem and any equations that needed to be derived.

(d) Implement your solution in a MATLAB script, and comment your code.

(e) And finally, be sure to test your solution before submitting.


Consider De Broglie’s equation below to compute the wavelength λ of a particle:

where λ is the wavelength in meters, h is Plank’s constant given below, v is velocity in meters, and m is mass in kilograms.

ℎ = 6.626 × 10−34   (kg m2 / s)

Through experimental observation, you’ve been able to measure an electron’s wavelength and velocity— these values are given below. Reorder the equation above to find the particle’s mass. Write MATLAB code to do these calculations and report the mass.

λ = 1. 16 × 10−12  m

v = 9.3 × 106  m/ s